Many people have problems with sleep. Some individuals are tormented by nightmares. Others complain of lack of energy after a night's rest. Still others notice that they have begun to toss and turn in their sleep. Such problems negatively affect the quality of life. Why do such violations occur and how to get rid of them? This is covered in sections of the article.
Causes of problems
Attitude towards sleep disorders in people is often ambiguous. Some try to ignore them and thereby worsen their condition even more. Others use drugs uncontrollably. At first, medicines help to cope with problems. But not everyone knows that drugs are addictive.

Many people ask questions: “Why do I toss and turn in my sleep? How to deal with such a phenomenon? There are many reasons for this disorder. Here are the main ones:
- Too warm indoor air. If the bedroom is hot, the person begins to toss and turn in his sleep. Optim althe temperature in the room should not exceed 18 degrees Celsius.
- Using alcohol, coffee, drugs.
- Chronic overwork. In this case, a person experiences a feeling of weakness in the daytime. This condition can be accompanied by a set of extra pounds. It is a reason to see a doctor.
- Changes in the concentration of hormones during pregnancy, before critical days.
- Postpartum. Sleep disturbances in this case are associated with the restructuring of the body of a young mother and her anxiety about the condition of the baby.
- Working the night shift, which results in a change in circadian rhythms.
- Emotional overstrain.
- Too much sleep. The norm of night rest for an adult is 8 hours. Its excess leads to various disorders. They are often seen in the unemployed and the elderly.
- Excessive emotionality, abundance of information, excessive physical activity (in children).
- The presence of pathologies that provoke constant discomfort. Pain prevents a person from resting normally at night, causes anxiety.
- Mental disorders (depression, neuroses).
Why do babies have sleep disorders?
This situation worries many parents. Why does the child toss and turn in his sleep, shows anxiety?

Not always such violations indicate the presence of he alth problems. Often they can be caused by a confused or a mismatch in the circadian rhythms of the parents and the baby. Unfavorable factors (uncomfortable clothing, too cold or hot air in the room, high humidity or stuffiness) also interfere with a normal night's rest. However, in some cases, the child tosses and turns in his sleep due to he alth problems. Such a violation can occur as a result of allergic reactions, discomfort in the digestive tract, infectious processes. If you suspect an illness, you should consult a doctor.
How to improve the sleep of a child?
The following tips will help get rid of such problems:
- It is necessary from birth to teach the baby to rest in complete silence.
- It is necessary to minimize the harmful effects that interfere with normal falling asleep. Parents should take care of the well-being of the child, maintaining comfortable conditions in his room.
- It is necessary to develop a clear daily routine. The baby may toss and turn in his sleep due to disruption of circadian rhythms. Therefore, it is necessary to teach him to eat, play and go to bed at the same time.

Recommendations for adults
In order not to toss and turn in your sleep and not feel overwhelmed in the morning, you should follow these tips:
- Avoid physical inactivity, try to devote time to physical exercises, walks.
- Stop drinking coffee in the evening.
- Choose comfortable bedding, a comfortable mattress and sleepwear.
Drink soothing tea at night.

- Avoid heavy meals. From people prone to overeating in the evening, you can often hear the phrase: "I often toss and turn in my sleep." However, some experts advise snacking on hot milk with honey, nut kernels, or dried fruit before going to bed.
- A warm bath or shower, yoga, stretching exercises, reading can help you relax and relieve emotional stress.
- At night, you should stop using gadgets and turn off all devices that emit light radiation.