A person who talks in his sleep interferes with other people's rest. Sleeping is considered a disorder when the sleeping person speaks and does not know it. This phenomenon is not recognized as a problem in medicine. How to stop talking in your sleep is described in the article.
Everyone knows that proper rest affects the productivity and performance of a person. But if the sleeper periodically shouts out words or sounds, then you won’t be able to get enough sleep. This will also be the case if someone in the family is talking. If this problem has appeared, you should find out why a person is talking and screaming in a dream.

Interestingly, conversations during daytime rest were almost not revealed by scientists. Talking in a dream at night is called sleep-talking or somniloquy. If there are no additional symptoms, then they are not dangerous in themselves.
What is meant by sleep-talking? Usually these are separate sounds, words, sentences that can be pronounced calmly or with shouts. Often a person after waking up does not remember thatit was at night. Therefore, he may not know that he has such a problem. This is usually identified by a partner or roommate.
Talking during sleep can be both after falling asleep and in the morning, since the speech center of the brain can be activated at any phase. The female population usually faces the problem in childhood, and the male population in adulthood. But with this problem, you should not panic, because it is not dangerous to life and he alth.
What is pronounced?
Before diagnosing yourself, you should make sure that the roommate did not seem to think that there really was a conversation. It is best to record what is happening on a camera or voice recorder. Doubtfulness manifests as follows:
- The sleeper is able to answer questions from an invisible interlocutor, speak a monologue or shout out separate phrases that are not related in meaning to each other. In this case, the eyes will be closed, the behavior is calm, the breathing is even.
- A person can shout something loudly by moving their legs or arms. The conversation can be quiet, in a whisper. If the behavior is very restless, it is advisable to wake the person up.
- Inarticulate sounds, incomprehensible words and lowings may be pronounced.
- If you ask a sleeping person a question, he can answer it. But the answer may be illogical or rude. You should not look for meaning in what was said or be offended.
- Talks that were during the day may be repeated. It usually appears in people who are emotionally unstable.
- You often have your own monologue. According to the researchers, this is due to the fact thatthe sleeper ponders long-standing events that, for some reason, are still disturbing.
- A person is talking to someone from a dream. Scientists believe that a vacationer sees an interlocutor in a dream.

As it has been revealed, there are 4 phases, or stages, of sleep. The first is considered fast, it lasts about 4 minutes, and the dream will be superficial and shallow. Usually it is at this time that a person starts talking, after which a deep sleep begins. In phase 1, nightmares can occur. Quiet conversations, dialogues, and other calm sounds may occur later in the slow-wave sleep stages.
This phenomenon can be both in adults and in children. Why do people talk in their sleep? The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:
- Constant daily stress. Hard work, fatigue and strong emotional upheavals negatively affect the nervous system. The speech center of the brain expresses this in slurred conversations at night.
- Not fully formed nervous system. People who experienced events strongly emotionally cannot forget them even at night, which leads to sleep-talking. It usually occurs in children.
- Strong mental stress. The problem often occurs in schoolchildren, students and adults working in the intellectual field. It is the reaction of the brain to constantly incoming new knowledge. Babies who are just learning to speak may try to make new words or sounds.
- Aggressive people who suppress the state throughout the day are able to splash outnegative emotions with offensive expressions at night's rest. This is due to the fact that even restrained people experience relaxation of the body in their sleep.
- A person talks during sleep with some diseases. Often this is associated with epilepsy, other disorders of the brain. Sleepwalking can come on in fits, almost always at the same time.
Somniloquia is usually the result of disorders of the nervous system, often it is not dangerous. But sometimes the cause of night conversations are serious pathologies. These are the main reasons why people talk in their sleep.
You need to be alert in the following cases:
- A person often behaves restlessly: screams, twitches his limbs, swears. It is usually noticeable that he experiences severe fright during nightmares.
- When talking, there is grinding of teeth, sweat is released, redness appears, lack of air.
- A person not only talks, but also walks around the house in an unconscious state.
- Waking up a sleeping person is quite difficult, while he behaves inappropriately, shows aggression.

In many forums you can find phrases such as "talking at night in my sleep." Many want to get rid of this. Moreover, often a person wakes up from talking, and can also interfere with resting others.
In children
Although somniloquia in children is not considered a dangerous condition, it is common for adults to get anxious the first time they hear unintelligible words. Pediatricians believe that the psyche of babies is weak, according tocompared to adults, so sleep-talking allows them to quickly adapt to the outside world. Stress or impressions received during the day can be expressed in a dream.
And if the baby cries or screams loudly at night, then this may mean that he has a nightmare or during the day he experienced severe stress or an unpleasant event. In this case, the child should be awakened and reassured. And when nocturnal disorders are repeated many times, you should visit a pediatrician. He will tell you how to get rid of talking in your sleep.
No tests are usually done in the hospital to make a diagnosis. Only in rare cases is polysomnography performed, which reveals sleep pathologies. All basic information will be provided by the patient. The fact of talking at night does not require treatment. Therapy is chosen in cases where sleep-talking is considered a symptom of serious ailments. The underlying disorder needs to be treated, after which the person stops talking in his sleep.

Because the doctor needs to provide as much information as possible, you should be prepared. This requires:
- Record the conversation on camera or voice recorder. Its duration must be at least 30 seconds. Make it more convenient for a loved one.
- Ask your parents if you had conversations as a child and at what age.
- Determine the time of going to bed and waking up, the duration of sleep. It should be remembered whether there were nocturnal awakenings.
- Record medications taken or taken 2 months before nightlyconversations.
- Inform the doctor of all the actions that are performed in the evening. To do this, you should remember what you eat before going to bed, what music you listen to or what movies you watch. It is also important how you fall asleep - in silence or to some sounds.
- The doctor may need information about important events that have happened most recently. It can be stress or other negative manifestations that negatively affected the psyche.
When the whole picture of the mental and physical condition is clear, the doctor will be able to determine the causes. He will also advise you on how to stop talking in your sleep.
What to do?
If conversations are not accompanied by aggression and fear, then they can be eliminated on their own. How to stop talking in your sleep? The following tips will help with this:
- Maximum relaxation is needed. This will make your vacation much more effective. How to relax before bed? To do this, you can drink tea brewed with herbs. Useful walks in the fresh air, listening to slow music. Taking a warm bath. For water procedures, essential oils with a relaxing effect are used - patchouli, jasmine, ylang-ylang.
- For dinner, do not eat foods that are heavy on the stomach. It is desirable to exclude fatty, spicy, sweet dishes, and instead of them it is better to choose something light. Vegetables and kefir are great.
- Don't watch movies that have bloody or mystical content before going to bed.
- The room should be ventilated before going to bed, and in warm weather, you need to leave the window or window open fornight.
- It is better not to do important things in the evening.
- If a situation haunts you, you should analyze it and try to find ways out. Or forget about it until the next day.
There are several more effective recipes for sound sleep that will help anyone cope with the problem:
- You should go to bed at a certain time. Then the body gets used to the necessary rhythm. An hour before this, you need to turn on the subdued light, limiting yourself to a nightlight or TV. You should not turn on any flashing lights - they have an exciting effect on a person, and therefore sleep will be good.
- The room should be filled with scents of anise, bergamot, pine, sage. You can use an aroma lamp or drop into boiling water for 15-20 minutes. This ensures a good rest.
- Good for reading, solving puzzles or playing chess. Mental stress makes it easier to fall asleep.
- It is advisable to dress in knitted or loose cotton so that the clothes do not irritate and do not press.
- Don't go to bed hungry, but don't overdo it either. An hour before bedtime, you can eat a banana, a slice of bread, cheese, cottage cheese or drink milk.

The room should be in order. If there is not enough fresh air, there are unpleasant odors, dust, then you will not be able to get enough sleep in this environment. Therefore, it is necessary to clean up, remove all unnecessary. It is needed to improve the state of mind and restful sleep.
All things are neededleave for tomorrow. You should not remember all day, analyze failures and problems. This can lead to insomnia and other sleep disorders. With new strength, all the difficulties will not seem as difficult as in the evening.
Honey mixes
Honey is an excellent sleeping pill, various mixtures are created with it that have a positive effect on the condition. A classic is milk with a spoonful of honey before bed. But other recipes work too:
- Equal amounts of honey are mixed with another component - walnuts, kefir, mineral water, lemon.
- Combination is also allowed. A mixture of honey, lemon and nuts is used. This remedy not only has a hypnotic effect, but also improves the activity of the heart and blood vessels.
Regular use of such mixtures restores sleep, soothes. The person will sleep soundly and therefore there will be less risk of nightmares and talking at night.
Herbal preparations
The following recipes are the best:
- Melissa (1 tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (200 ml). Infusion - 30 minutes. Infusion is taken 4 times a day for 2 tbsp. l. before meals.
- Chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (200 ml) and leave for half an hour. Should be taken before meals, 1/3 cup.
- Valerian, sedatives, hops have a positive effect. They restore the nervous system, help to calm down and sleep.

For sound sleep you need a warm bath. Its temperature should be no more than 38 degrees. In waterit is allowed to add a few drops of oil - chamomile, mint, lavender. Do not use only citrus fruits, as they have a tonic effect. The procedure is performed no more than 20 minutes. After that, you can go to bed.

There are not so many reasons for talking in a dream. You just need to find a problem and normalize your lifestyle, then the rest will be calm. The ways to stop talking in your sleep presented in the article will quickly get rid of this problem.