Wisdom tooth to treat or remove? Wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom tooth to treat or remove? Wisdom tooth extraction
Wisdom tooth to treat or remove? Wisdom tooth extraction

Many people have a very peculiar attitude towards wisdom teeth, in most cases due to a lack of knowledge and information in this area. Unfortunately, it is believed that the wisdom tooth, the photo of which can be seen on the site, is often a source of possible problems with the oral cavity, and therefore it is worth getting rid of it, and the sooner the better. Sometimes such intuitive perception, of course, justifies itself.

What is a wisdom tooth? Reviews and opinions

wisdom tooth reviews
wisdom tooth reviews

The third molar is considered a wisdom tooth, dentists call it a molar. It is the last, both in terms of eruption time and jaw position, appearing mostly either at the end of adolescence or shortly after the 20th birthday. According to the numbering adopted by doctors, it is also called the "eight".

If the question is whether a wisdom tooth should be treated or removed, then it is important to immediately understand that this type of teethinherited from distant ancestors to modern man and at present, in terms of their functionality, they are absolutely useless. In 25% of people, the G-8 does not erupt at all, and no one suffers from this. All this is evolutionary.

Features of the human jaw structure

Nature is tripled very reasonably, expediently, and the jaws can be safely considered as a mechanical structure for crushing and grinding food. Roughly speaking, this is a kind of pliers or scissors, where the teeth are the strong cutting edge of the tool. The closer the tooth is to the axis or jaw joint, the more force is created by the rule of leverage during jaw compression.

In the past, the wisdom tooth, reviews of the need for removal of which often differ, was intended for chewing hard objects. Here, as an example, we can consider a dog, in order to cope with a large hard bone, it uses the last molars, which create powerful pressure. So did the ancient people. But as the millennia passed, they began to eat differently than their primitive ancestors.

Today, thanks to modern culinary processing, the human diet has become soft, the need for extra effort has disappeared, and, consequently, wisdom teeth have lost their primitive significance. They atrophied, due to uselessness and lack of calcium, they develop in a completely different way, they are very susceptible to chipping, caries. The jaw of a person of the 21st century is 4 mm shorter than that of people who lived 2 thousand years ago, and therefore the "eights" are simply not enough on itplaces, which led to a number of troubles associated with their eruption.

wisdom tooth reviews
wisdom tooth reviews

What causes an improperly growing wisdom tooth

Molars are often “to blame” for many oral problems. And if it is worth making a decision: treat or remove a wisdom tooth, then most often they tend to the second, especially if there is a need for implants.

"Eights" do not have predecessors in the form of milk teeth, and therefore the process of their appearance is more complex and painful. A focus of infection appears in the oral cavity, which can cause inflammation and even lead to complications.

wisdom tooth repair or removal
wisdom tooth repair or removal

The position of the wisdom tooth can often deviate from the expected (dystopia), which often leads to the destruction of the neighboring one. Often, a growing molar causes a strong compression of the entire dentition, which entails torsion. According to doctors, the wisdom tooth, the photo of which was shown, is a time bomb, and it can work at any time.

When wisdom teeth cause discomfort in the mouth

A correctly cut through eight, not crumbling and not twisting the neighbors, can also be a source of future troubles. But the reason for this may be the specifics of its growth, the special conditions of the location.

Lower and upper wisdom teeth are considered hard to reach. They are quite difficult to hygienic procedures with a brush, in a natural way they are also not particularly cleaned, since there is almost noused in the process of grinding food.

When the molars are not parallel to their neighbors, deep gaps are created and there is simply no way to process them. In these places, a stagnant zone begins to form, which is an ideal place for the reproduction of bacteria, a persistent focus of infection. It can also lead to corrosive formations.

Wisdom teeth: treat or remove

The process of treating "eights" is considered extremely difficult. The reasons are the same: incomplete view, incorrect position, inaccessibility, complexity or impossibility of using a drill, roots and canals can be unpredictable and very difficult to work with. But this is not the point, a highly qualified doctor will overcome these difficulties. And what is the result? The consequences will be eliminated, but the situation around the tooth and its position will remain the same. The circumstances that caused the disease will continue to work, which will lead to a repetition of the situation. It follows that when thinking about whether to treat or remove a wisdom tooth, it is still better to lean towards a cardinal decision - to remove the “eight”.

When a wisdom tooth needs to be removed first

When the eruption of a molar leads to the destruction and loss of adjacent teeth, the decision to remove it should be made immediately. Most of the time, this doesn't even cause controversy. Here, the practice of removing the "eights" before using the bereket system can be a striking example. If this is not done, then there will be no free space in the oral cavity to eliminate the causes of twisting and displacement.teeth, as well as to fix the result. In therapeutic procedures associated with trigeminal neuritis, the extraction of molars is also indicated.

when wisdom teeth grow
when wisdom teeth grow

Remove a molar? No problem

The practice of German dentists differs from the domestic methods of dental treatment. In Germany, the "eights" are eliminated as soon as they cut through. Wisdom teeth, as sources of constant trouble, caries and inflammatory processes associated with the impossibility of complete oral hygiene, according to foreign colleagues, should not be spared. If the wisdom tooth is swollen, then it is both difficult and ineffective to treat it, and the result of the work is short-lived. Molar extraction is the surest way to avoid possible oral diseases and related complications.

Many consider a wisdom tooth to be something like an appendix. The molar does not play any important role in eating, does not affect the appearance in any way, and a person feels great without it. And therefore, if a wisdom tooth has become inflamed, you should not cherish it, it is better to immediately remove it once and for all.

Wisdom teeth and implants: is coexistence possible

If, for example, the lower wisdom tooth is not removed, then there is no point in placing implants. Theoretically, they can be installed, limited visibility and location, of course, will interfere with the progress of work, but this is not the main thing. The reasons here are completely different.

First of all, it will be quite difficult to determine the angle of the rod and implement everything with the required accuracy. Second, when the jaws willcompress, the axis of the implant will not align with the load, resulting in a lateral displacement force. It is important to remember here that the load on the extreme teeth is maximum. If the rod is periodically loosened, a gap will form and food debris, bacteria will get into it, which can lead to disastrous results.

swollen wisdom tooth
swollen wisdom tooth

Normally, the molar easily copes with lateral loads, due to the fact that it has several roots, and it is rigidly attached to the bone. Thanks to a kind of "bag" it is amortized. This is not possible in the case of an implant. Even with its ideal installation, the joint between the gum and the crown exists. Over time, it can become inflamed, leading to oral problems.

Wisdom tooth eruption: how to relieve pain

Usually wisdom teeth, when they grow, bring a person very painful sensations and discomfort. Patients often go to the doctor with complaints and questions about how to relieve pain. In this case, the dentist can remove the hood over the molar to facilitate the eruption process. The cut gum will make way for the growing "eight".

When teething wisdom, you can also use folk remedies. To relieve inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with antiseptic elixirs. A solution consisting of water, s alt and soda is considered very effective. It perfectly disinfects injured gums.

Pain is also relieved thanks to analgesics, but it happens that traditional folk remedies are not enough to treat molars. If there areserious complications, it is desirable to remove the eighth teeth.

All of the above problems that a wisdom tooth can lead to can be solved, and they should not be taken as something out of the ordinary. The main thing here is not to hesitate when the first symptoms appear, but to hurry with a visit to the dentist. An experienced doctor will certainly eliminate and alleviate discomfort, find the right solution in this situation.

inflamed wisdom tooth
inflamed wisdom tooth

How the G8 grows

Each adult person in the normal state of the oral cavity has 32 teeth, of which the last two in each of the dentition are considered wisdom teeth. At an early age, 28 teeth grow, and somewhere by the age of 17-20, and sometimes by the age of 30, wisdom teeth also appear. As molars grow, a person's overall he alth may deteriorate. In addition to pain in the mouth, he may experience chills, malaise, weakness, and often a fever.

Ancestors needed wisdom teeth due to the fact that they had a different way of eating, and there was practically no oral hygiene. Somewhere around the age of 30, they lost some of their molars, and in this case, the molars provided them with normal chewing. Then the question of whether the wisdom tooth should be treated or removed was not.

The fact that wisdom teeth are called that is due to the fact that they erupt late. The peculiarity of the "eights" lies in the fact that they do not have dairy predecessors. When they appear, they cause a lot of discomfort, trouble and pain, and all because the bone tissue from which the molarscut through, has long been formed. There are times when there is not enough space on the jaw arch, then the wisdom tooth tries to push out and take the position of the existing tooth.

lower wisdom tooth
lower wisdom tooth

Wisdom tooth extraction: contraindications

The reasons why the removal of the G8 is undesirable may be different. The most acute of them is the simultaneous absence of the seventh, sixth teeth or their condition close to being removed. And even if the wisdom tooth is swollen, what to do in this case, the question is not asked, of course, to treat. Thanks to the preserved molar, it will be possible to install an orthopedic structure from bridges.

It is also recommended to keep the "eight" if there is an antagonist tooth in the mouth, that is, it is located on the opposite jaw and physiologically closes with the opposite one. In this case, the removal of one molar, especially the lower one, will lead to the advancement of another. This is due to the fact that the load and resistance will disappear. From the moment the antagonist is removed, the second tooth will no longer perform a chewing function.