Today, probably, there is no such person who would never seek help from a dentist. Such a pathology as dental root caries occurs with complications of basal or cervical destruction. It is characterized by damage to the structure located under the gum tissue. It is not possible to determine root caries during a visual inspection. If pathogenic microflora actively develops in the human oral cavity, bone tissues can lose a huge amount of mineral components: phosphorus, potassium and calcium. As a result, thinning of the tissues covering the neck of the incisor and the tooth root is observed. It is these parts that hold them in the alveolar ridge.

When the cement is damaged, infection of the cervical zone may occur. If the treatment of root caries was not carried out on time, the infection can spread to the closed part of the tooth and into the deep layers of the gum. This can lead to severe inflammatory processes in the gums and periosteum. Diagnose and prescribe on a case-by-case basisappropriate treatment can only be a qualified dentist. If the lesion has gone quite deep, then the tooth will most likely have to be removed.
Why does tooth decay occur? The reason, as for other diseases of the oral cavity, is quite standard - insufficient hygienic care of the oral cavity. And this applies not only to simple cleaning of incisors. It is also important to use other dental care products - floss, preventive balms and rinses. Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene can ultimately lead to infection of he althy tissues. The result is the development of caries. A negative factor leading to the appearance of the disease is also the use of other people's toothbrushes, handkerchiefs and utensils.
Due to the accumulation of food debris in the mouth, an environment favorable for the appearance of pathogenic bacteria and microbes is created. Therefore, after each meal, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with boiled water or rinses. Complicating the situation is the appearance of a gap between the neck of the tooth and the gum. Pieces of food may get stuck in it. Doctors call such a gap a gum pocket. Usually, if a person with this pathology does not go to the doctor for a long time and does not undergo a procedure such as root caries filling, this leads to deep damage.

Let's take a closer look at this. Before starting to discuss the treatment of tooth root caries, patient reviews and other issues, it is necessary to understand the reasons that cause it. Mostcommon pathology leading to carious lesions are inflammatory gum disease and infectious processes in the oral cavity.
Root caries can still cause dental diseases such as periodontitis, periostitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, osteomyelitis. Often inflammation of the periodontal tissues leads to exfoliation of the mucous membranes of the gums and the formation of a gum pocket. This is where the active growth of pathological microorganisms begins.
Treatment of root caries can also vary depending on its location. Therapies will vary greatly.
Risk group
Who is most likely to develop tooth decay? At risk are patients who do not pay enough attention to oral hygiene. Pathology can also develop against the background of dental diseases, various latent infectious processes. Reduced immunity after autoimmune or infectious diseases also contributes to the rapid penetration of bacteria into the tissues of the tooth root. The body in this case is simply not able to cope with viruses and microbes on its own due to the fact that immune cells are not active enough. Thus, in the oral cavity of the patient there will always be a focus of infection. The slightest violation of the integrity of the crowns, gums or neck of the teeth can lead to significant damage to the root or basal part.
The risk of developing deep caries among older patients is over 80%. This is primarily due to the fact that with age, the gums sink. This leads to the exposure of the root area and the appearanceperiodontal pockets.
Dentists still refer to the risk group of people with bad habits that affect the infection of the tooth root, such as smoking, abuse of caffeine or alcohol. In addition, people who often experience sudden changes in temperature are especially susceptible to the occurrence of this unpleasant disease. Those who often eat foods that injure the gums are also at risk. The reason for the development of root caries can also be diseases in which there is a decrease in the function of salivary secretion. The fact is that saliva contains lysozyme. This enzyme contributes to the destruction of the walls of bacteria that prevent the formation of bacterial flora in the oral cavity.
How to recognize the disease?

This issue should be given special attention. How is root caries diagnosed? During a visual examination, it is not always possible to identify pathology. The problem is further complicated by the fact that in most cases, root caries occurs without any visible symptoms. The patient does not reveal any complaints. Finding a latent infectious process is almost impossible.
One of the most effective diagnostic methods is probing with a dental mirror. To determine the degree of damage to the root of the tooth and confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may also prescribe an x-ray of the jaw in a certain projection. In some cases, a modern method called orthopantomogram is used to diagnose root zone caries. This method of examinationallows you to get a detailed picture of the teeth and bones of the jaw, as well as adjacent bones of the skeleton.
Can I self-diagnose?
Let's look into this issue in more detail. It is almost impossible to diagnose tooth root caries at home. Photos of cases of the disease will not help you with this. Even a qualified dentist cannot always make a diagnosis after a visual examination. It is almost impossible to perform an examination without the use of modern medical equipment. However, there are a number of signs of pathological processes in the cervical and root zone, which almost always occur simultaneously with deep root caries.
Determine the destruction of the root cementum as follows. First you need to thoroughly clean the incisors. Then, with a thin toothpick, gently draw along the line between the teeth and gums, exerting slight pressure. If, when performing this action, you feel severe pain or find cracks and chips, you should urgently contact your dentist for a comprehensive diagnosis.
How to treat?
So what do you need to know about this? There is an opinion that a carious lesion of the root is a clear indication for tooth extraction, since in this case there is a high risk of infection of the bone gums and gums. However, modern technologies and innovative medicines help not only to preserve the incisor, but also to prevent the occurrence of various complications.
What to do if you have tooth decay? Treat or remove? On thethe initial stage of the disease is usually prescribed professional cleaning of the oral cavity. This procedure allows you to get rid of tartar. The lesions in most cases are under a layer of plaque. With insufficient sanitation of carious surfaces, re-infection and inflammation may occur.

The next step is treatment with antiseptics and medicines. Root caries filling may not even be carried out. In conclusion, the patient is recommended to undergo a course of rehabilitation therapy. This treatment method is aimed at eliminating the factors that influenced the occurrence of caries.
It includes the following procedures:
- dentition alignment;
- replacement of crowns or dentures at the end of their service life;
- treatment with therapeutic drugs to strengthen the mucous membranes of the gums and enamel.
If the gums surrounding the damaged tooth are damaged, the doctor may prescribe cauterization of pathological tissues. This procedure is carried out using special equipment. In some cases, retraction of the gum tissue can be performed. During this procedure, the edges of the gums that hang over the tooth and impede the quality treatment of caries are corrected. When performing this operation, dental floss impregnated with special hemostatic solutions are used. Then the carious cavities are cleaned, treated with an antiseptic and fillings are installed.
How to fill?
On this issue it is worthBe sure to consult with your dentist. The choice of material for the manufacture of fillings is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the localization of the affected area and the financial capabilities of the client.
Three types of materials are commonly used, namely:
- Glass ionomer cement: considered one of the best for filling areas located under the gums. It has excellent adhesive properties. Often, fluorides are additionally added to the composition of this cement. They are responsible for normalizing the mineral structure of the tooth.
- Amalgams: a material with a long service life. Mercury compounds are used in its manufacture. Therefore, it is used extremely rarely: the technology of its use is rather complicated and requires special protection for both the patient and medical workers. Root filling in children with this material is not carried out.
- Compomeric: may exhibit poor grip in some cases. As a result, the filling may fall out at the most inopportune moment.
The use of a drill is possible only if the damage is characterized by a small area of damage. If the disease affects the root of the tooth, the filling will be ineffective.
Dental Visit

What should be done when a pathology such as caries of the tooth root is detected? Treatment, photos of affected teeth - this is the information that is usually of interest to patients. Is it possible to get rid of the disease? Or will only a complete removal help? If rootthe tooth is more than half damaged, then the question may arise about the regularity of its preservation. The doctor can determine the degree of caries, as well as give a prognosis for the success of treatment, based on the results of a visual examination and x-rays.
In some cases, to save the incisor, you will need to install a crown or a special tab. This method is essentially one of the types of prosthetics. The dental technician is responsible for making inlays. He will be able to make a suitable product, based on the individual size and structural features of the affected tooth. The inlay is an artificial filling made of ceramic materials and metal. It is fixed with a special glue. The entire installation procedure should be carried out under the supervision of an orthopedic surgeon. It usually causes no complications.
The tooth, if necessary, is fixed with an artificial crown. It looks like a cap that protects the cutter from damage and injury. This method of treatment allows you to get rid of caries for a long time, and is also a preventive measure that prevents the occurrence of damage to the roots of the teeth. The main thing is to follow all the doctor's recommendations and carefully care for the incisors.
Why is root caries so terrible? Photos of advanced cases of the disease help to get an idea of \u200b\u200bpossible aesthetic shortcomings. However, this is not the most important thing.
Tooth root caries can trigger the development of the following complications:
- Inflammation and suppuration of the gums and tissues surrounding the tooth. They are responsible for fixing the tooth inalveoli.
- Breaking off the crown.
- Root fracture.
- Purulent and inflammatory processes in bone structures.
To ensure that such consequences never touch you, after installing a crown or inlay, you must strictly observe oral hygiene. This will help to avoid the development of the inflammatory process. Also, such care will not allow an infection to enter the oral cavity, so that he althy tissues will not be affected. At the slightest suspicion of the development of caries or a focus of infection in the gums, you should consult a dentist. A doctor will help prevent the development of such serious diseases as purulent lymphadenitis or sepsis in time.
Many believe that root caries in children does not need to be treated. All the same, milk teeth, when they fall out, a he althy incisor will grow in their place. Such an opinion is wrong. Root caries can lead to the development of inflammation and infection of the bone tissue. Even after the diseased incisor falls out, the focus will remain. Most likely, the tooth that grows in its place will also be sick.
What if the patient is terrified of dentists? In this case, the only possible option for dental treatment will be the use of sedative anesthesia. Under this type of general anesthesia, the patient remains conscious. In this scenario, the activity of pain receptors completely stops. The day before, for greater effectiveness of anesthesia, it is recommended to take natural sedatives, such as valerian tincture.
Modern technologies

Recently in dentistrymany new methods have emerged. For example, root caries (ICD code K021) can be treated using laser technology. Many patients today prefer this method, since this equipment, unlike boron, does not have a mechanical effect on the treated areas. In addition, the laser beam is characterized by high-frequency pulsation. The nerve endings in the oral cavity simply do not have time to respond with pain to the laser exposure. Overheating of tissues is also excluded due to active cooling of the treated area by the supplied water jet.
Treatment of tooth root caries with a laser is a high-quality, high-tech, minimally invasive surgical intervention. The use of such modern equipment in some cases of carious damage to the incisor allows you to avoid the development of complications. In addition, this method of treatment promotes accelerated regeneration of damaged tissues and reduces the risk of recurrence of the disease.

Tooth root caries is a rather serious pathology. The main factor in its development is non-compliance with the requirements of oral hygiene. Also, this disease can develop against the background of other disorders in the body. If you do not pay enough attention to the problem and do not contact a specialized specialist at the initial stage of the development of the disease, there is a risk of losing a tooth. Root caries is difficult to diagnose. One visual examination will not be enough for this, the doctor may prescribe an additional x-ray examination. caries treatmentcarried out both through surgery and with the help of medications.