Intrauterine spiral "Juno": description, composition, instructions for use and reviews

Intrauterine spiral "Juno": description, composition, instructions for use and reviews
Intrauterine spiral "Juno": description, composition, instructions for use and reviews

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, couples use various contraceptives, which are divided into two groups: male and female. The latter are less popular, in particular the IUD - an intrauterine device. However, this method of contraception is the most effective (98%), giving way only to hormonal contraceptives. Among the spirals of domestic production, the trust of women was earned by the Yunona Navy. The principle of operation, description, types, composition and reviews are all the most important in this article.

Spiral "Juno" Bio: reviews
Spiral "Juno" Bio: reviews

Spiral "Juno": general information and existing species

The IUD is a very small plastic-mixed device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent the fertilization of an egg by slowing down the movement of sperm. It can reduce the "life" of the egg and prevent it from implanting, and in case of fertilization, this device contributes to abortion.

Spiral"Juno" Bio appeared on the pharmacological market more than two decades ago, and it was developed by Belarusian doctors. In those days it was a real sensation in the field of medicine. Since a lot of time has passed, and technologies do not stand still, the product is already being produced in several forms: t-shaped (Bio-T), f-shaped (Bio Multi) and ring-shaped. All these types differ not only in their structure - they are made with the addition of various materials.

Spiral "Juno"
Spiral "Juno"

Description of each species and their features

1. Spiral "Juno" Bio-T.

The cheapest option available. Such a product is sold in pharmacies at a price of 250 rubles. It looks like an anchor. Produced using an inert material and covered with the finest copper wire, which plays a major role in the device. Set for 5 years.

2. Juno Bio-T Super.

The option is similar to the previous one, but differs in that the IUD is treated with a special antibacterial composition based on propolis, the purpose of which is to prevent the development of inflammation of the ovaries and the inner lining of the uterus. By the way, these diseases are the most common, arising from the spiral. The term of use is also 5 years, and the cost is 300 rubles.

3. Spiral "Juno" with silver, or Bio-T Ag.

In this version, the leg of the IUD is covered not only with copper, but also with silver, due to which the possibility of oxidation of the former is prevented and efficiency becomes higher. Duration of use - 7 years, andcost - 450 rubles.

4. Juno Bio Multi.

This is a copper v-shaped piece with scalloped edges, slightly larger than the above options. It is intended for women who have given birth to several children, who have had more than one abortion, and those girls who previously had a spiral prolapse. It will last 5 years, and the cost is 550 rubles.

5. Juno Bio Multi Ag.

Indications are the same as for the previous option. The difference is that along with copper, silver was used in the production. The service life is 7 years, and the price is 800 rubles.

6. Ring-shaped spiral "Juno" Bio-T.

The only product that can be installed in nulliparous girls. Available in two sizes - 18 and 24 mm. The second is recommended for women who have already become mothers. Produced using copper, installed for 5 years. The cost of the device will be inexpensive - 300 rubles. Two more similar spirals are produced with silver, their price is 450 rubles, and the duration of wearing is 7 years.

7. Spiral "Juno" Bio-T Au.

This is probably the best option that can be. The installation period is 7 years, and the cost fluctuates around 5,000 rubles. But the price justifies itself. Firstly, when installing such a spiral, rejection is almost 100% eliminated. Secondly, the IUD does not give side effects, moreover, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Available in T-shape.

Spiral "Juno": reviews
Spiral "Juno": reviews

What are Juno spirals made of?

As already mentioned above, whenIn the production of the IUD, an inert material is used, in addition to which copper, silver or gold serve. At the end of such a product there are special medical threads necessary for the subsequent removal of the device from the uterine cavity.

Instructions for using the Juno spiral

Attention! The information is for informational purposes only. The Juno intrauterine device should only be inserted by a qualified gynecologist after an examination and appropriate tests. Among them:

  1. Smears for flora from the vagina and cervical canal and for oncocytology.
  2. Extended colposcopy.
  3. Ultrasound of the uterus, bladder, appendages and cervix.

Also, the doctor will determine the presence or absence of contraindications:

  1. Uterine bleeding of unknown etiology.
  2. Supposed or confirmed pregnancy.
  3. Scars on the uterus.
  4. Inflammation of the genitourinary system, acute and chronic.
  5. Uterine malformations.
  6. The presence of oncological tumors, as well as cervical stenosis and fibromatosis.
  7. Deformation of the uterine cavity.
  8. Adolescence.
  9. Polyps, cervicitis, ectopia.

If everything is in order and there are no contraindications, the doctor proceeds to install the IUD. The Juno spiral is entered as follows:

  1. Mirrors are installed, with the help of which the gynecologist finds the cervix, treats it with a disinfectant solution and grabs the front lip with forceps.
  2. With a special probe, the doctor measureslength of the uterine cavity.
  3. Introduces the helix using the device.
  4. The procedure ends with cutting the "antennae" of the IUD so that they do not interfere with the woman in the future, and removing the forceps.
  5. To prevent the development of possible complications and infection, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
Spiral "Juno" Bio
Spiral "Juno" Bio

Advantages and disadvantages of the Juno intrauterine device

Spiral "Juno" reviews are good, most women highlight such advantages of use:

  • efficiency;
  • use duration;
  • reasonable and sometimes very low price;
  • no need to think about pills, condoms and other contraceptives;
  • lack of discomfort for both partners;
  • can be used for nulliparous girls;
  • no effect on future offspring.

And now the cons:

  • many contraindications;
  • does not protect against STDs;
  • probability of ectopic pregnancy;
  • possibility of complications;
  • increased discharge during menstruation;
  • risk of ingrowing into the uterus;
  • pregnancy may still occur, which it would be desirable to terminate.
Spiral "Juno" Bio-T
Spiral "Juno" Bio-T

What every woman should know about the IUD

The intrauterine device, contrary to the opinion of many girls, does not apply to postcoital contraceptives. In other words, if fertilization has already occurred, the IUD will not cause/method of abortion.

For someAccording to data, from 12 to 44% of cycles end in spontaneous miscarriage, which a woman may not be aware of. If this does not happen, pregnancy is established, most likely, the doctor will recommend an abortion, since the child may be born prematurely and with pathologies. When the spiral grows, it is removed by abdominal surgery.

Spiral "Juno" with silver
Spiral "Juno" with silver

Spiral "Juno": reviews

Practically all girls who have installed such an IUD do not regret choosing this contraceptive at all. For everyone, the installation process was painless and without consequences, however, there were cases when the spiral fell out unnoticed by the woman, and it all ended in pregnancy. It can be concluded that the IUD, namely the Juno Biot spiral, is an ideal contraceptive. Reviews are the best confirmation of this.
