Urethritis in men: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Urethritis in men: types, causes, symptoms and treatment
Urethritis in men: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

A urologist deals with the treatment of this type of pathology, like urethritis. He prescribes drugs with an antibiotic, homeopathic remedies, determines the auxiliary methods of traditional exposure. In the international classification of diseases, urethritis is under the code N34.

Causes of urethritis

The causes of urethritis in men are different, but more often - infectious, when a person is sick with a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted during sexual contact. But it also happens that a common fungus can induce a similar disease due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Often, E. coli, getting on the penis, and then into the urethra, begins to spread rapidly.

Often diagnosed with staphylococcal urethritis. In this case, an anomaly can be caused by such small organisms as staphylococci. With urolithiasis, urethritis can also occur, since the stones that are in the kidney can injure the urinary system when exiting.

urethritis reviews men
urethritis reviews men

Anomaly in men may result from the presencefollowing factors:

  • physical overwork;
  • stress situation;
  • excessive drinking;
  • malnutrition;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • various inflammatory processes.

Sometimes, urethritis in men can occur after surgery. In this case, trauma to the urethra is not ruled out, which is why inflammation occurs. In the resulting wound, a focus of infection may appear, which immediately spreads.

General symptoms

What should I focus on and what symptoms of urethritis in men can be? Key Features:

  1. One of the first signs indicating that urethritis has appeared is pain when urinating. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Only in this case there is a great chance to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process.
  2. If we continue to ignore the discomfort that occurs during urination, then the next symptom is purulent discharge. In some cases, you can see the inflammatory process outside, near the opening of the urethra.
  3. With the following exacerbations of the disease, the inflammatory process increasingly affects the mucous membrane of the urethra. Because the signs of urethritis each time become more pronounced. If the disease is not cured by traditional methods, then symptoms of serious complications may appear.

We do not provide photos of urethritis in men in the article for ethical reasons.

Symptoms in men

Symptomsurethritis in men may be as follows:

  • may bleed when urinating or semen;
  • may be fever;
  • feeling pain;
  • itch;
  • presence of a small tumor near the groin;
  • unpleasant penis discharge.
  • urethritis in men
    urethritis in men

Classification of urethritis

First of all, such a disease should be divided into the following groups:

  1. Specific urethritis.
  2. Non-specific urethritis.

The first option is provoked by infections transmitted during unprotected intercourse, that is, without condoms - a condom.

It is worth considering that the type of sexual intercourse plays absolutely no role - the infection can enter the body both during traditional sex and during oral or anal sex.

The following infections are examples:

  • herpes virus;
  • gonococcus;
  • ureaplasma.

In turn, the second type is much less common.

Other species

Causes of nonspecific urethritis may be "attacks" of an allergic, mechanical or thermal nature. The most common causes of infection are listed below:

  1. Injury to the penis. The so-called traumatic urethritis. We will dwell on it in more detail.
  2. Allergic reaction. The so-called allergic urethritis.

Also, some urologists prefer to classify specific urethritis as follows:

  • Not gonococcal urethritis. This group is characterized by the fact that urethritis occurs due to the active reproduction of various kinds of bacteria, except for gonococci.
  • Infectious urethritis.
  • Non-infectious urethritis.

The name "infectious urethritis" speaks for itself - infection occurs due to infections.

In principle, some doctors prefer to refer to non-infectious urethritis as specific urethritis. But the second type is much more interesting. Non-infectious urethritis develops due to physical damage to the penis. You can give a short name: "traumatic urethritis".

Injury to the urethra can occur as a result of mechanical, thermal or chemical effects. Actually, the difference between non-specific and non-infectious urethritis is mostly conditional. Indeed, in one case, the cause is not an infection, and in the second case, the infection is far from due to bacteria, but due to injury or an allergic reaction.

Besides trauma, maybe the so-called allergic urethritis. Obviously, it occurs due to the body's reaction to certain medications, food. Quite often, such a disease is not accompanied by additional diseases.

urethritis in men symptoms
urethritis in men symptoms

If the patient has allergic urethritis, then you should be sure that it develops additionally, against the background of other diseases. In turn, allergic urethritis rarely appears in isolation. Also worth mentioning are the following types of urethritis, whichalso not to be overlooked:

  1. Primary urethritis.
  2. Secondary urethritis.

The first type is a disease that develops independently of others, on its own, directly in the urethra. While secondary urethritis should be understood as a disease that occurs against the background of other pathologies. Inflammation of the urethra occurs in the presence of other affected "objects". For example, allergic urethritis most often refers to secondary urethritis.

The list of classifications of this disease should be completed by dividing pathologies according to the nature of their course. There are only three:

  1. Spicy.
  2. Chronic
  3. Torpid.

The acute course of urethritis is characterized by vivid manifestations of symptoms. Chronic and torpid are in many ways similar: the disease is almost asymptomatic or the symptoms are mild.

how to treat urethritis in men
how to treat urethritis in men

Diagnosis of urethritis in men

Urethritis is a chronic or exacerbated inflammatory process that occurs in the urethra. The disease can be both infectious and non-infectious. If discomfort, pain is felt, and there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process in the urethra, then doctors prescribe a course of treatment that is aimed at the general “attack” of the disease. The main thing is to visit a urologist who can examine you.

If the diagnosis is nevertheless confirmed and a pathology is detected, the patient will be sent to another doctor - to a venereologist. The patient will be assignednext examination:

  • make a urine and blood test;
  • do an analysis of urine for bacterial cultures and nutrient media;
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system;
  • ureteroscopy.

If there is a pathology, then the result of the analysis will indicate a significant excess of white blood cells and the presence of bacteria.

If the analysis shows the presence of fungi, then they will diagnose "urethritis in the form of candidiasis." In the course of treatment, a study will be conducted that will determine which antibiotic will be more effective in dealing with such an ailment. A full examination will allow doctors to prescribe therapy that will help cure urethritis. Which drug to use in order for the treatment to bring the most effective result depends on many factors.

After determining the symptoms, the treatment of urethritis in a man is prescribed and goes directly to practice.

Pills for the treatment of urethritis in men

The therapeutic effect is determined by the attending physician - urologist. He prescribes a group of drugs with the aim of a complex effect on the cause of the pathology:

  1. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are used to treat gonorrhea, trichomonas, viral, chlamydial, tuberculosis forms of the disease. These drugs include "Ceftriaxone", "Tetracycline". Antibiotics are produced for urethritis in men in the form of a powder suspension for the preparation of intramuscular injections. Used strictly under the supervision of a doctor, drugs such as"Azithromycin", "Erythromycin" - 1 mg per day.
  2. urethritis in men
    urethritis in men
  3. Antifungal drugs for the treatment of urethritis in men. Discharged in the event of complications, for the treatment of candidal urethritis: Fluconazole, Pimafucin, Levorin. Tableted forms of biologically active components that are able to effectively fight pathogens of thrush, gonorrhea and other bacterial (fungal) agents. Their intake is strictly defined by the instructions and is possible in combination with other antiviral drugs.
  4. treatment of urethritis in men
    treatment of urethritis in men
  5. Treatment of allergic, inflammatory urethritis is allowed by taking herbal preparations. For this, a certified drug "Kanefron" was released. It has a diuretic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect. Available in the form of a solution for oral administration and in the form of tablets. It is worth paying attention to the fact that such a drug contains ethanol in its composition, so its use for the treatment of children or in the presence of complex allergic, autoimmune, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases is strictly prohibited.
  6. Homeopathic remedies with antibiotic activity. A group of medicines consisting entirely of natural ingredients. They help get rid of inflammation, restore urogenital function, actively fight fungal, viral, infectious agents and have a diuretic effect:"Argentum Nitricum", "Kantaris", "Copaiva", "Medorrinum", "Sulfur".
  7. Diuretics. The process of getting rid of harmful bacteria is to naturally remove them and restore kidney function. In order to reduce the load on the body and the reproductive system, agents are prescribed that increase the urge to empty the bladder: Canephron-N, Furosemide, Bumetanide, Indapamide, Torasemide.
  8. Drugs to fight Koch's bacillus (tuberculosis).

The tuberculous form of urethritis is treated strictly in a hospital, using specialized medicines:

  • Fluoroquinolones. A group of tablet preparations that fight the causative agent of urethritis, have a general anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the likelihood of complications. These are Pefloxacin, Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Abaktal.
  • Celophasporins. They stabilize cellular metabolism, help the body develop immunity against Koch's bacillus, normalize genitourinary function, restore metabolism and natural blood flow to the pelvic organs - Cefazolin, Cefritriaxone.
  • Diuretic homeopathic preparations.
  • Antihistamines.

Traditional medicine for urethritis

Treatment in traditional ways has been popular at all times. Modern medicine also does not deny the positive impact of herbal preparations on the human body. Howevertheir uncontrolled use is unacceptable, especially when there is a tendency to allergic reactions.

Oral drug collection for the treatment of urethritis in men at home:

  1. Parsley leaves - a cure for urethritis in men. They have a general antispasmodic effect. Prevent the decrease in sexual activity. They must be washed, crushed and added to cold water in the ratio: 1 teaspoon per 0.5 liters. In one night, the drug should infuse and be completely ready for use.
  2. urethritis in men
    urethritis in men
  3. Phyto tea from black currant leaves. Fresh blackcurrant leaves are added to ordinary tea or brewed in a teapot until a dark rich broth is obtained. This infusion is drunk in the morning, after a hearty breakfast, half a glass.
  4. Cornflower flowers (pharmacy fee). Pharmacy collection of cornflower flowers is an excellent tool for the treatment of many inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. According to the instructions on the package, a tablespoon of the dry mixture must be poured with 250 ml of hot water and infused for several hours until a strong herbal decoction is obtained. After that, the drink should be filtered and cooled to an acceptable temperature for consumption. The dosage is exactly half a glass in the morning and evening.
  5. Ready-made herbal preparations of horsetail, rose hips, juniper, elderflower can be found in he alth food stores or self-service collection points. To prepare a drinking infusion, hot water is required - 0.5 liters and 250 grams of the collection. Initi althe components are mixed and infused under the lid for 30 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered and half a glass is drunk.
  6. Juice mix. From viburnum, carrots, radishes, celery, beets squeeze 50 ml of juice. Make a cocktail out of them and drink on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. Such a drink effectively fights inflammation and itching, has a general tonic effect on the body, increases libido, is a diuretic and antiseptic.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile has long been considered the best antiseptic. It is used to treat many skin diseases, inflammation of the kidneys and gallbladder, to get rid of acne. Specifically, in the treatment of urethritis in men, according to reviews, chamomile-based products are used as a drink and as a means for local exposure. The flowers and leaves are brewed as a tea for washing the genitals or taken orally at bedtime.


Prevention of urethritis does not include impossible and very difficult actions, everyone can do them:

  1. Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene. Especially after a hard day, if you can't wait to just come home and go to bed. Be sure to change your underwear and wash yourself.
  2. It is necessary to wash from top to bottom so as not to bring opportunistic bacteria from the anus into the urethra.
  3. Be sure to use barrier contraceptives during intercourse. After sex, you should urinate, the urine stream will wash out most of the pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the urethra with mucus orlubricated.
  4. Do not proceed after anal sex to vaginal. It would be more correct to carry out water procedures or change a condom. Often this is directly considered the main cause of the disease, which is difficult to treat.
  5. Follow your diet. Try to eat less spicy, s alty and fatty foods.
  6. Regularly get examined by a urologist. Numerous diseases are detected directly at a scheduled examination by a professional at an early stage.

Urethritis and its prevention are inseparable things. Especially if the disease has passed into the chronic stage. That's why it's so important to take better care of your own he alth.
