Stomatitis in adults: treatment, symptoms and causes of the disease

Stomatitis in adults: treatment, symptoms and causes of the disease
Stomatitis in adults: treatment, symptoms and causes of the disease

One of the most common oral diseases is stomatitis. Pathology tends to recur. Lesions develop on the mucous membranes, affecting the cheeks and lips. Often lesions occur under the tongue. The first manifestation is hyperemia of small areas. If you do not start treating the disease on time, correctly, ulcers form. Sometimes the treatment of stomatitis in adults is necessary in itself, but there are many cases when the disease develops against the background of a different pathology. Measles, scarlet fever, some forms of violation of the microflora of the body, pseudotuberculosis can provoke it. If the disease was observed at least once in a lifetime, there is a risk of a recurrence of the situation in the future. As can be seen from medical statistics, at present it is stomatitis that is more common than any other pathology that involves the oral mucosa.

Where did the trouble come from?

Before starting treatment of stomatitis in adults, you should figure out why the disease has developed. Physicians are aware of many factors that canprovoke a problem - this is physical, chemical damage, eating sour food, too hot dishes, using prostheses, braces. Sometimes stomatitis develops as a manifestation of an allergy, most often this is due to hereditary factors. When such an option is identified, doctors indicate that the human immune system perceives some external agents as allergens, which initiates a biochemical response, numerous mediators are produced that provoke inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa.

medical treatment of stomatitis in adults
medical treatment of stomatitis in adults

Sometimes the treatment of stomatitis in adults is carried out against the background of a fungal infection. The most common agent is candida, a genus of fungi present in a he althy human body, but with certain disorders, it begins to actively develop. When colonies become too numerous, this leads to severe he alth problems. In addition, the wrong approach to oral hygiene, the presence of caries, vitamin deficiency, HIV infection, the use of products containing sodium lauryl sulfate for cleaning the oral cavity can provoke the disease. But in childhood, most often stomatitis is provoked by the love of kids to try everything around for a tooth - inedible, often dirty objects easily lead to stomatitis. If, as a person grows up, he does not wean himself from such a bad habit, the likelihood of permanent infection of the mucous membrane is very high.

What happens?

Modern doctors use a rather complex system for classifying cases. Choosingapproach to the treatment of stomatitis in adults, you need to consider which category the disease belongs to. To assign to a certain group, mythological signs (aphthosis, ulcers), causes of the disease (infection, colonies of bacteria), developmental features (allergy, trauma), and severity of the course (mild, moderate, severe) are analyzed. Each of the types requires its own unique approach, ineffective in other forms of the disease. In order for the therapy to give a quick and reliable result, you should consult a doctor at the first manifestations of stomatitis. The doctor will interview the patient, collect a picture of the disease, study the anamnesis, on the basis of which he will determine what is the cause of the mucosal lesion, which ways will be the most effective.

However, in any form, the very first measure of treatment of stomatitis in adults at home is oral hygiene. It is necessary to regularly brush your teeth after each meal, using high-quality brushes, good pastes that do not contain dangerous chemical components. You should choose special medicinal products that disinfect the oral cavity and supply useful substances to the mucous membranes affected by the disease. In addition, you need to make an appointment with the doctor, check all the teeth and cure caries, if any. With stomatitis, it will not be superfluous to regularly carry out antiseptic treatment of the mucous membranes of the mouth. As mouthwashes, you should choose natural infusions, decoctions, self-prepared on chamomile, calendula, sage. They soothe the mucosa, disinfect surfaces, help to quickly cope withstomatitis, freshen breath.

Pharmacy products: what will help?

Drug treatment of stomatitis in adults is best chosen at the doctor's appointment. On the shelves of modern pharmacies there is a huge variety of drugs. Some are good for aphthosis, others will help with herpes or fungal infections. It is not easy to choose among them exactly such a tool that is useful in a particular case. But the doctor, having examined the patient, taking scrapings, doing tests, will be able to say exactly what provoked the ulcerative process. Based on this information, you can choose the best medication. Predominantly used antiseptics, local analgesics, as well as agents that can inhibit the vital activity of viruses and microbes. Names proven to be reliable:

  • Kamistad.
  • "Anti-Angin Formula".
  • "Derinat".
stomatitis treatment in adults at home
stomatitis treatment in adults at home

Treating: where to start and how to continue?

Treatment of stomatitis with folk remedies in adults involves the use of a variety of plants that have long been known for their positive effect on the human body. The classic version is Kalanchoe, which grows in almost every home. The juice extracted from the leaves can be used as a base for a mouthwash solution. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the patient uses his own dishes; all other family members should avoid it.

stomatitis treatment in adults
stomatitis treatment in adults

If the disease is mild, you can increase the effectiveness of the use of herbsachieved by combining them with special preparations. If the disease is provoked by the herpes virus, it is reasonable to use medications to combat inflammatory processes. With a moderately severe form, local ointments will have to be applied. Reliable names are Zovirax, Acyclovir. If the disease develops in a severe form, the patient should be hospitalized. Physicians choose an antiviral drug program. Treatment should be systemic, and it is unacceptable to delay the start of the course.

Forms and approaches

Treatment of candidal stomatitis in adults with a moderate form requires the use of medications that can stop the activity of fungal colonies. With a mild form, folk remedies come to the rescue. Benefits can bring ointment "Metrogil Denta". However, the most reliable name is Diflucan. But if the cause of the disease is injury to the mucous membrane, then the first thing to do is to eliminate the factors that violate the integrity of organic tissues.

stomatitis in an adult home remedies
stomatitis in an adult home remedies

As can be seen from numerous photos, the treatment of aphthous stomatitis in adults is an extremely hot topic. In order to choose an effective course, it is necessary to determine the causes of the pathology as accurately as possible, to understand by what mechanism the problem develops. If the source of discomfort is an allergic reaction, the doctor's task is to understand what exactly provokes it, and the patient's task is to eliminate the dangerous compound from his daily routine as effectively as possible. To enhance the effectiveness of the course, antihistamines are prescribed. The names "Tavegil", "Suprastin", "Ketotifen" are popular. If the cause is an imbalance in the activity of the stomach, intestines, you will have to resort to methods for diagnosing the functions of these organs in order to determine what is the cause of the trouble. Based on clearly articulated data on the etiology, an effective course of treatment can be developed. Do not try to cope with aphthous stomatitis on your own, this can lead to serious negative consequences.

Hygiene and disease

To avoid the need for the treatment of stomatitis in the mouth in adults, you need to be extremely careful about the rules of hygiene. Doctors recommend brushing your teeth daily after meals, but at least twice a day. You should visit the dentist at least once every six months - caries can cause stomatitis, which is almost impossible to cure until the teeth are put in order. You can minimize the risk of illness by working out a good diet rich in vitamins, as well as debugging a normal mode of work and rest. You should go to bed and get up on schedule.

If you are worried about redness, swelling on the cheeks inside, under the tongue, on the lips, you should not pull, waiting for the condition to worsen. Burning, itchy areas - all this indicates that it is time to figure out what the treatment of stomatitis in adults should be. The drugs mentioned above show the best results when the disease is just beginning. In order to minimize the risk of complications, to quickly eliminate the problem, it is important not only to lead a correct lifestyle, but also to start a treatment program on time.

Catarrhal stomatitis

There is stomatitis in this form quite often. The primary measure is to disinfect the oral cavity in order to stop the inflammatory processes. The patient's task is to take measures to prevent the spread of a pathogenic infection to neighboring tissues. At the same time, drugs are used to soothe pain. If the cause of the disease is the lack of hygiene measures, it is with a lifestyle adjustment in this aspect that you need to start. First, regular hygiene procedures are introduced into everyday life, only after that treatment methods are selected. You will have to learn how to brush your teeth thoroughly, as well as form an alkaline environment in the oral cavity, since acidic ones are the most comfortable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria and pathological microflora. If it is possible to correct the acidity of the environment in the mouth, this will help to completely block the further reproduction of viruses and microorganisms.

As doctors say, only the treatment of stomatitis will be effective with the constant use of compounds to normalize the acidity of the oral cavity. Doctors recommend using them at least five times every day. For rinsing, they take a soda solution: for a dessert spoon of the product - a glass of warm water, dissolve the powder and use it for rinsing. No less useful is a solution of brilliant green, borax, potassium permanganate, glycerin, Lugolevsky. With stomatitis, you can rinse your mouth with Castellani liquid. Various antiseptics are used for disinfection of mucous surfaces - Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Rivanol. Often comes to the rescuefamiliar to all hydrogen peroxide (below is a photo). Treatment of stomatitis in adults involves taking measures to activate regenerative processes. Use medicinal herbs that stop inflammatory processes. Herbs are used to rinse the mouth, make lotions for sores, treat targeted areas with mucous gauze soaked in medication. Such procedures are done every three hours, sometimes more often.

stomatitis in the tongue treatment in adults
stomatitis in the tongue treatment in adults

Home remedies for stomatitis

Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity is a problem known to mankind for a long time. Alternative treatment of stomatitis in adults is a huge variety of means, methods that are effective to one degree or another. They show the best result when the disease is just beginning. A simple option is to use a flat-leaved eryngium. The grass is crushed, a glass of boiling water is taken per teaspoon of powder. For a quarter of an hour, the mixture is kept in a water bath, after which it is allowed to brew for another couple of hours. The finished solution is filtered and used to rinse the mouth.

Medicinal chamomile will bring no less benefit. Take a glass of boiling water on a tablespoon, insist an hour. Treatment of stomatitis with home remedies in adults involves the use of chamomile infusion in combination with boric acid - 4 g of the substance is taken per glass of broth. Before rinsing, the liquid is heated to a comfortable temperature.

Another good recipe is based on the use of cinquefoil roots. The product is crushed, a glass of boiling water is taken on a tablespoon andinsist at least five hours. When ready, the liquid is boiled, filtered and used for rinsing. Such treatment of stomatitis at home in adults shows its effectiveness with frequent and regular use of the remedy.

Ulcerative stomatitis

If the process is pronounced, effective treatment of stomatitis in adults involves a combination of anti-inflammatory drugs, antiseptics and disinfectants. To alleviate the patient's condition, local analgesics are used. You can additionally use drugs to strengthen the immune system. It is highly likely that such stomatitis indicates other diseases that affect the internal organs, therefore, a thorough diagnosis of the patient is required. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, the doctor prescribes "Furacilin", "Rivanol" or recommends rinsing with hydrogen peroxide. Sometimes therapy is supplemented with the introduction of "Urotropin" into the vein, the administration of antimicrobial and antihistamines. To stop the pain syndrome, you should use ointments, powders, which have an analgesic effect. In some cases, novocaine solution used for “baths” will benefit: the liquid is taken into the mouth and held without swallowing for at least ten minutes.

stomatitis treatment in adults effective drugs
stomatitis treatment in adults effective drugs

Prevention and treatment of this type of stomatitis in adults with folk methods involves the use of garlic, onions. The products are rich in phytoncides, they are most effective when crushed, so they are grated, passed through a garlic press. Readythe slurry is wrapped in gauze, applied to the damaged area of the mucosa and kept for at least five minutes. The procedure should be repeated three times daily. Another reliable option is an egg wash used for rinsing. Take half a glass of boiled warm water for protein, beat everything together, rinse your mouth with liquid every couple of hours. A mixture of protein, water, honey, novocaine, vitamins B1, B6 will bring no less benefit. Such a solution should be kept in the mouth for half an hour for effective absorption into the mucous membranes.

A solid approach

Having identified the causes, the treatment of stomatitis in adults begins according to the information received. The doctor may prescribe a course of local remedies to eliminate fungal colonies if tests show such an infection. This is characteristic of a severe ulcerative form of the disease. Apply "Nystatin", "Dekamin", "Clotrimazole", levorin ointment. Sometimes the course is supplemented with Levorin, Nystatin tablets. The doctor chooses the dose in each case, focusing on the specifics of the situation. The duration of the therapeutic course is up to two weeks, after which the reaction of the body is checked. If necessary, repeat the program take a week break. Self-administration of antimicrobials is strongly discouraged. Also, you should not stop the course of treatment earlier than indicated by the doctor - microorganisms can survive and become immune to medications.

The ulcerative form of the disease is considered dangerous and severe, this is largely due to its causes. Treatment of stomatitis in adults of this form is based on the factors that causedmucosal lesions. Often these are systemic diseases, violations of the activity of various organs. The most effective approach to therapy is to identify all possible pathologies, as well as check the teeth for caries. By eliminating all factors provoking ulcers, stomatitis can be completely cured.

Aphthous stomatitis

Treatment in adults of this disease also begins with the identification of the causes that provoked it. Often, pathology is observed against the background of hormonal imbalance, systemic disorders, disorders of the nervous system, prolonged drug therapy and allergies. The form can be triggered by a deficiency of the immune system, infection of the body. The best approach to troubleshooting is a complex one. For topical use, choose agents that stop inflammatory processes, antiseptics, antihistamines, if the nature of the disease is allergic. If a virus infection is detected, the doctor will prescribe an antiviral agent. In order for the affected areas of the mucosa to heal as quickly as possible, local ointments are used that form a protective film and activate the regenerative function of the mucosa. A reliable and popular name from this class is Solcoseryl.

Effective drugs with natural ingredients are used to treat stomatitis in adults. These include, in particular, ointments with propolis, rosehip, sea buckthorn. You should not choose a specific option on your own, it is better to seek the advice of a doctor. This is due to the complexity of the disease - the aphthous type may indicate serious internal disorders. Forto maintain the body's strength in the fight against a complex of diseases, immunomodulating agents are taken. Of the well-known names with a good reputation, it is worth noting Immudon, multivitamin formulations, ascorbic acid.

Herpetic stomatitis

Treatment in adults of the herpes form is chosen, focusing on the characteristics of the disease. The acute course is divided into five successive stages. The first three weeks are the incubation period, then the prodromal step, active, fading and recovery. The choice of treatment method is based on the stage in which the disease is at the moment. From the very beginning, ointments should be used to combat viral agents: oxolinic, Interferon, Tebrofen, florenal, bonafton. Before using this composition, the affected areas are treated with antiseptics. At the time of the active phase of the disease, medicinal herbal infusions and decoctions come to the rescue. When necrotic masses are rejected by the tissues of the body, treatment should be started with the help of agents that activate regenerative processes. From natural ingredients, aloe, flax seed oil come to the rescue. Of the pharmacy names, you should choose those intended for the oral mucosa and activating tissue repair.

It must be remembered that the treatment of herpes stomatitis in adults involves not only a local effect on the infection. As a rule, the patient suffers from fever, other unpleasant symptoms are possible. To alleviate the condition, the patient is prescribed medications for their relief. Antiviral drugs can be used not only locally, but also internally,for a systemic effect, but strictly under the supervision of the attending physician.

Vincent's Stomatitis

Sometimes the treatment of stomatitis in adults on the tongue involves the fight against this particular form, often referred to in medical reference books as ulcerative necrotic. The disease is more common at the age of 17-35 years, it is quite dangerous, since ulcers sometimes reach a six-centimeter diameter, which causes a violation of the quality of bone tissue, provokes tooth loss. The source of the disease is infection with bacteria, Vincent's spirochetes. Normally, in the human oral cavity, all these microscopic life forms live in small numbers, but with a weakened immune system, accompanying diseases, an imbalance of the flora is possible.

Treatment of stomatitis in the tongue in adults of this form involves the use of antiseptics. Do not think that lesions can only be of the tongue - Vincent's stomatitis develops on other mucous membranes in the mouth. To activate the separation of tissues affected by necrosis, enzymatic drugs are used. Good efficiency is distinguished by "Metronidazole", "Trypsin". Sometimes doctors recommend stopping at the name "Chymotrypsin". It is categorically not recommended to treat this form of the disease on your own, at home - there is a high probability of ineffectiveness of the chosen approach, which provokes certain risks for human he alth, because tooth loss is irreversible.

Names: helpers in the fight against disease

Against stomatitis, not only the drugs used as monotherapy, but alsodrug combinations. Doctors recommend simultaneously taking several items that differ in functionality. If stomatitis is detected, provoked by the herpes virus and similar agents, then tablets are prescribed to eliminate the infection. The duration of treatment is often only one day. Popular names are Famciclovir, Valaciclovir. Additionally, the doctor may recommend that you undergo a comprehensive treatment for viral infection. To do this, use the means:

  • Miramistin.
  • "Viferon".

To maintain the functioning of the immune system, medications are prescribed that have a positive effect on these cells - Imudon, Amiksin. If the patient suffers from a feverish state, the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above, the condition should be alleviated with antipyretic drugs.

Therapy and medicines

If it is necessary to fight the aphthous form of the disease, the doctor recommends that the patient take funds to stop the allergic reaction. "Claritin", "Suprastin" come to the rescue. Additionally, it is necessary to treat the affected skin areas. Reliable names used for this are Cholisal, Solcoseryl, Stomatofit. "Imudon" allows you to support the body's strength in the fight against infection. The effectiveness of therapy will show only with regular treatment of the oral cavity with disinfectants - for example, "Chlorhexidine" (below is his photo). Treatment of stomatitis in adults with the use of this drug gives a quick and good result.

stomatitistreatment in adults photo
stomatitistreatment in adults photo

If Vincent's stomatitis is established, the doctor prescribes antimicrobial names. A popular practice is the use of "Lincomycin", "Metronidazole". Sometimes doctors recommend stopping at the antibiotic "Amoxiclav". To enhance the effectiveness of the course, antiseptic rinses are prescribed. To treat the surface of the mucosa, ointments, gels are used - Metrogil Denta, Cholisal. To stop the allergic response of the body, "Pipolfen" is used. If stomatitis appeared against the background of the use of prostheses, it is recommended to either urgently change the installation, or be more attentive to hygiene procedures. Dentures should be thoroughly cleaned after meals.

Home remedies and stomatitis

Not every person is ready to use official medicine - many do not trust industrial drugs, preferring available options, folk wisdom. Often, such patients stop at the option of treating stomatitis with a mixture of Kalanchoe and carrots on the water. Aloe is effective even when used raw - you can chew the leaves of this plant. Another way to get rid of an unpleasant disease is to use fresh potatoes, garlic, cabbage leaves. The products are turned into gruel and applied to the affected area, covering with gauze, for several minutes. It should be remembered that garlic in its pure form can cause a burn. For safe use, the product is mixed with fresh natural sour cream.
