During pregnancy, the need for vitamins increases significantly. Because they are now required not only to maintain he alth, but also for the proper growth and development of the embryo. Some expectant mothers believe that a balanced diet filled with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables will help provide the body with all the necessary trace elements. Unfortunately, this is a deep misconception, since the daily dosage of useful substances is so high that in order to replenish it, it is necessary to consume a huge amount of diverse products. This is not even under the power of a man, not to mention women. In this case, vitamin and mineral preparations come to the aid of the expectant mother.
Complivit: Mom is a combined multivitamin complex that contains eleven vitamins and seven minerals.

Issue form
The ratio of useful components in a dietary supplement is carefully developed in laboratories, taking into account the climate of our country, as well as the need for certain substances and minerals when bearing a child.
"Complivit: Mom" is made by a Russian manufacturer, which allows you to evaluate the living conditions to the maximumfuture mother on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The drug is produced in the form of capsules for oral administration. The tablets are yellow-brown, film-coated and oblong in shape.
One capsule contains the following set of beneficial trace elements:
- iron;
- magnesium;
- nicotinic acid;
- folic acid;
- pantothenic acid;
- thiamine;
- pyridoxine;
- calciferol;
- retinol;
- manganese;
- copper;
- phosphorus;
- calcium;
- cobalamin;
- tocopherol;
- riboflavin;
- ascorbic acid.
Additional components are the following substances:
- sucrose;
- silica;
- stearic acid;
- talc;
- citric acid;
- povidone;
- starch;
- calcium stearate;
- hyprolosis;
- macrogol-4000;
- titanium dioxide;
- povidone;
- azorubine dye.

Tocopherol has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous tissue and sex glands. Retinol is involved in the production of lipids, proteins and mucopolysaccharides, and also affects the positive development of the fetus.
Thiamin helps the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Cobalamin promotes the process of connecting nucleotides, and is also involved in the growth and development of epidermal cells.
Ascorbic acid supportsconnection of fibrillar protein, the formation of cartilage tissue, teeth.
Sufficient concentration of copper in the body is the prevention of anemia and oxygen starvation of organs and tissues.
Zinc helps the proper development of the skeleton in the fetus and is involved in tissue regeneration. Calcium forms bone tissue and contributes to normal blood clotting.
Retinol is involved in redox processes, the combination of protein, lipids and mucopolysaccharides. Contributes to the normal development of the placenta and growth, participates in the work of visual pigments, which are necessary for the proper development of color and twilight vision, controls bone growth.
Folic acid is involved in the process of connecting nucleic acids, amino acids and nucleotides. Vitamin B9 is also needed for the proper development of hematopoiesis.

Manganese has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the occurrence of osteoarthritis. Magnesium helps to normalize blood pressure, has a calming effect, reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion.
Calcium is involved in the formation of bone tissue, helps good blood clotting, participates in the contraction of skeletal muscles, and also helps regulate heart activity.
According to the instructions for use, "Complivit: Mom" is prescribed for pregnant and lactating women with hypervitaminosis and a lack of mineral trace elements:
- pregnancy planning;
- "interesting position"women;
- breastfeeding;
- unbalanced diet;
- unfavorable environmental conditions.

When is it not recommended to take the drug?
"Complivit: Mom" has a number of restrictions on use:
- Retinol hypervitaminosis.
- Excessively high content of iron and calcium in the body.
- Anemia.
- Urolithiasis.
- Underage.
- Individual intolerance to the components of the complex.
How to use "Complivit: Mom"?
According to the instructions for use, vitamins for pregnant and lactating women are taken orally with water. As a rule, in the morning or immediately after breakfast, one capsule once a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending doctor.

Use vitamins "Complivit: Mom" with other vitamin-mineral complexes is prohibited, as an overdose may occur. In this case, it is necessary to stop taking multivitamins, wash the stomach and seek the advice of a therapist.
When using the drug, it should be borne in mind that the maximum daily dosage should not exceed 5000 microunits. When taking the drug, the patient's urine may turn bright yellow.
Shelf life - three years. It is necessary to store the product in a dark, cool place, at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees. The cost of the drug"Complivit: Mom" is 250 rubles.
Drug Interactions
The combined use of antimicrobial agents from the sulfonamide group may cause an increase in their action and adverse reactions, including an increased risk of developing excess s alts in the body.
When interacting with antibacterial agents from the group of fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines, it slows down their absorption from the stomach and intestines.
Combining "Complivit: Mom" with diuretic drugs increases the likelihood of developing hypercalcemia.
The use of a vitamin-mineral complex with preparations that contain calcium, magnesium, aluminum causes a decrease in iron absorption.

Analogues of "Complivit: Mom" for pregnant women are the following multivitamin complexes:
- Femibion.
- Elevit Pronatal.
- Lonopan.
- Solgar Prenatal.
- Vitrum Prenatal.
- Complivit Trimestrum.
- "Multimax for pregnant and lactating."
- Pregnacare.
- Selmevit.
Vitrum Prenatal
Combined multivitamin complex that contains eleven vitamins and eight minerals. Useful trace elements that are part of the drug make up for their deficiency in the body.
Produced as tablets for oral administration. In the package from thirty to one hundred and twenty capsules. The drug is prescribed for prevention and treatment:
- hypovitaminosis;
- iron deficientanemia.
Contraindications are the following conditions:
- excess iron;
- tocopherol and vitamin D hypervitaminosis;
- Urolithiasis;
- high blood calcium.
"Vitrum Prenatal" is prescribed one tablet per day, the duration of therapy is set by the doctor. The cost of the drug is 500-1600 rubles.
Complivit Trimestrum
Vitamin-mineral complex contains the following useful trace elements:
- nicotinic acid;
- pyridoxine;
- manganese;
- riboflavin;
- tocopherol;
- magnesium;
- calcium;
- folic acid;
- thiamine;
- routine;
- ascorbic acid;
- thioctic acid;
- zinc;
- lutein;
- copper;
- selenium;
- iodine.
The drug is available in the form of capsules. There are thirty tablets in a package, which are packed in blisters.
"Complivit Trimestrum" is necessary for the full formation of the organs of vision in the unborn baby, and also reduces the risk of hypertension in women during pregnancy. The vitamin-mineral complex prevents the development of defects in the embryo. Vitamin C in the composition of the drug reduces the risk of abortion.
Indications for use are the following conditions:
- First trimester - used when planning pregnancy, as well as when carrying it (up to thirteen weeks).
- Second trimester - used withweek fourteen to twenty seven.
- Third trimester - used from the twenty-eighth week until childbirth. Allowed to take while breastfeeding.
"Complivit Trimestrum" take one capsule once a day. The cost of the drug is 290 rubles.

A multivitamin complex containing a number of substances useful for the body. It is released in pharmacies in the form of tablets for oral administration. The package contains two blisters of fifteen capsules.
Vitamin-mineral complex refers to drugs that affect metabolism and compensate for the deficiency of essential trace elements. Taking vitamins can turn urine an intense yellow hue.
The components that make up the drug are involved in the regulation of basic metabolic processes and contribute to the connection of various substances and compounds of nerve tissues. The maximum daily dosage is one capsule per day. Tablets should be taken with or immediately after meals. The cost of a vitamin and mineral complex is 500–600 rubles.
"Complivit: Mom": reviews
Many doctors consider the drug a good source of vitamins and minerals required during pregnancy. But there are also certain disadvantages.
A significant disadvantage is the absence of the most important trace element - iodine. It is responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland and the functioning of the nervous system. As a rule, the majority of women living interritory of our country, there is a shortage of zinc.
Tablets "Complivit: Mom" deserve high praise, as they help to fill the lack of essential trace elements that are necessary for a good course of pregnancy and the full development of the fetus. With a balanced diet, a vitamin-mineral complex will be a wonderful addition to the methods that the expectant mother takes to give birth to a he althy baby.