Today, scoliosis is the most common disease in schoolchildren. There are many reasons for the development of such a disease. However, like any other pathology, it is easier to prevent than to treat. In this article we will talk about what are the causes of the development of the disease, as well as how to treat it and what are the consequences of scoliosis. Read the information provided carefully in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible. So let's get started.
What is scoliosis
Before you begin to understand what the consequences of scoliosis are, it is very important to find out what this pathology is. According to doctors, scoliosis of the spine is its curvature, which can be to the left or right side, as well as to both sides at the same time.

The consequences of scoliosis are very dangerous, since the deformation of the spine is twisting, and this can lead to serious deviations in the development of internal organs. ExceptMoreover, this disease can contribute to the formation of intervertebral hernias, sciatica and many other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
Scoliosis symptoms
Of course, the very first sign of the disease is the curvature of the back. For example, one shoulder is slightly lowered while the other is slightly raised. However, the disturbed aesthetic appearance is not the only manifestation of the disease. In addition, the disease is accompanied by pain in the spine, as well as a deterioration in its mobility. Most often, such a pathology is acquired as a result of improper life. Usually, scoliosis begins to develop in patients of school age.
What are the main causes of the development of the disease
The consequences of scoliosis can be the most terrible. Therefore, it is very important to identify the disease in time and start its treatment. Most often, this disease develops in school-age children in the presence of an asymmetric and incorrect load on the back. The spinal muscles begin to turn the spine to the left or right side. This muscle tension also changes the position of the ligaments. But if the disease begins to take on a severe form, then this can lead to such a consequence of spinal scoliosis as vertebral degeneration.

There are a large number of reasons that contribute to the development of this pathology. Namely:
- improper load distribution during exercise;
- carrying a bag on one shoulder, as well as a longsitting at a desk in the wrong position;

- spinal deformities resulting from the birth of a child;
- malnutrition, as well as insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals;
- presence of inflammatory lung disease.
Existing degrees of curvature
The consequences of spinal scoliosis depend on the degree of the disease. Scientists distinguish four stages of the disease, each of which is characterized by its course, as well as complications. Let's take a look at each one.
First stage
At the first degree, the curvature is noticeably slight and is no more than ten degrees. At the same time, it is almost impossible to notice the problem with the naked eye. This can only be done during X-ray examinations. If the patient's condition does not change for a long time, then the disease will not lead to any serious deviations. So, you can simply ignore it, from time to time visiting the doctor to check the condition of the spine.
Second stage
The consequences of grade 2 scoliosis are already more significant. In the presence of this stage, the curvature of the spine is already more noticeable and is up to 25 degrees. Usually the second stage very quickly passes into the third, if treatment is not started on time. Therefore, scoliosis at this stage should be given special attention and immediate treatment should be started.
Third stage
The consequences of third-degree scoliosis are even more frightening. This stage of the pathology is characterized by curvature of the spine up to fifty degrees. In this case, the problem is not only of a noticeable aesthetic nature, but can also seriously threaten he alth. If you pay attention to the patient's appearance, you may notice how one shoulder is higher or lower than the other, the waist line is displaced, and the shoulder blades and hips have different heights. To eliminate the third stage of the disease, it is very important to apply complex treatment measures, which may include surgical intervention. At the same time, the third form also quickly flows into the fourth if treatment is not started on time.
Fourth stage
According to doctors, the consequences of scoliosis of the fourth degree are the most severe. The spine is bent by fifty degrees, while it is very easy to notice such a pathology. It is enough just to look at the patient. The curvature is so strong that many organs of the body suffer from it. According to doctors, this stage of the disease can lead to very bad consequences. Surgery for grade 4 scoliosis is the only treatment.
Features of treatment
In fact, any stage of scoliosis can be cured. The main thing is not to ignore your he alth and start treatment as early as possible. Usually, schools conduct special checks to detect this pathology at its earliest stages of development. It is in childhood that it is easiest to get rid of it.

So let's take a look at the most popular treatments.
Wearing specialcorset
Such a product will allow you to get rid of the consequences of scoliosis for the body, starting from the second stage of the disease. Such a corset, with its long-term use, can have an excellent therapeutic effect. However, it is very important to select the product together with the doctor. Only then will wearing it make sense.
Performing special gymnastics
Performing special exercises will greatly speed up the healing process. The doctor will select the exercises individually, depending on the type of disease. The main thing is to engage in physical therapy regularly. Only in this case can good results be achieved.
Manual therapy method
Carrying out a special massage helps to relax the muscles located along the spinal column, as well as improve joint mobility. This massage technique improves blood circulation, which slightly stops the processes of ossification. The manual method can improve posture at any age. However, the best results can be achieved by schoolgirls under the age of sixteen.
Surgical intervention
The disease in the first and second stages is very easy to cure with the help of conservative methods. The third stage also lends itself well to such treatment. However, if conservative methods do not help, and the pathology continues to progress, doctors may prescribe an operation at the third stage to rule out the fourth.

If the disease has already passed tothe fourth stage, it can be fraught with serious consequences. In this case, surgical intervention is simply indispensable. Special metal devices are inserted surgically into the spine, which correct curvature and help get rid of unwanted consequences.
Quite often, the main goal of surgery is precisely the relief of pain, because if the disease is neglected, the pain can be simply unbearable. With the help of the surgical method, you can prevent further curvature, as well as give your body a more aesthetic appearance.
What are the consequences of scoliosis
Curvature of the spine of the third and fourth degree can lead to very serious he alth consequences. That is why it is very important to notice the pathology at its earliest stage and start treatment in a timely manner.
Thoracic curvature
The consequences of scoliosis in adults can be the most deplorable. If the pathology has struck the cervicothoracic region, then this can be fraught with many consequences. Namely:
- pinched nerves;
- impaired circulation and metabolism;
- displacement and deformation of the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity;
- deformation of the chest;
- the occurrence of pathologies in the development of the genitourinary organs.
In the presence of this type of scoliosis, many diseases of the internal organs can occur. The most commonly affected are the heart, lungs, digestive and genitourinary systems.
Violationslumbar spine
Such spinal curvatures can also have very dangerous consequences. In addition to severe back pain, there is also a large number of diseases of the internal organs. Quite often, patients suffer from pathologies of the genitourinary system, which are accompanied by very frequent urination. In addition, there are a large number of other consequences, namely:
- the occurrence of problems with the intestines (the patient begins to suffer from constipation and excessive gas formation);
- abdominal muscles begin to gradually weaken;
- congestion occurs in the pelvic organs and kidneys;

nerve entrapment leads to neurological disorders that manifest themselves in the form of headaches, dizziness, pain, loss of sensation, and paralysis
As you can see, the consequences can be really dire. Therefore, start treatment immediately. Scoliosis (an operation, the consequences are described in this article) requires urgent treatment, and it is best to do this in childhood, when the skeleton is not fully formed.
Preventive measures
Even at school age, it is very important to prevent scoliosis in children. After all, curvature of the spine is a disease that is much easier to prevent than to cure. Doctors give special recommendations for parents, which must be followed. Only in this case you will be able to maintain a beautiful posture and he alth of your child.
So, considerbasic preventive measures:
- Using a special orthopedic mattress. It would seem that it is much more comfortable to sleep on a soft feather bed. However, you can get used to an orthopedic mattress very quickly. Such a product helps to maintain the correct position of the spine during sleep.
- You must not allow a child to sit at the table for a very long time. Mental activity should always alternate with physical activity. That is why it is very important not to sit at a desk during breaks at school, but to walk along the corridor. It is also very important to attend physical education classes and sports sections.
- It is very important to monitor nutrition. The daily diet should include foods that have enough nutrients and vitamins.
- It is equally important to choose the right orthopedic backpack. Bags that are worn on one shoulder will in any case lead to problems with the spine. Therefore, take this matter seriously.

It is also very important to learn how to sit at the table correctly. This should be done not only by children, but also by adults. Notice how you are sitting right now. In fact, sitting with a perfectly flat back is quite rare these days
In this article, we talked about what scoliosis is, how to treat it, and what consequences this pathology can lead to. Once again, it is worth saying that the disease must be treated immediately, otherwise it will lead to very serious consequences. It is also important to watch your posture. Actuallyit is not so easy to sit and walk all day with a straight back. To do this, you need to regularly perform gymnastics that helps strengthen the muscles of the back. It is also worth taking care of good nutrition and maintaining a proper lifestyle.
Usually, scoliosis in the first, second and third stages responds well to conservative treatment. However, at the fourth stage, one can no longer do without surgical intervention, since the he alth consequences can be extremely dangerous. Severe scoliosis can lead to pinched nerves and deformities of internal organs. This will greatly worsen your he alth and can be fatal. Take care of your he alth right now and straighten your back.