Dietary supplements for women's he alth: review, purpose, selection rules, reviews

Dietary supplements for women's he alth: review, purpose, selection rules, reviews
Dietary supplements for women's he alth: review, purpose, selection rules, reviews

The official position of physicians regarding dietary supplements is not yet available. True, many clinics often offer to try such supplements, and on the Internet you can find a lot of reviews about such products. It is important to note that they are not medicines, so you should not expect miracles. The task of such products is to fill the deficiency of certain substances in the body. No wonder they are called additives to the main food, because the lack of vitamins occurs due to malnutrition. Supplements for women's he alth are useful in that they help make up for the lack of proteins, minerals, and so on. By the way, most vitamin complexes also belong to this category of medicinal preparations.

dietary supplements for women
dietary supplements for women

Supplement Overview

To get the benefits, you need to choose such drugs correctly. For example, in the United States, about eighty percent of women regularly use different complexes for their beauty andhe alth. They include natural ingredients in the form of minerals, bee products, various herbs, and so on. In addition, it includes amino acids along with digestive enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants. There are several main groups of dietary supplements for women's he alth:

  • Nutraceuticals. They replenish the supply of useful ingredients that the body receives less from food. They also improve overall he alth by helping to improve metabolism and strengthen hair and nails.
  • Parapharmaceuticals are recommended as an additional therapy and for the prevention of various diseases. For example, there is a separate category of supplements for menopause in women, which normalize ovarian function, help to cope with the unpleasant manifestation of changes in the body.
  • Other dietary supplements for women to relieve PMS and help restore hormonal balance.
  • Dietary supplements during pregnancy. It is worth noting that, unlike hormonal drugs, they gently act on the body without causing so many side effects.

A particularly favorable effect is achieved during the period of hormonal changes, so there are many special supplements for women over fifty and for ladies in position.

dietary supplements for the intestines
dietary supplements for the intestines


Why do we need dietary supplements for women's he alth? If all people lived in villages and ate only organic products, while breathing fresh air, the situation would probably be completely different. But in modernIt is very difficult to get everything necessary for he alth in urban conditions. We, unfortunately, eat very monotonously, since our diet today consists of the same products, and for most people, due to lack of time, semi-finished products predominate on the table.

Bad ecology, combined with bad habits, do not allow vitamins to be absorbed normally. As a result, according to statistics, about eighty percent of the world's inhabitants experience a shortage of them. In particular, the deficit is observed with elements A, C, E and D, and in fact they are especially important for women's he alth. These components are involved in the regulation of hormones, support for reproductive he alth, menstruation, and so on.

Is it worth mentioning that the mood and female beauty are largely determined by the regularity of menstruation and the correct hormonal balance. Supplements for women usually contain all of the above vitamins and minerals that are so needed.

dietary supplements with menopause
dietary supplements with menopause

Rules for choosing a remedy

Thousands of various dietary supplements are registered in the world today. When choosing the most suitable remedy, it is necessary to consult with a therapist and discuss the choice with a pharmacist. It is recommended to give preference only to certified products. The packaging must be marked with the inscription "Not a medicine."

Careful intake of dietary supplements

Be careful with dietary supplements intended for weight loss. Do not pay attention to drugs that promise an effectrapid weight loss. It must be remembered that bioadditives only help to achieve the desired result, and they work only in combination with other methods in the form of proper nutrition, sports and a he althy lifestyle in general.

Dietary supplements for the intestines: do women need them?

It has been known for a very long time that digestion is the main process responsible for the production of ninety-five percent of serotonin, and therefore has a huge impact on brain function and mood. Seventy percent of immunity is also due to this body system. Dietary supplements for the intestines affect the microflora, balancing the number of microorganisms.

Improper nutrition in the form of excess sugar, gluten and genetically modified foods, along with the rhythm of life, stress, bad habits, lack of movement and taking medications, leads to an imbalance in the microflora. In order to avoid serious consequences and diseases, one must be attentive to the body and listen to it, and dietary supplements have a supporting effect.

Among the most popular supplements for the productive work of the digestive system today are drugs: "Bifilar", "Green Oats", "Lactulose forte", "Multiflora" and others. They can be consumed at least every day after meals, when the body is ready to process all the useful components included in dietary supplements, but before use, of course, you need to consult a doctor.

dietary supplements that increase estrogen in women
dietary supplements that increase estrogen in women

Dietary supplements for menopause that affect estrogen levels

In the composition of biological additives used inmenopause, as a rule, phytoestrogens are included. These elements are close to hormonal, but they are not. There are a number of remedies to help get rid of the symptoms of menopause. Each of the complexes listed below can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription (but this does not mean that you do not need to consult a doctor before using them):

  • Means "Estrovel". Nettle is included in its composition (to combat hot flashes during menopause), along with vitamins, soy extract, folic acid and boron. The drug is fully adapted for oral administration. Refers to dietary supplements that increase estrogen in women.
  • The Klimadinon preparation is a remedy aimed at restoring the female hormonal background, it normalizes the work of blood vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • "Feminalgin" is considered a dietary supplement of homeopathic origin. It is used by women who suffer from unstable menstruation, accompanied by pain. These pills help to normalize the hormonal background, which leads to a he althy cycle and relieves this process.
  • "Feminal" is often used by ladies with menopause and contains red clover extract, which also serves as a natural hormone substitute.
  • Femiaps supplement is designed to fight hot flashes. It significantly reduces sweating, the remedy helps fight night sweats, stabilizing the work of blood vessels and the heart.

Japanese supplements: what is their effectiveness?

This country is known for all the large number of centenarians, in connection with this meansfrom Japan are really effective. In addition, they are very popular. Japanese vitamins and dietary supplements are unique preparations containing the entire set of various microelements required for the smooth functioning of the human body.

Currently, innovative brands called DHC2 and Fancl are especially popular in our market. There are products from the Smooth Skin series, thanks to which collagen is much more actively produced. The Diet Power line is suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight. Various Japanese vitamins and dietary supplements for pregnant women are in high demand.

Drug "Turboslim"

This drug also belongs to dietary supplements and is used to achieve harmony. It was created taking into account all the characteristics of the body of women. With age, many ladies very often have a problem with being overweight. This is due to hormonal changes and related metabolic disorders that occur starting from the age of forty-five. "Turboslim drainage 45 plus" contributes to:

  • Reducing body volume and removing excess fluid from the body.
  • Gentle cleansing and fat burning.
  • Optimization of mineral balance.
  • Correction of the condition during menopause.
  • Has a mild tonic effect.
vitamins after 50 for women reviews
vitamins after 50 for women reviews

The effectiveness of weight loss is usually increased when used together with creams designed for weight loss "Turboslim", which is confirmed by eighty percent of women.

Do I need to take vitamins after 50years?

It is important for women at any age to get enough useful components. But with age, this need only increases. What substances need to be replenished in the first place?

  • Doctors consider vitamin E the most feminine. Thanks to him, the skin is smoothed. In addition, it improves mental performance, being a strong antioxidant. It is abundant in nuts, vegetable oil, cabbage, parsley, sea buckthorn.
  • Vitamin D is a source of female beauty and he alth, it also slows down aging, improving the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Its source is fish and the sun's rays.
  • Increased need for vitamin C is seen in people over fifty. It helps produce collagen, strengthening bones and smoothing out wrinkles. A lot of it is found in strawberries, kiwi, citrus fruits and cabbage.
  • Vitamin K is important for the protection of bone tissue, as it makes bones much stronger, reducing the likelihood of fractures. Add more vegetables to replenish it in the diet.
dhea what is it for women
dhea what is it for women

You should pay attention to drugs called Vitrum Prenatal, Complivit and Doppelgerz Active. According to reviews, vitamins for women over 50 are very effective.

What is DHEA?

What is DHEA for women? This is the so-called dehydroepiandrosterone, often referred to as a steroid hormone, which is naturally produced by the adrenal glands. They are the ones with the most blood flow. Among other things, in a significant concentration, itseen in brain tissue. It is known that DHEA levels begin to decrease rapidly with age

DHEA-based supplements should be taken to increase the level of this hormone in the acceptable range, while not exceeding the maximum limits. It is advisable to start with a small dosage (for women, you need 5 milligrams), gradually increase it to achieve the desired effect. It is worth noting that the maximum amount of the supplement should not exceed 25 milligrams per day.

dietary supplements for women's he alth
dietary supplements for women's he alth

Female Supplement Reviews

Today, there are a large number of all kinds of dietary supplements for women's he alth. In their comments, ladies most often speak enthusiastically about such drugs, confirming their effectiveness. Against the background of taking dietary supplements, the appearance, well-being, and mood improve. This is especially true during menopause. The only caveat is that any such product, even though it is safe due to its natural composition, should still be taken in consultation with the doctor.