Can girls have thrush? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail.
Vaginal candidiasis or thrush is a problem faced by almost every woman. However, this disease can affect not only adults, but also children.

Candidiasis is a group of diseases that are caused by pathogenic effects on the mucous membranes of yeast fungi of the genus Candida. This fungus can enter the body in a variety of ways. Under normal conditions, its presence may not manifest itself in any way, since during the normal functioning of the immune system, the number of fungal microorganisms is controlled in a natural way. However, in cases where there is a certain failure in the work of the immune system, the number of representatives of the pathogenic flora begins to increase, which manifests itself in the form of the occurrence of certain diseases. Girls also have thrush.
Routes of fungal infectiongenital tract infections
This is a disease that does not belong to the category of sexually transmitted diseases, since yeast-like fungi of this type is one of the permanent inhabitants of the human body. In connection with this, candidiasis can affect not only adult women who are sexually active, but also girls who receive fungi at the time of birth through the mother's genital tract, especially in cases where she had an untreated form of this disease.
In most cases, thrush in girls begins to appear after the first menstruation. However, there is a small percentage of cases where candidiasis begins to be an independent disease before the age of seven. It is not excluded that a girl has thrush in a year.

Some features increase the risk of developing vulvitis in girls. This is influenced by the state of the immune and endocrine systems, as well as the physiological structure of the genitals in childhood:
- there is no sufficiently pronounced folding of the mucous membranes of the genital tract;
- sex hormones in the blood and tissues are produced in insufficient quantities;
- epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the genital tract are updated at a slow pace;
- presence of a neutral or alkaline environment of the vagina;
- not close enough labia in the back sections;
- coccal flora predominates in the vagina;
- local immunity is not yet sufficiently developed.
In addition, the vaginal secretion of little girls is still low in protective factors, butdue to the immaturity of the immune system, interferons are produced little.
Hygiene reasons
The main factors that can cause this are:
- Presence of various allergic diseases.
- Failure to follow the rules of intimate hygiene.
- Enterobiosis - infection with intestinal parasites.
- Frequent respiratory illnesses leading to a sharp decrease in immune defenses.
Candida, which causes thrush in girls, can enter the child's body through household items, so they should have personal hygiene items from birth, such as a towel and soap. In addition, parents should tell the girl not to use other people's items, even those that belong to family members.

Hormonal changes
During puberty, hormonal changes occur in the body, so it is during this period that many girls suffer from thrush. This is due to the fact that the epithelium of the vagina suffers a lack of female sex hormones, which is reflected in the structure of the mucous membrane. The number of beneficial bacteria inhabiting it decreases, while fungi, on the contrary, begin to actively reproduce.
Sexual contact
Sexual contact often causes thrush in a teenage girl. The thing is that adolescents are poorly acquainted with the rules of sexual hygiene, therefore, with unprotected contacts, pathogens of fungal infections find a direct path to the girl's vagina. Particularly high risk of morbidityrepresent those groups of adolescents who tend to be promiscuous. Why else can a teenage girl get thrush?
Reasons not related to hygiene
In order for the causative agents of candidiasis to begin to actively colonize the vaginal mucosa, it is necessary to have some factors that provoke this process. One of them may be a weakening of the body, which is caused by immunodeficiency, hypovitaminosis, or an imbalance in the vaginal flora. These conditions, as a rule, are the result of certain diseases, under the influence of which immunity is reduced. These include:
- Any chronic infections.
- Disturbances in the circulatory system.
- Frequent diseases of ENT organs.
- Intestinal dysbacteriosis.
- Pathological processes occurring in the endocrinological system of the body.
- Anemia (iron deficiency).
- Deficiency of vitamins or trace elements.
- Neuropenia.
- Agranulocytosis.
Even in cases where concomitant diseases do not affect the decrease in immunity, thrush in girls can be provoked by the intake of certain medications that she takes in the fight against these ailments. Medications that can cause pathology include:
- corticosteroid drugs;
- oral contraceptives;
- cytostatics;
- antibacterial drugs.

Thrush in a girl after antibiotics occurs veryoften. These medicines are able to reduce the level of immunoglobulin, which is a substance that supports the functioning of the immune system. Antibiotics, plus everything, lead to the death of not only pathogenic microflora, but also affect beneficial microorganisms, for example, lactobacilli, which are part of the natural flora of the vagina. What causes thrush in a 5 year old girl?
Household ways of candidiasis in girls
Prerequisites for the occurrence of candidiasis can also be household factors, which include:
- Using poor quality synthetic underwear.
- Disregard for personal hygiene.
- Washing with aggressive hygiene products that violate the composition of the microflora and the acidity of the vagina.
A girl should wear natural cotton underwear that does not restrict movement and does not create a "greenhouse effect". Hygiene of the genital organs should be carried out daily so that fungal microorganisms and bacteria do not multiply in their folds. Wash as often as possible, using natural products such as chamomile or calendula decoction and baby soap.
Symptoms of the disease
Thrush in girls at 2 years of age most often takes the form of vulvovaginitis, in which inflammation spreads to the vulva and vaginal mucosa. The symptoms are almost the same as in adult women:
- The occurrence of severe itching in the perineum, which may be accompanied by severe burning, redness andsoreness.
- Swelling of the vulva of a girl.
- Small rashes on mucous membranes may occur.
- Profuse discharge from the genital tract, having a thick consistency, reminiscent of cottage cheese.
- Formation of white plaque on the genitals.
- In the absence of a therapeutic effect, cystitis may develop - inflammation of the bladder, when pathogenic microorganisms from the vagina enter the bladder through the urethra.

Initially, even before the onset of all symptoms, thrush can be recognized by its characteristic itching, which can be aggravated by sitting. Itching intensifies at night, which causes sleep disturbances and the occurrence of irritability and nervousness. In the presence of severe symptoms, some girls may experience areas of the vulva with bleeding wounds from intensive scratching. If this disease is not treated, especially at an early age, when the girl has not yet begun to have sex, more complex forms of candidiasis may develop and, as a result, inflammation of the internal genital organs - the uterus and appendages.
Diagnostic methods for determining
To make the correct diagnosis and establish the exact cause of vulvovaginitis, you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist who conducts the following activities:
- Inspection.
- Ultrasound.
- Laboratory tests.
If, after an external examination of the girl, the doctor suspects the presence of a fungalinfection, he prescribes the following laboratory tests:
- Smear on culture medium.
- Microscopy.
- PCR - tests.
- Immunological studies.
These methods help to correctly diagnose vaginal candidiasis in a girl, as well as to determine what kind of fungus caused such a disease. In addition, these studies are decisive in the choice of drugs that will be used in the treatment, and to which this or that pathogen will be sensitive.
Ultrasound is performed in order to determine the possible complications that are dangerous for vaginal candidiasis in girls.

Treatment of thrush in girls
Despite the fact that thrush does not pose a particular danger to the he alth of young girls, it must be treated seriously, following all the doctor's recommendations. This is important in order to avoid the complications and consequences of candidiasis.
If the treatment is organized correctly, the symptoms of this disease disappear after a few days. However, it should be treated most carefully to avoid relapses. A prerequisite for therapy is the elimination of the main causes of the disease.
How to treat thrush in girls, not everyone knows.
There are certain lines of therapy. Topical methods include:
- The use of drugs based on natamycin, clotrimazole or levorin. Such drugs are usually available in the form of vaginal suppositories. However, they can only be used in cases where the girl is sexually active.
- Antimycotic ointments, which are usually applied directly to the genital area or in the form of applications.
- Baths with decoctions of antiseptic herbs - chamomile, etc., as well as with the use of soda solutions.
Systemic Therapy
Systemic treatment options for thrush include:
- In severe cases, drugs are used in the form of tablets. These include funds such as Diflucan, Amfogyukamine, Nizoral, Flucostat and others. These medicines should be used in the doses indicated by the doctor and follow the rules of administration in order to avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions and side effects.
- Correction of immunity. If the development of vaginal candidiasis in a girl is associated with a decrease in the immune defense of the body, in this case, to eliminate the disease, it is necessary to increase immunity. To do this, you can use drugs such as tincture of Elerococcus, Rhodiola rosea, as well as complexes of vitamins and minerals.
- Normalization of microflora. This goal is achieved by taking probiotics, which are drugs such as Linex, Acelact, Bifikol, Lactobacterin, etc.
Possible consequences of candidiasis at an early age
Is thrush dangerous in a 3 year old girl?

Pathology at an early age does not lead to complications if treated under the supervision of a physician. But if you start the disease, perhapsoccurrence of the following complications:
- Generalization of thrush when new foci of infection appear, incl. in the area of internal organs.
- Intestinal dysfunction.
- The formation of adhesions in the pelvic area in a girl, which eventually leads to infertility.
- Thrombolic disorders.
- Menstrual irregularities.
Any disease is better to prevent than to cure. Therefore, if the rules of hygiene and other recommendations for a proper lifestyle are observed, thrush, as a rule, does not develop in girls.