Do they take tattoos into the army: the opinion of a psychiatrist

Do they take tattoos into the army: the opinion of a psychiatrist
Do they take tattoos into the army: the opinion of a psychiatrist

Frequently recruits are concerned about the question: do they take them into the army with tattoos? The purpose of this interest, of course, is the hope of being released from service. Marks on the face or neck put an end to the passage in some types of troops. Such conscripts will still find a position where there are no restrictions on a neat appearance.

Passing medical examination

In some countries, they are still wondering if they take people with tattoos into the army. In the Russian Federation there are no legislative acts restricting the service due to marks on the body. Only by tacit decisions of the leadership staff can they refuse to be assigned to combat units. And then this will be done only in order to protect the wearer of the tattoo.

tattoos for men
tattoos for men

When considering the question of whether they take with tattoos to the army, it should be remembered: any voluntary marks on the body may be the result of mental disorders. Therefore, such a recruit is necessarily examined by a psychiatrist and gives an opinion on his sanity. At the slightest suspicion of a disorder, a referral will be issued for a more thorough examination outside the walls of the neuropsychiatric dispensary.

There atthe conclusion of the doctors will already become clear whether they take them to the army with tattoos with obvious mental problems. With a positive examination, when the disorder is evident, the recruit will first be registered in the dispensary. For this period, an exemption from conscription is issued.

If you are concerned about the question of whether they take people with tattoos to the army under a contract, then you need to immediately make a reservation: there are a number of restrictions on the types of troops, and you will have to confirm mental balance. You may need to undergo additional tests in a psychoneurological dispensary. It should be remembered: the reaction of some military commanders to tattoos may be negative, but this is only due to the personality of individuals. In general, marks on the body will not affect the performance of official duties.

Do I need an exemption from the draft due to marks on the body?

Tattoos and military service are compatible. But if only once you get registered in a psycho-neurological dispensary because of them, then in the future they may not be hired for a number of civil positions. For the period while a man is registered, it will be difficult to even go abroad or obtain a permit for security activities, carrying weapons.

tattoo and Russian army
tattoo and Russian army

Face tattoos don't surprise anyone these days. But in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this issue is treated with particular importance. For example, it will be impossible to get into the police service.

Face tattoos will not get many positions. Even in normal production, they will pay attention to the appearance of an employee before they are promoted.

What drawsdoctor's attention?

The mental he alth of the conscript is questionable in a number of cases:

  • When tattoos cover a significant area of the body.
  • There are too many different kinds of marks on the face, and the appearance of a person is lost.
  • When tattoos are depicted on visible parts of the body: male or female genital organs, occult signs, slang words.
  • Marks in the field of the eyeball.
  • The body has religious texts or calls for violence, hatred, racism.
  • There are obscene language or drawings on visible parts of the body.

The psychiatrist examines each sign in detail and questions the patient. Answers are interpreted individually in each case.

Peculiarities of physical examination

Tattoos for men cannot be assessed by any legislative acts. The concept of "censorship" is often vague; many images from everyday life fall under its criteria. Psychiatrists adhere more to ethical standards, which differ significantly in the regions of the country.

tattoos and military service
tattoos and military service

The patient's sanity is assessed based on a conversation with him. The doctor listens and determines the semantic load that the conscript puts into the images depicted on his body. The correspondence between the real meaning and the imaginary one is determined.

Many drawings have a hidden meaning. This subtext is sought in them by a psychiatrist. The so-called non-verbal meaning of images can tell a lot about the problems of their owner.

Mental State Assessment Characteristics

Everyonepsychiatrists have the same criteria for assessing the he alth status of patients with tattoos. The method is based on the selection of three components:

  1. The psychiatrist describes the parameters of the image: color, tone, size of areas on the skin and their number, location.
  2. Each image on the body is classified. Its themes are determined: occultism, military, cultural affiliation, ethnic images. Based on the established group, a further direction for assessing the state of mental he alth is selected.
  3. The purpose of the drawing is judged by the semantic load. It is determined what purpose the owner pursued with the choice of this particular image.
do they take with tattoos to the army under a contract
do they take with tattoos to the army under a contract

The last group is of primary importance. The semantic content is largely decisive. Groups of drawings have been established, during the application of which a person in most cases has mental problems.

Meaningful content of images

Statistics of psychological diseases showed how many people had mental problems in percentage terms and what kind of tattoos they had. Most of the rejected conscripts wore aggressively threatening outfits. There were more than 44.6% of them. This group conditionally includes tattoos with weapons, predators, scenes of anger or rage, screaming people. The semantic content often had the overtones of violence.

do they take in the army with tattoos
do they take in the army with tattoos

Demonstrative protest images contained birds, airplanes, sailboats, wild animals (horses, deer),cryptographic texts. In these drawings, symbols of freedom, constant rebellious mood were clearly visible. The number of those wearing such tattoos was about 14%. In people with mental problems, the images were always large, or there were many of them and they occupied a significant part of the body.

Should you remove your tattoo before the army?

Tattoos on the body can command respect from others under some circumstances. But more often, ridiculous symbols cause laughter, condemnation, or simply hostility. Ridicule cannot be avoided if obscene drawings are depicted on the face.

conscript he alth
conscript he alth

The best option would be to reduce tattoos. Misunderstanding among co-workers can turn into assault, which will make the recruit an outcast. A ridiculous image will affect the definition of the type of troops.

Getting a military ID marked mentally ill is not the best solution. After all, in later life it will be an insurmountable obstacle in resolving many issues. An unhe althy documented psyche interferes with a normal life. Problems follow at every turn. Some documents are not processed at all. Guardianship will not be approved for the sick person.

Many parlors get tattoos done quickly and inexpensively. Terms depend on the volume of work, the complexity of execution. Removal is often painless.
