Puberty is different for girls and boys. For example, girls are faced with such a phenomenon as critical days. In the people they are called monthly. They indicate that the girl has become sexually mature, ready for procreation. Every woman should know from what day to count the cycle of menstruation, their norms and deviations. Otherwise, you can miss some "female" disease or hormonal failure.
Menstruation is the exfoliation of the uterine mucosa with its subsequent excretion from the body. It is accompanied by heavy bleeding lasting from 3 to 7 days.

From what day to count the cycle of menstruation? First you need to understand what period of time we are talking about. Otherwise, you can make a serious mistake.
The menstrual cycle is the period between two "extreme" periods. With its help, you can determine the various processes occurring in the body. For example, to judge the presence of chronic diseases. Menstruation is an important process forevery mature girl.
By menstruation, they often judge the presence of hormonal failure, as well as chronic diseases. The absence of menstruation is a reason to visit a gynecologist and take a pregnancy test.
When to start the countdown
From what day is the beginning of the cycle of menstruation? Based on the foregoing, it follows that the countdown must be made from the first day of menstrual bleeding. Is that right?
Yes. A girl's monthly cycle consists of:
- direct bleeding;
- maturation of the egg in the follicle;
- release of the egg into the fallopian tubes;
- death of the unfertilized "female cell" after reaching the uterine cavity.
After that, the body prepares for the next menstruation. If fertilization has occurred, the formation of a fetal egg occurs with its subsequent attachment to the uterine cavity. Because of this, critical days will not come at the right time.

Smears or heavy discharges
From what day is the beginning of the cycle of menstruation? This question arises not only among teenage girls, but also among older women.
The thing is that the female body can behave differently in preparation for menstruation. For example, some people have bloody smears before heavy discharge. A panty liner can easily cope with them.
From what day to count the cycle of menstruation? Doctors recommend not to take into account smear marks. The beginning of the next "menstrual period"must be counted from the first day of heavy bleeding.
Types of cycles
From what day to start counting the cycle of menstruation, clearly. What else do you need to remember about it? For example, what are the norms and deviations for the menstrual cycle.
Currently, women can have the following cycles:
- short;
- normal;
- long;
- irregular.
Irregular periods and too little difference between periods are usually good reasons to see a doctor. With a normal and long cycle, there is nothing to worry about.
Norms of duration
And how to understand what kind of cycle a particular woman has? To do this, you need to know how much, on average, is the difference between menstruation under certain circumstances.
It is recommended to focus on the following norms:
- normal cycle - 28-31 days;
- short cycle - less than 21 days;
- long cycle - more than 35 days.
In the case of irregular periods, everything is clear - you can never say exactly how much the difference between critical days will be. It changes every time.
Normal deviation
How to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation? Examples of a possible break between menstruation and the moment of counting thereof are now clear. But no organism can work like a clock. Sometimes some processes in it begin a little earlier or later than the due date. This is quite normal.

Monthly comes with the same time interval, but there are exceptions. What deviation from established norms should not cause fear in a woman?
Critical days can come a week earlier or later than the due date. This is not considered a cause for panic. But a longer delay or too little break between periods (less than 2 weeks) should alert.
One day or not
The beginning of the cycle is the first day of menstruation. Usually the interval between periods from month to month will be the same. Some women believe that critical days come on the same day. Is it really so?
Not at all, although there are exceptions. Usually menstruation comes with the same interval, but in the calendar the exact date of the "X-day" shifts slightly. It's quite normal. That is why it is necessary to understand how to correctly calculate the day the next menstruation begins. Even a schoolgirl can do it!
What you need for calculations
Do you want to know the first day of your period? How to calculate the interval between critical days, as well as calculate the exact date of arrival of these?
You can use special programs and web services for this, or you can give preference to the classic method of calculating menstruation. For him, the girl will have to prepare:
- writing something (pencil, pen or marker);
- notebook;
- calendar (it's better to take a pocket calendar).
That will be enough. If web services or special"female" programs, none of this is required. All information will have to be entered using the keyboard and mouse in electronic form.

The principle of calculating the cycle of menstruation
How to count the cycle of menstruation? The calculation example presented below is just the principle of the implementation of the task. Therefore, the girl will have to substitute her data into the "formulas".
To find out when the next critical days come, you need:
- Mark the start of your period on the calendar. This must be done within 3-6 months, otherwise the data will be unreliable.
- Calculate the average number of days between critical days. It is better to write down such information in a notebook.
- From the beginning of the "extreme" menstruation, count the corresponding period of time and make a mark on the calendar.
The received date is the estimated moment of arrival of the next critical days. There is no point in counting a few cycles ahead, because the body can malfunction.
Important: some mark the duration of menstrual bleeding with a separate color on the calendar. This is done for yourself, and not for the direct calculation of the next monthly.

Same day
It happens that a woman's menstruation comes "to the day". That is, from month to month, bleeding begins at the same moment. This is not a reason to panic, everything has its own explanation.
From what day to count the cycle of menstruation, as well as how to do it, is now clear. If a girl's menstruation begins, for example, on the 16th of every month, there is no point in using the previously proposed algorithm of actions. The thing is that the menstrual cycle of such a woman will be 30-31 days. Its displacement occurs in February.
What can affect the cycle
The human body and its capabilities are still not fully understood, but scientists and doctors manage to successfully control some processes. For example, menstruation. If desired, it can be "postponed" or accelerated through the action of hormonal drugs. Also, critical days may come earlier or later under the influence of some external and internal factors. Every girl needs to remember them so that the next menstrual bleeding does not come as a complete surprise.
At the moment, the following factors affect menstruation:
- diseases and recent illnesses;
- hormonal failure;
- stress;
- experiences;
- emotional turmoil (not only negative);
- strong physical activity;
- overwork.
It is advisable to mark all these factors in the "women's calendar" or write down the relevant information in a calendar specially created for this. So it will be possible to understand why menstruation came earlier or later.

Important: if cycle failures are observed frequently, it is worth contactinggynecologist.
What can be determined by the cycle
Knowing the duration of the period between menstruation is necessary not only in order to prepare for the next critical days. With the relevant information, you can:
- Determine ovulation. It usually comes in the middle of a cycle.
- Find out when you can have unprotected sex without fear of getting pregnant. As a rule, this is the period immediately before the critical days and a week after the onset of menstruation.
- Understand on which days intimacy can lead to the conception of a child with a certain degree of probability. Spermatozoa are able to maintain mobility in the female body for a week. Sex a week or less before ovulation can lead to pregnancy. And intimacy 2-3 days after that too.
- Find out when you can and can't get certain tests. For example, hormones. They have to be taken taking into account the day of the menstrual cycle.
- Determine the likelihood of pregnancy or serious illness. In the first case, there is a significant delay in menstruation, during which menstruation does not begin.
In fact, knowing the day the menstruation cycle begins is extremely important for every woman. There is usually no problem getting the relevant data.
When not to make calculations
From what day should the menstruation cycle be counted? It is required to do this from the very beginning of menstrual bleeding.
There are times when doing the proper calculations is pointless. For example, you can not try to calculatecycle length for women with irregular periods.
Directly during puberty, you should not try to predict the beginning of the next critical days. Approximately six months or a year, the cycle in a teenager will only be established. At this moment, it can "jump" in one direction or another.
The same applies to the period of taking contraceptives and other hormonal drugs. With their help, you can influence menstruation, which means that there is no point in calculating it according to the calendar in advance.

Now it is clear from what day to count the cycle of menstruation, what it is, and why critical days may come late or ahead of schedule. This female feature should be given special attention.
Sometimes, before menstruation, girls have scant spotting of a smearing nature. Their doctors do not recommend counting as the start of your period.