When the lower abdomen hurts in women, the reasons are quite simple to determine. Often unpleasant symptoms are justified by a gynecological feature. And what does it mean when a man's lower abdomen is pulled? Very often, men endure to the last. And then the pain begins to be acute. What to do if it pulls the lower abdomen in men? The reasons for this condition may be different. What to do if this symptom appears? How to treat?
Pulls the lower abdomen in men: briefly about the reasons
Painful discomfort in the lower abdomen can be dull, sharp, cutting, cramping and stabbing. Sometimes the pain radiates to the leg, the anus area and intensifies with physical exertion or when going to the toilet. Pain may be exacerbated by urination and defecation.
Does the lower abdomen hurt in men? The reasons may be as follows:
- bladder inflammation;
- renal colic;
- STDs;
- infringement of spinal hernia;
- appendicitis;
- inflammation of the intestines;
- obstruction;
- prostate disease;
- cancerprostate, testicles, penis.
Often the symptoms of all of the above diseases are similar. However, it is not worth trying to diagnose yourself. It is better to take active actions in relation to visiting a doctor. In most of the diseases mentioned above, the urologist specializes. If the doctor suspects inflammation of the appendix or intestines, oncology, he will refer you to the necessary other specialist.
If a man's lower abdomen pulls, then the most common reason lies in prostatitis. During an exacerbation of this disease, it is precisely the pulling nature of pain that occurs.
Causes of prostatitis:
- infection (the disease is provoked by viruses, bacteria, fungi);
- due to stagnation of prostate secretion (with reduced immunity, hypothermia, lack of exercise).
Among the pronounced symptoms are the following:
- pulls the man's lower abdomen;
- pain comes on suddenly and with bouts;
- difficulty urinating (residue occurs);
- discharge from the urethra.

During the course of this disease, an inflammatory process occurs in the prostate gland. Prostatitis is a fairly common disease. It affects every third man from 20 to 50 years old.
Localization of pain on the left
If the lower abdomen hurts on the left in men, then perhaps we should talk about violations of the internalbody systems. It is recommended to pay attention to the localization of pain.
Pulls the lower abdomen on the left side of a man? This area contains the sigmoid colon. In the same part is the left ureter. The causes of pain may be hidden in the diseases of these organs.
Let's consider the typical ailments that make themselves felt in this area:
Inflammation of the sigmoid colon. This disease is considered one of the most common acute inflammation of the intestine. Pulling pain occurs due to structural features. In the inner surface of the intestine there are bends that make it difficult to pass the food consumed. As a result - stagnation of feces and inflammation. Therefore, it pulls the left lower abdomen in men. As an additional symptom, fatigue or weakness may appear. Stool frequency and consistency is constantly changing

- Diverticula of the sigmoid colon. This disease leads to the formation of sacs of pathological origin. The disease can manifest itself for various reasons, namely: constipation, rapid weight gain, bloating, taking certain laxatives, infections. The disease proceeds without clear manifestations. Only the man's lower abdomen hurts. Drawing pain is accompanied by bloating, rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence.
- Irritable bowel syndrome. In the intestine itself, a disorder occurs that can last for several months. The disease occurs in men due to a violation of the contractions of the muscle tissue of the intestine. Consequently– pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, flatulence.
- Crohn's disease. This disease affects the digestive system. The disease mainly occurs with chronic inflammation in the form of cracks and sores on various organs. Crohn's disease most commonly affects the intestines, large intestine, and small intestine. The man feels a sharp and severe pain in the lower abdomen. You may experience vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and weight loss, general weakness and high fever.
- Intestinal obstruction occurs due to a violation of the movement of incoming food from the stomach to the intestines. There is stagnation of food. The reason for this condition is quite clear: a violation of motor activity in a separate section of the intestine. There may be a risk of a mechanical obstruction that impedes the movement of feces. Pain in the lower abdomen in men is cramping. Additional symptoms include nausea, constipation, bloating, vomiting, and increased gas.
- Oncological neoplasms in the sigmoid colon. In this area, a malignant tumor is formed. It begins its development from the cells of the mucous membrane. People who have a genetic predisposition and chronic diseases of the intestines or colon are most susceptible to this disease. The main symptoms: abdominal pain on the left, nausea, vomiting, belching, gas formation. When diagnosing this disease, the patient's feces must be examined. It contains streaks of blood or purulent inclusions.
- Urolithiasis is a disease that affects the kidneys, bladder and other vital organs.
- Stones thatoccur against the background of metabolic disorders. They interfere with the normal functioning of the genitourinary system. Pronounced acute pain in the lower abdomen, when urinating. Stones are formed due to malnutrition, lack of important vitamins and beneficial trace elements. Injuries and diseases of the digestive and urinary systems are also among the causes of stone formation.
If the right lower abdomen is pulled in men, near the abdominal region, then this is a clear sign of inflammation of appendicitis.
At the initial stage of the disease, there is a pulling pain. Gradually, with the development of pathology, the pain intensifies. As additional symptoms, nausea, vomiting, impaired bowel movements occur. Often the patient lies on one side, bending his legs under him. Blood and urine tests show a high level of leukocytosis.

When the first symptoms appear, hospitalization of the patient in a surgical hospital is indicated.
Diseases of the urinary system
Usually, cystitis is called a female disease. Since the urethra in women is shorter and wider than in men, the pathological microflora reaches the bladder faster.
However, men are not immune from this disease. Inflammation of the bladder often acts as a complication of urethritis (inflammation in the urethra). The reasons are quite simple and understandable: STDs, hypothermia.

Consider the symptoms of cystitis and urethritis:
- strongpain and burning in the urethra;
- pain when urinating;
- urine is cloudy, present in the contents of pus clots;
- swelling of the urethra;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- nausea.
This clinical picture is also typical during the passage of sand, stones in renal colic.
Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys. It develops against the background of dangerous infections entering the kidneys through the blood. In old age, pyelonephritis develops together with prostate adenoma. In rare cases, this disease acts as a complication after urolithiasis.

Signs of pyelonephritis: excessive sweating, poor appetite, fever. The nature of the pain in this disease is dull, pulling. Sometimes the pain can radiate to the lower abdomen. An additional symptom is severe discomfort during urination. Urine with this disease is cloudy. An additional symptom should be noted.
Lower pain
It happens that the pain covers the lumbar and lower abdomen. Such symptoms indicate such possible diseases:
- Renal colic develops against the background of urolithiasis, in which unpleasant painful sensations occur during urination. The pain radiates to the genitals, leg, groin and lumbar region. In this case, the man will need urgent medical attention.
- Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder.
- Appendicitis.
- Hernia ininguinal zone. With this disease, the internal organs of the peritoneum protrude into the inguinal region. The disease can occur both painfully and without pronounced symptoms. Due to the fact that the protrusion of the organs is formed, there is severe pain in the groin, lower back, abdomen.
Lower back pain may be due to orchitis. With this disease, the testicles in men become inflamed. They increase in size, turn red and swell. There is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. In acute orchitis, the temperature rises to 39 degrees, in the chronic form - up to 38. Orchitis often occurs as a complication of gonorrhea, a viral disease, tuberculosis, brucellosis, and syphilis. If you do not seek medical help in time, an abscess and infertility may develop.
Pulls the lower abdomen on the right side of men? The causes may lie in a number of sexually transmitted diseases.

We list the most common:
- gonorrhea;
- syphilis;
- affected by Trichomonas, Chlamydia.
With these diseases, pain in the lower abdomen may occur, which reflect the course of the inflammatory process inside the body.
Prostate and testicular cancer
Why pulls the lower abdomen in men? Perhaps the reason is hidden in the development of prostate and testicular cancer. This is a group of malignant diseases that affect the male reproductive system.
Most often, prostate cancer occurs in the elderlyage. A disappointing prognosis is more often put forward by doctors due to the fact that a man seeks help late.
Even with a diagnosis of testicular cancer, a man still has a chance to become a father. However, on one condition: if the disease is detected in a timely manner and treated.
The clinical picture of prostate cancer manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:
- urinary disorder (increased bladder emptying time or feeling of incomplete emptying);
- pulls the lower abdomen on the right side of men.
Conservative treatment includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy, complete or partial surgical removal of the organ.
Testicular Cancer
This disease is one of the most common. Testicular cancer is manifested by the following symptomatic signs:
- appreciably compaction in the structure of the organ;
- drawing pain in the lower abdomen;
- sharp pain with tissue necrosis;
- inflammation of the appendages.

The specific method of therapy depends on the specific type of neoplasm. Often, the doctor uses a complex treatment method that includes radiation, surgery, tumor removal, and chemotherapy.
Bladder cancer
Pain in the lower abdomen can be a symptom of bladder cancer. Malignant neoplasms grow rapidly along the mucosa of the organ. Until now, the exact causes of the development of this pathology have not been established. However, almost all doctors agree in one opinion: harmfulworking conditions are a predictive factor for the development of bladder cancer. Basically, this disease is diagnosed in miners, as well as in employees of factories for the production of plastics and rubber.
Genetic predisposition and previous diseases such as prostatitis and urolithiasis also affect the development of bladder cancer.
At an early stage, the disease practically does not manifest itself. Only slight disturbances in urination are noticeable. Pain may radiate to the lower back. Such symptoms are also characteristic of cystitis. Therefore, a man cannot even suspect that he is actively developing bladder cancer.
A few words in conclusion
You can't be careless about unpleasant symptoms. You need to see a doctor right away. Pain in the lower abdomen occurs due to the fact that vital organs are located in this area, which are very sensitive to any changes. With proper diagnosis and effective therapy, the problem can be solved.
Dull pain in the lower abdomen is a characteristic symptom of many diseases. However, it is not worth diagnosing yourself and self-medicating. Almost always, a delay in contacting a specialist leads to unforeseen disastrous consequences.
Examination is better to start with a consultation with a urologist, since many diseases that are manifested by acute or dull pain in the lower abdomen are the speci alty of this particular doctor. Do not delay treatment, as late therapy may not give positive results. An adult man musttake responsibility for your own he alth, as well as the he alth of your family and loved ones.