Preorthodontic trainer: concept, purpose, types, rules of use, indications and contraindications

Preorthodontic trainer: concept, purpose, types, rules of use, indications and contraindications
Preorthodontic trainer: concept, purpose, types, rules of use, indications and contraindications

Incorrect bite is a fairly common phenomenon, and it can develop not only in adults, but also in children. The pre-orthodontic trainer is designed to correct this problem. Usually, if there are any anomalies in relation to the dentition, many orthodontists prescribe braces for their patients. These modern products have a fairly wide range and are highly efficient. However, due to some features, such designs have their pros and cons. Even small braces are visible to others, which causes some discomfort, especially in adult patients.

preorthodontic trainer t4k
preorthodontic trainer t4k

For this reason, trainers are an alternative. But they can also have their own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, there are certain indications forwearing them, as well as contraindications.

What exactly are trainers?

Similar orthopedic constructions are an apparatus for correcting the bite, which is located on both the upper and lower jaws.

T4K's red or pink pre-orthodontic trainers are shaped like the mouthguards worn by boxers to protect their teeth in battle. Usually, elastic and durable silicone is used for their manufacture, but there are also products made of polyurethane. This material is fully compatible with the oral mucosa.

The trainer has a mild effect on displaced teeth, and without any discomfort for the patient. Such funds do not need to be worn around the clock, it is enough to wear them for several hours during the day, as well as at night.

As a rule, the cap size is universal, due to which there should not be any difficulties with their selection. The use of trainers is economical in the sense that thanks to such treatment (of course, when it is started in a timely manner), you can subsequently not resort to installing expensive braces.

Varieties of orthodontic caps

Structurally, silicone products can be of different modifications.

  • Initial (blue tint) - silicone is used for their manufacture. This ensures increased elasticity, there are no extraneous odors, in addition, the material is not capable of causing allergic reactions. Due to the softness of the blue T4K pre-orthodontic trainer, the initial stage of therapy to correct the bite is painless. A course of treatment -from 7 months.
  • Final (pink or red colors) - these are already more rigid structures made of polyurethane. This provides a stronger pressure on the dentition, which allows you to intensively influence the alignment. The term of wearing is from 6 months to a year. In some cases, the duration of therapy may be increased for medical reasons.

When using trainers for bite correction, a long retention period is shown. This is due to the fact that after the procedure for the correction of bone tissue, a certain period of time is needed for recovery. For this, red T4A pre-orthodontic trainers are used as retention devices.

What leads to malocclusion

This deficiency is formed gradually, and its causes are manifold. This is not only an external influence, heredity should also be taken into account.

preorthodontic trainer t4k blue
preorthodontic trainer t4k blue

The fundamental factors can be considered the following:

  • Many children have bad habits, whether it's thumb sucking or nail biting.
  • Shortened tongue and lip frenulum.
  • Frequent cases of rhinitis, allergic edema, adenoid enlargement and other similar diseases. In this case, you have to mainly breathe through your mouth.
  • In relation to babies - artificial feeding. If the baby is breastfed, he needs to make an effort to get milk. This promotes the development of jaw muscles. feeding outbottle deprives such a payload, which causes improper placement of the dentition.

As you can understand, the need for a T4K pre-orthodontic trainer (blue, in particular) may arise even in childhood. This is mainly due to the fact that the formation of malocclusion develops gradually. In some cases, this begins almost from the first months of a newborn's life.

How orthodontic products work

The kit includes the corrective system itself, a box where it will be stored, a quality certificate, and an instruction manual. The design consists of several parts:

  • recesses for the dentition;
  • lip arches;
  • special tongue;
  • bumper lips.

The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the unique structure of the trainer - special channels help fix the jaws in a natural position. In addition, the design is equipped with an additional device, due to which the tongue takes the correct position in the mouth from an anatomical point of view.

Unlike the classic version of bite correction, the use of blue pre-orthodontic trainers (as well as red ones) allows you to eliminate the causes of the problem, while braces only correct the existing anomaly. Due to the correct and carefully designed design, such products can improve facial features.


The main function that is assigned to the caps is the bite correction. Removed when wornexcess load from the muscles of the maxillofacial system. For young patients, this is a great opportunity to wean them from bad habits.

preorthodontic trainer t4k reviews
preorthodontic trainer t4k reviews

Many doctors prescribe such products to normalize nasal breathing, swallowing, correct the incorrect position of the tongue and diction. This happens in accordance with the laws of nature - the cap forces the muscle structure to work in a natural way.

You can also highlight a few more equally important tasks:

  • Alignment of dental elements. The design made in the form of a parabola has sufficient flexibility. But what is more valuable - the cap is able to remember the shape. Guiding pressure will be applied to teeth that do not grow properly, resulting in their alignment.
  • Adjustment of the jaws in relation to each other. In this case, the design has the same effect as a special system that promotes closure of the teeth according to the first Angle class. This is confirmed by many reviews of T4K blue preorthodontic trainers. In addition, the elastic material provides protection to the teeth from mechanical damage and injury.
  • Monitoring of muscle functioning. In most cases, improper tooth growth is accompanied by a number of additional anomalies. The use of trainers allows you to eliminate such problems and avoid them in the future.

It is easiest to influence the position of the teeth and correct the bite in childhood. For this reason, parents need to monitor theirchild and, if obvious problems are identified, to correct the situation in a timely manner. And in most cases, such therapy is prescribed for children.

However, this does not mean that adults have absolutely no chance - there are similar products for them too. And since you don't need to wear them every day, you don't have to worry about aesthetics.

preorthodontic trainer t4a red
preorthodontic trainer t4a red

This is especially true for young patients. For them, peer ridicule about defects is akin to a psychological blow. What is it like to wear a pink pre-orthodontic trainer for boys or girls? In our time, unfortunately, they can be laughed at even because of the color.

Clear benefits

Bite correction through trainers has a number of advantages:

  • Detachable designs, which means that the person decides when to wear them.
  • When using trainers, physical comfort is provided for a long period of treatment.
  • Painless correction of existing defects.
  • In the process of making caps, it is not required to make casts of the jaws, as, for example, with prosthetics. Therefore, the cost of such products is an order of magnitude lower than that of other analogues for bite correction.
  • Constant visits to the dental clinic for the necessary manipulations (installation, correction and other operations) are not required. This will be welcomed by those patients who, due to their nature, are afraid of dentists in white coats.
  • Orthodontic products are low maintenance.

T4A blue or red pre-orthodontic trainers are cleaned after they are removed. There is no need for additional tools and devices. Unfortunately, it does not do without drawbacks, which will be discussed below.

Cons of trainers

Like most orthodontic appliances, trainers also have certain disadvantages. While wearing products, it is difficult to speak, it is impossible to eat.

Regularity is important in the use of orthodontic appliances. Otherwise, the desired result of treatment cannot be achieved.

preorthodontic trainer blue
preorthodontic trainer blue

Moreover, therapy requires composure, patience, perseverance. That is, the control of treatment lies entirely with the patient, and this is not always acceptable. Especially when it comes to children.

But perhaps the cons will seem insignificant to some people, and many patients will not consider them as disadvantages at all. In any case, many reviews about T4K preorthodontic trainers once again confirm that patients really need to be disciplined to get the desired result. And not every adult can boast of this quality, not to mention children.

List of medical indications

The following cases can be considered medical indications for the use of trainers:

  • Rotation of incisors and canines around its axis.
  • When a child has a speech impediment.
  • When breathing and swallowing are disturbed.
  • To rid the child of bad habits, in particular thumb sucking, than, toUnfortunately, many children sin.
  • False open and deep bite.
  • Anomaly in relation to the placement of the mandible.
  • Inability to use braces.
  • Crowding of teeth in the lower jaw.
  • Psychological problems that tighten the maxillofacial muscles and need to be relaxed.

Since most of the time trainers work while a person is immersed in sleep, the probability of pathological closing of the jaw is excluded. With all these indications, trainers show their best side, acting as a good alternative therapy. At the same time, T4K preorthodontic trainers are relevant only for minor defects in teeth and bite.

Who shouldn't use trainers

The products considered in the topic of this article, without a doubt, can be considered a new modern solution in the issue of bite correction. However, there are certain cases where they should not be used:

  • Severe nasal congestion.
  • When cross-biting the teeth of the lateral areas.
  • Presence of severe anomaly.
  • Individual intolerance to trainer material.

It is important for patients to remember that the choice of therapy to correct malocclusion is the prerogative of the orthodontist and no one else.

preorthodontic trainer pink
preorthodontic trainer pink

Only a doctor can assess the oral cavity and determine the severity of the existing problem. Self-medication here, as in the case of any otherdiseases, under the strictest ban!

Features of care

Orthodontic restorations do not require special care, which has already been mentioned in the merits. However, when using pre-orthodontic trainers, you must follow simple rules:

  • From time to time, products should be cleaned with a toothbrush, as in daily hygiene.
  • Designs are completed with a special box or container, in which, in fact, they need to be stored.
  • Trainers should be handled with care - that is, you should not bite them, as well as try to move your tongue. It is important to monitor their condition, and if even minor damage or cracks are found, it is necessary to notify the doctor about this.
  • Rinse under running water at the end of each wearing session.

Besides this, do not boil mouthguards and do not wash them in hot water, as well as in cold. It is worth stopping attempts to conduct such experiments in the bud, since they are of no use.

Made in China

Usually the cost of caps starts from 4000 rubles, but thanks to the world-famous platform AliExpress, pre-orthodontic trainers can be purchased at a lower price - from 500 rubles. Only the lazy do not know about this global trading platform. But before you think about such a purchase, you should remember one popular wisdom: free cheese is only in a mousetrap! Although money is given for the goods, it is also applicable in this case.

The fact is that sometimes it is sometimes useful to think about what makes up the cost of a particular product. The quality of the material for such products is quite low, they are not able to exert the necessary pressure. In a fairly short period of time, the material is torn, deformed. What result should be expected from such trainers?

For this reason, parents should remember another wisdom that is more suitable for this situation - the miser pays twice! Therefore, there can be no talk of any savings, especially on your he alth or children. When buying a pre-orthodontic trainer, you should always pay attention to the availability of a certificate and give preference only to specialized outlets.


Usually, therapy to correct the bite with the help of modern orthodontic structures from many patients receives only positive feedback. Of course, subject to the correct operation of the products.

preorthodontic trainer reviews
preorthodontic trainer reviews

In most cases, according to many patients, mouthguards are the best alternative for correcting an overbite that exists today. In a similar vein, all those who have something to compare with respond. They didn't like braces or orthodontic plates.

The same numerous reviews of pre-orthodontic trainers that can be found on the Internet really confirm the high efficiency of this technique. Moreover, both in relation to adults and relatively still very young patients.