Migraine is one of the most common diseases that can reduce performance in many patients. This disease affects about 6% of men and 18% of women. These numbers are quite large. At the same time, 60% of people who suffer from this disease independently take various analgesics to eliminate pain. As a rule, such actions only aggravate the course of the disease.

Say no to analgesics
Many people who suffer from migraines do not know how to stop the attacks and take painkillers too late. There is very little effect from such therapy. Or he is completely absent. This leads to the fact that the patient begins to gradually increase the dosage of the medications taken. As a result, such actions only increase the risk of kidney damage, the development of gastritis. In some cases, taking analgesics can lead to more serious complications - the occurrence of drug-induced headaches.
That's why if you experience any symptoms of migraine, you should consult a specialist. Self-treatment in this case can onlyaggravate the patient's condition. At the end of the 19th century, a completely new group of anti-migraine drugs was created - selective agonists of 5 HT 18 / D receptors. Similar substances are derivatives of 5-hydroxytritamine. Their abbreviated name is triptanites. Migraine drugs of this generation are much more effective than conventional analgesics. In addition, such funds have become more affordable for all categories of patients.

How drugs work
Triptans are the most modern means for the treatment of such an unpleasant ailment as migraine. It is believed that all such drugs act in the same way. However, only a few of the vast number of triptans help one patient. Therefore, the final choice of such a drug remains solely with the patient. To determine the effectiveness of a particular triptan, it is necessary to test the drug during migraine attacks. There must be at least three of them. If the drug helped, then it can be used in the future. Of course, the cost of the triptan can also greatly influence the choice. After all, these medicines are expensive. In addition, each drug has a certain analgesic effect. In addition, it is worth knowing what kind of triptans there are for migraine, the features of the action, how to take them and contraindications.
First of all, these drugs affect the receptors of the walls of blood vessels. as a result, this causes a narrowing of the dilated cerebral vessels, and also helps to reduce headaches.

Such drugs have a fairly high selectivity. That is why triptans have an effect on the vessels of the dura mater of the brain. This is one of their features. However, they do not affect the peripheral and coronary vessels. It is worth noting that triptans are migraine drugs that block the occurrence of pain sensations at the level of receptors located in the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. This greatly reduces sensitivity to pain.
In addition, such drugs can reduce the frequency of relapses of the disease, as well as more effectively eliminate associated symptoms, such as sound and photophobia, vomiting and nausea.
Directions of action of triptans
To understand how these drugs work, it is worth highlighting the main thing:
- Narrowing of blood vessels located in the brain.
- Anti-inflammatory effect: reducing swelling that presses on the nerve endings.
- Inhibition of the excited trigeminal nerve and decrease in its pain sensitivity.
As you can see, migraine triptans are the most effective drugs that can stop migraine attacks. The main thing is to choose the right medicine
Advantages and disadvantages of triptans
Among the advantages of such drugs, it is worth highlighting the effective elimination of pain and associated symptoms, the speed of action. In addition, triptans can be used to treat the disease in different age categories.

Of course, any drug has its drawbacks. Triptans are great for migraine and headaches. However, the spectrum of action of such drugs is not yet fully understood. In addition, not everyone is able to take triptans for their he alth reasons. It is forbidden to use such drugs for people suffering from coronary heart disease. Those who have blood clots and malignant hypertension also fall into this category.
First Generation
Migraine drugs - triptans - are conditionally divided into several groups. This is the first and second generation. Each drug has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, Sumatriptan belongs to the first generation. This is the very first drug. It is almost completely studied and is a kind of standard in the treatment of migraine. 60 thousand people took part in clinical trials. The drug was first discovered by GlaxoSmithKline in 1989.
Basically, "Sumatriptan" is sold in the form of conventional coated tablets and spray. Each of them works the same way. The maximum effect after taking the tablets occurs after two and a half hours, and the spray after 90 minutes.
Second Generation
Triptans - migraine drugs belonging to this group - are numerous. In addition, they are not well understood. They are released in the form of tablets. The most effective are:
- "Natriptan" - the effect is observed already an hour after taking. Pain sensations are reduced. Maximum action comesa few hours later.
- "Frovatripan" - this drug is somewhat weaker, but when it is taken, unpleasant side effects appear less.
- "Zolmitriptan" - acts 15 minutes after taking. The maximum effect is achieved in about an hour. This drug works well at the peak of an attack.
- "Rizatriptan" - similar to the drug of the first generation, but has a more pronounced effect.
- "Almotriptan" - this drug is several times more effective than "Sumatriptan". The maximum effect is reached after 1.5 hours.
- "Relpax" - this drug is more inventive in terms of influencing the vessels of the brain. Although the characteristics are very similar to Sumatriptan.

Migraine drugs (triptans): price and recommendations for taking
To make it clearer what medicines exist, here is a table:
Trade name | Gene international name | Dosage in milligrams | Maximum daily dosage in milligrams | Average drug cost |
Sumamigren | Sumatriptan tablets | 50 or 100 | No more than 300 | from 170 to 387 rubles |
"Amigrenin" | Sumatriptan tablets | 50 or 100 | No more than 300 | From 132 to 288 rubles |
Imigran | Sumatriptan spray | 20 | 40 | from 449 to 1010 rubles |
Sumatriptan | Sumatriptan tablets | 50 or 100 | No more than 300 | From 88 to 170 rubles |
Zomig | Zolmitriptan tablets | 2, 5 | No more than 10 | From 593 to 1170 rubles |
"Replaks" | Eletriptan tablets | 40 | No more than 80 | From 338 to 636 rubles |
Reception Features
So, what is the best way to take triptans for migraine and headaches? The instruction in this case will help determine the dosage and time of administration. The main thing is to remember that if pain occurs, which increases gradually and does not have a migraine character, it makes no sense to take drugs of this kind. In this case, a non-specific analgesic should be taken. It is very important. Generally, triptans should be taken after the aura has ended, or no later than two hours after the onset of discomfort. In addition, if migraine occurs, triptan can be used with other drugs, such as metoclopramide or domperidone.
As for sprays, they should be used whenfairly pronounced bouts of nausea and, of course, vomiting. To eliminate migraine status, you can take "Imigran". Triptanites can be prescribed not only during the development of the disease, but also in the periods between attacks for prevention purposes. This is allowed when:
- The patient's quality of life has deteriorated greatly.
- NSAIDs are very difficult to treat.
- Migraine attacks occur more than twice every 30 days.

How to properly deal with a headache
To eliminate a migraine attack, you must first try taking 1000 milligrams of acetylsalicylic acid, a sweet drink containing caffeine, or 10 milligrams of Motilium. If after 45 minutes the headache has not disappeared, then you can use a triptan.
It is worth noting that in situations where a non-specific analgesic has not given the desired result for three attacks, you can immediately take a migraine remedy. If there is an aura, then you should use aspirin only after it starts, and after the onset of pain - drugs for migraine (triptans).
What to do if the pain returns?
Approximately 50% of patients experience a return of headache within a few days. Experts recommend in such a situation to take again drugs for migraine - triptans. In this case, it is worth remembering the maximum daily dose of the drug. Take the drug is not earlier than two hours after the first tablet. If a headache is possibletolerated, the patient can replace the triptan with a non-specific analgesic.

It is worth noting that the return of discomfort is often observed in patients with sufficiently long attacks that can last more than 24 hours without pain medication. Even against the background of taking any triptan, the frequency of such phenomena remains almost the same. However, experts believe that the use of "Eletriptan" and "Naratriptan" helps to reduce the number of new attacks.
If there is no result
There are situations when migraine drugs (triptans) and non-specific analgesics do not give the desired result and do not eliminate pain. In this case, the doctor may prescribe complex therapy, which includes taking anticonvulsant drugs, as well as B-blockers. These drugs include Nadolol, Acebutalol, Penbutolol, Labetanol, Betaxolol and others.
Side effects of triptans
Such drugs can be taken only 10 days a month. Otherwise, some problems may occur. More frequent use of triptans can lead to the development of a headache that occurs while taking the drug. In addition, drugs of this action have side effects, including:
- Feeling of warmth and stiffness in the limbs, drowsiness, asthenia, dizziness, impaired sensation.
- Infarction of the stomach or spleen, ischemic colitis, hemorrhagic diarrhea, dry mouth, pain in the areastomach and nausea.
- Myalgia and muscle weakness.
- Coronary spasm, myocardial infarction, angina, tachycardia, palpitations.
- Polyuria and frequent urination.
- Anaphylactic shock, angioedema, urticaria.
Despite all this, migraine triptans are a fast-acting remedy. If you take the drugs strictly according to the instructions, then there will be no problems. The only tangible drawback of such medicines is the cost. Not everyone can afford to buy such a drug.