Millions of women take vitamins "Mama" ("Complivit") to take care of themselves and their unborn child. Reviews of those who have felt their effect on themselves indicate that their use can be safely advised to every pregnant woman. Carefully selected composition has made them one of the most popular vitamins for this category of women.

Why pregnant women need vitamins
The development of the child, his he alth after birth and even his life expectancy are largely dependent on the behavior of the mother during pregnancy. Joy and sorrow, excess and lack of any substances, she now always shares with the organism developing in her stomach. Often a pregnant woman is faced with a lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for building fetal organs.
This is especially true in our time, when affordable food products have a very low content of nutrients. For example, in the first weeks of pregnancya woman in higher doses needs folic acid (В9), which, although it is found in many products, is easily destroyed during long-term storage and heat treatment. At a later date, for the proper development of the little man, B vitamins, vitamins C, E, P, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and magnesium are especially required.

Why these vitamins?
The first advantage of the "Complivit" ("Mom") complex for pregnant women is that vitamins are created specifically for this category of women, taking into account the needs of the baby developing in their womb. 11 vitamins and 7 minerals were not included in their composition by chance: the fact that a pregnant woman needs them has been established through serious research.
It is no coincidence that the dosages of all components are selected in this vitamin complex. The amount of each vitamin and mineral is 75% of the daily requirement. This implies that the other 25% a woman must get from food. This approach virtually eliminates the excessive accumulation of these substances in the body.
Vitamin preparation reviews
The majority of women who have taken one course or more of vitamins say that after that their complexion improved, their nails and hair became stronger, and their general condition improved. It is safe to say that taking vitamins has no less positive effect on the he alth of the embryo.

However, some reviews contain information that"Complivit" ("Mom"), the price of which is much lower than existing analogues, caused a negative reaction in the body. Symptoms include nausea and dry skin. This happened precisely after taking the "Mama" ("Complivit") remedy. Reviews, however, are not the only thing to look for.
It should be borne in mind that negative sensations may be a manifestation of an allergy to one of the components of the composition. In some cases, if a woman's daily diet is saturated with vitamins, their excessive accumulation in the body may occur. An individual approach is important here, and perhaps a whole tablet a day for such a woman is not required.
Comparison with "Elevit Pronatal"
Many gynecologists prescribe the vitamin preparation "Elevit Pronatal" to pregnant women. Therefore, women are interested in what is better: "Elevit" or "Complivit" ("Mom"). To understand this, you need to compare the two complexes.
In composition, "Elevit" is very similar to "Complivit" ("Mom"), the price of which is much lower: for 30 tablets in Russia you need to pay no more than 200 rubles, while for "Elevit" you need not less than 700 rubles. The manufacturing country played a big role in the difference in prices for these two drugs. For Elevit it is Germany, and for Complivit it is Russia.
There is also some difference in composition. For example, "Elevit" contains vitamin D and biotin, as well as twice as much vitamin C. And "Complivit" contains more vitamin PP,rutin, thioctic acid and cob alt. Without special tests, it is impossible to determine which vitamins and minerals a particular pregnant woman needs the most.
Fat-soluble vitamins in the composition
The composition of the drug includes two fat-soluble vitamins that the body tends to accumulate. Vitamin A contains 1650 IU, and vitamin E - 20 mg in each tablet "Mama" ("Complivit"). Reviews of some women say that it was these vitamins in their body that happened in excess after taking this drug. Before taking it, it is very important for a woman to carefully analyze her diet so that it does not turn out that she receives more than 25% of each of these vitamins daily.

Vitamin A is extremely important for the normal formation of the skin and mucous membranes, especially the eyes. Vitamin E is necessary for the mother's body to form the circulatory system, muscles and gonads of her child. Deficiency can lead to miscarriage.
Water-soluble vitamins in the composition
Water-soluble vitamins include those vitamins that are excreted from the human body with urine, which means that they do not have the ability to accumulate. There can be no excess of vitamins of this group, but there is often a deficiency, especially in pregnant women. Therefore, it is especially important for them to take the "Complivit" ("Mother") provided with everything they need. The instruction informs that the composition of the drug includes such water-soluble vitamins as B1, B2, B3, B6,B9, B12, C, PP, calcium pantothenate, thioctic acid.
B vitamins affect mainly the development of the skin and nervous system of the child. Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. Women suffering from toxicosis should pay special attention to "Complivit" ("Mom"), the use of which significantly alleviates attacks of nausea and vomiting.

Vitamin C's ability to help the body fight germs and inflammation is well known. In addition, he is actively involved in the formation and operation of the entire circulatory system, metabolic processes and the production of tissue cells and hormones. Nicotinamide, or vitamin B3, involved in the metabolic processes of the body, is especially needed for pregnant women.
Rutin, or vitamin P, strengthens the capillaries of the expectant mother and prevents the appearance of edema. Calcium pantothenate is involved in metabolic processes, and thioctic acid is an antioxidant.
Minerals in the complex
As already noted, not only vitamins are part of the "Complivit" ("Mom"). The instruction indicates that the preparation also includes minerals: phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, calcium, cob alt. All of them are necessary for a developing organism.

Calcium is known to be involved in the formation of the skeleton. Phosphorus is also involved in the functioning of the circulatory system. Manganese strengthens bones, but also fightswith inflammatory processes. Copper is involved in hematopoiesis, iron in the transport of oxygen and the immune system. The growth and development of the embryo largely depends on zinc. Magnesium is involved in the formation of the bone, nervous and muscular systems.
Using the drug
Usually "Complivit" ("Mom") is put on sale in a plastic jar. Tablets are packaged in 30 or 60 pieces. They should be taken 1 per day. The best time for this is breakfast. The required duration of admission is determined by the doctor or the woman herself, taking into account her own feelings. It is advisable to take small breaks in the reception.
Indication for the use of the drug - beriberi during pregnancy or preparation for it. As evidenced by the facts, even without planning a child, you can take "Mom" ("Complivit"). Reviews say that these truly feminine vitamins improve skin condition, strengthen hair and nails, in a word, make a woman more beautiful.

"Mom" ("Complivit") is a complex of vitamins and minerals that every woman who wants to give birth to a he althy child in all respects should know about. After all, pregnancy is a time when the previous amount of useful substances entering the body of a future mother is categorically not enough. And in our time, there is unfortunately no other effective way to increase their dose, except for taking their synthetic counterparts.