Most of today's guys do not really want to serve in the army. Therefore, they are interested in what diseases will help to "slope" from the draft. In particular, one of the most common questions is: “Do they take to the army with scoliosis and flat feet?” Moreover, these two diseases are very common.
Do they take the army with scoliosis
With scoliosis, they take the army, but not always. Most often it depends on the degree of spinal deformity. If you are interested in whether they take into the army with scoliosis of 2 degrees, then the answer may not please you very much. If you do not want to enter the army with scoliosis, you need to provide a medical history during a medical examination, as well as an x-ray. It is also better that the conclusion is made by an outside doctor, not from the military registration and enlistment office. After all, they need to send as many people as possible to the army, so the conclusion can be drawn incorrectly. But only in the military registration and enlistment office will they determine whether the guy will go to the army or not. It depends on which category it falls into.
If you are wondering if you can get into the army with scoliosis, then you need to consider the following: only those recruits who fall under category “A” are recognized as fit. With category "B"duty stations are limited, but exemption may not be obtained. That is, even with such a category, they take them into the army. If you fall under category "G", then you will be given a delay for six months, and then you will again be forced to undergo a medical commission. After identifying the angle of deviation, doctors decide which category to attribute the patient to.

1 degree scoliosis
Some are wondering if they take the army with scoliosis of the 1st degree. In this case, it will not be possible to obtain exemption from the army, since this disease is not severe. Although if left untreated, it can progress.
Symptoms: deterioration of posture, pain in the neck. In this case, you can use sparing methods of treatment, after which the body recovers very quickly. These are exercise therapy, manual therapy, a set of exercises, a posture corrector. All this can be done at home. The army conducts daily combat exercises to help correct posture.

Do they take to the army with the second degree of scoliosis
With scoliosis of the 2nd degree, category “B” is given, that is, young people are recognized as fit, but they can not serve in every company. If doctors have suspicions of right-sided scoliosis, they send the patient for an x-ray, deciding whether the patient will join the army. Symptoms: body asymmetry appears, which increases after a long stay in a standing position.
After the appearance of asymmetry, scoliosis of the 2nd degree rapidly progresses to the 3rddegree. Treatment occurs with the help of exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises). Massage, a set of exercises, manual therapy, and a posture corrector also have a positive effect.

3 disease degree
If you are wondering if they take into the army with scoliosis of 3 degrees, then the answer will be negative. Although in rare cases, even with such a disease, young people can be drafted. Symptoms: the curvature of the spine is very strong, a hump appears, the chest is displaced. This leads to disruption of the activity of some internal organs (heart, lungs).

Do they take with 4 degrees of scoliosis
Symptoms: the functions of the spine and organ systems are disturbed, the heart is displaced, there are problems with breathing, endurance, swelling appears. The army definitely does not take guys under 25 years old who fall under category "D". They are given a "white" military ID. They do not take the army with scoliosis of the 4th degree, giving the patient an exemption from service.
Flatfoot groups
Many people don't know if people with scoliosis or flat feet are accepted into the army. We have already de alt with the first disease, so we turn to the second. Flat feet are divided into 4 groups:
- "A". This is a very serious violation of the foot, in which a young man will definitely not get into the army. He will receive a category "D" and will be declared unfit for service.
- "B". It is also a rather serious violation, but in this case the conscript will be recognized as partially fit. That is, in peacehe will not be called up for a while, but in case of war it will happen.
- "B". The conscript also receives a category "B", but is recognized as fit for service. However, it can only be sent to places with favorable conditions.
- "G" - no violations of the functions of the foot were detected. The guy is recognized as fit for service in all companies.

Complications of flat feet
Now the question of whether they take into the army with scoliosis or flat feet is quite relevant, since these two ailments are the most common. Sometimes they can also be accompanied by some complications, in which the service is strictly prohibited. After all, flat feet almost always proceeds along with arthrosis. If a conscript has arthrosis and 3rd degree flat feet, then according to the law they cannot be taken to the service. But with the second degree of flat feet from the army, it is unlikely to succeed if there is no arthrosis. Otherwise, it is also forbidden to serve.
If, despite the diagnosis, you are forced to go to the army, then you can sue the military registration and enlistment office, as the law is violated. You don't have to believe everything that they say in the military registration and enlistment office. The goal of his workers is to call on as many people as possible. It is not necessary to leave the original medical data (doctor's opinions, certificates, medical records, x-rays) at the military registration and enlistment office, as they may be lost here.

Who will dot all the "and"
If you're wondering if they takein the army with scoliosis or flat feet, it depends on the degree of the disease, the form, its course. You cannot determine this on your own. The decision about the suitability for the army should be made by an orthopedic traumatologist. If there is no such specialist, then the surgeon can make a diagnosis instead, but he does not determine whether to take the guy into the army or not. The conscript must necessarily undergo an x-ray, after which the radiologist will also draw his conclusions. The final decision is made at the military enlistment office.
Not everyone knows if they take scoliosis into the army, as this does not happen in all cases. Usually, guys suffering from scoliosis of 3 and 4 degrees are not sent to the service. But if the doctor deliberately wants to reduce the degree of the disease in order to send the young man to the army, then you can complain about him in writing to his boss. To find out that the doctor has diagnosed incorrectly, an x-ray will help. If you are sure that the diagnosis is incorrect, then it is better to be examined in another clinic.
Thus, most often they are taken to the army with scoliosis and flat feet. Severe degrees and forms of the disease are much less common. In this case, you can "slope" from the service. If, despite a severe form of illness, you are sent to the army, you have the right to sue the military enlistment office.