Any hike begins with the preparation of equipment. One of the main components of this preparation is the collection of necessary medicines. A first aid kit is a must on a hike, especially if the path lies through the mountains or if children are traveling with you. When you are away from your home, you must have your medicines with you, no matter where you go and how long you stay on the trip. What to take in the first aid kit on a hike? Read the article!
Basic principles of first aid kit formation
The first thing you should pay attention to when forming a first aid kit is the quality of medicines. This means that all medicines must be tested by you earlier for tolerability and effectiveness. Be sure to check the expiration date on all medicines. Look at what you put in the first aid kit, you should know the properties, dosage and side effects of medicines. A first aid kit on a hike should not be too heavy in weight.

Stay away from glass containersif possible, pour the desired liquids into plastic bottles. They weigh less and are more impact resistant.
First aid kit packaging
Which packing requirements are important to follow when camping?
- Rigidity - the container must be rigid (a plastic box will do). In it, your medicines are not afraid of sunlight and external negative mechanical influences. If you still take a non-rigid first aid kit on a hike, then pack glass bottles very carefully and make sure not to crush them.
- Tightness - the first-aid kit must have an airtight case. Otherwise, in heavy rain or on a rift, you may spoil some medicines. An excellent option is to pack a box of medicines in a hermetic bag (it is often used by tourists, especially watermen). Not the best solution would be to pack medicines in a trash bag.
- Shock absorption is an important point. A first-aid kit for hiking in the mountains should be lined with a piece of high-quality foam rubber. Then the ampoules will not be afraid of falling from a decent height.
- Drug Names - Don't take a package of medicines on a hike, it's extra weight in your backpack. Be sure to duplicate the names of medicines on bottles and blisters where necessary, otherwise confusion may arise at an acute moment.

Make a list of medicines
Be sure to have a clear and concise list of what is in your pharmacy. Put the sheet in a box or bag on top of all funds. Opposite every medicinewrite the expiration date, symptoms of taking and the concentration of the drug. This will greatly help those who have not encountered a particular medical problem (we are talking, of course, about a group first-aid kit). By the way, if you still decide not to give up glass containers, then glue it with a plaster. If the medicine breaks, all the glass will be on the band-aid, and will not scatter over the first-aid kit and backpack.
Take care of the convenience of carrying the first aid kit outside the backpack. Ideally, it should have a shoulder pack or at least straps for manual carrying. If the first-aid kit is soft, then it may have straps for fastening and carrying on the belt. Also take care of the recognition of the first-aid kit among other things. It should have a bright color or a cross on both sides. You can draw such a cross yourself.

Individual first aid kit
An individual first aid kit is the list of drugs that every tourist in the group should have with him. Each person must adjust the composition of it for themselves. That is, if you are allergic - take antihistamines with you, heart - heart medications, and so on. A camping first aid kit, the composition of which is not individualized for you, will not work! An individual kit should always be in an accessible place. By the way, if you are traveling alone, then you will not have a group set. In this case, expand the composition of your individual first aid kit.
So, the individual first aid kit will include:
- Remedies for your chronic diseases.
- Heart attack remedies("Validol", "Nitroglycerin").
- Allergy medicines.
- Tourniquet and plaster.
- Painkiller (for example, "Analgin").
- An antipyretic (like Aspirin).
- Antibiotics.
- Eye drops ("Albucid", "Levomycetin").
- Remedy for burns "Panthenol".
- Intestinal remedy (Loperamide) and activated charcoal.
- Hydrogen peroxide.
- "Nosh-pa".
- "Yodantipirin" for the prevention of encephalitis.
- "Doxycycline" (used for Lyme disease).

Group First Aid Kit
First-aid kit in a campaign by a large group should be made especially carefully. Its composition is determined based on the number of participants and the duration of the journey. If the group is going on a hike in the taiga, where the nearest village is at least 200 km away, then the medicines should be chosen very carefully. The group kit includes the same products as the individual kit, plus some extras:
- Sore throat remedy.
- Remedy for itching after insect bites.
- Anti-inflammatory ointment.
- Cough suppressants.
- Enzyme preparations.
- Antimalarials.
- Chapstick.
Be sure to bring an ampoule layout and all the tools and tools for treating various wounds.
First aid kit for hiking with children
First aid kit for hikingwith children should be collected especially carefully! Choose medicines strictly according to the age of the children in the group. So, be sure to take with you:
- Remedy for fever in syrup ("Panadol", "Nurafen" or "Efferalgan").
- Means for poisoning ("Regidron", "Smekta", "Linex", activated carbon, "Loperamide").
- Medications for allergies ("Fenistil gel", children's "Loratodin", "Cetrin").
- Wound treatment products (for children, iodine is best taken in the form of a pencil).
- Antibiotic "Summamed".
- Remedies for the common cold (for washing - "Aquamaris", drops - "Vibrocil" or "Nazivin baby").
- Be sure to bring earaches, eye drops, cough and sore throat medicines.

Mountain hike first aid kit
Just like a children's first aid kit for a mountain trip, it is assembled with special care and attention to detail. The main difference between such a first-aid kit is the presence of a medicine for mountain sickness in it. This disease often harms even experienced climbers, not to mention beginners. Be sure to put drops from snow blindness "Novezin" in your backpack. "Penicillin" and "Novocaine" should be in each individual and group first-aid kit. Hiking in the mountains must be accompanied by a doctor and at his disposal are "Macrodex" 6%, "Dolantin", "Dimethyl sulfoxide", "Reparilgel", intravenous infusion sets.

Now you know that a first aid kit on a hike is an extremely necessary, irreplaceable thing! Treat its collection responsibly, and then going to the mountains, taiga and any other dangerous place will not be scary for you. And do not forget that the most convenient way to lay medicines is block. This way you will find the right drug much faster.