There are times when you need to lose your voice. This can be done in just a few hours. As a rule, laryngitis occurs due to overexertion of the vocal cords. Therefore, most of the methods consist in increasing the load on the throat. So how do you lose your voice?
Let's go scream
This is the classic method. To carry out the plan, you need a pillow. You need to bury your face in it and scream. After 15 minutes, you can take a short break, and then continue.
Screaming is the easiest and most effective method to quickly lose your voice. However, you will have to wait several hours. This method is the most effective, as the vocal cords are very tense. When carrying out such an exercise, you should refuse water. Dry larynx tenses more. However, you will lose your voice even if you take a few sips. It just takes longer.

Speak in a whisper
How to lose your voice without making a lot of noise? Easily. Talk in a whisper. After a few hours, the voice will disappear. This is due tothe fact that a whisper, like a scream, causes a strong tension of the vocal cords. During the exercise, it is worth reducing the amount of fluid consumed. The larynx must remain dry.
Violent cough
Since you can lose your voice in a few hours, you can resort to other methods. With a strong cough, the vocal cords also tense up. It is worth considering that such an exercise may cause a headache. If you have a similar symptom, you should take a break and get some rest.
Coughing is recommended in several approaches. In this case, the throat should be dry. Therefore, water, as in the above cases, should be abandoned. It may take several hours to lose your voice.

How to quickly lose your voice without straining your vocal cords? In this case, you can use cold. You can compress. An ice pack should be applied to the throat for several hours. As it warms up, such a compress must be changed.
In order not to injure the skin, you need to wrap the ice pack with a towel. It is worth considering that this will extend the time of the procedure. How does it work? Everything is simple. Low temperatures cause the muscles, including the voice, to contract. When producing sounds, the ligaments will not be able to vibrate correctly. To speed up the process, you can talk, sing in high tones, or shout.
How about food?
How to lose your voice at home by eating certain foods? First of all, you should pay attention to acidic foods. Somebodyrecommends using diluted vinegar and lemon juice. Acidic drinks irritate the vocal cords. As a result, laryngitis may develop. Some forms of this disease occur due to acid reflux. Therefore, the use of such products may affect the condition of the vocal cords.

So here are some recipes. Dilute the juice of two lemons in a glass of cold water. The drink should be sour. In a second glass of cold water, dilute 10 milliliters of apple cider vinegar. To begin with, you should drink a drink with lemon juice, lie down on the bed and throw your head back. In this position, you must be within 15 minutes. This should be followed by a sip of diluted apple cider vinegar.
Now you know how to lose your voice. It is not recommended to use the last of the above methods, since very acidic foods adversely affect the condition of the mucous membranes, including the stomach. This method is contraindicated for those who are allergic to citrus fruits. You should also abandon this method for those who have gastrointestinal diseases. Anyway, you should think carefully before experimenting with your he alth.