Arterial hypertension is a disease of millions of people nowadays. For many years, hundreds of drugs have been developed that can quickly and for a long time solve the problem of jumps in blood pressure, the most dangerous of which is a hypertensive crisis, which can very quickly lead to hemorrhagic stroke and possible death of a person. Unfortunately, all substances that can heal us can harm us in one way or another. This is especially true of medicines, in particular the drug "Valz", affecting the whole body as a whole. Therefore, sometimes it becomes necessary to choose an analogue of "Valz" if it does not fit in any way.
Medication description
The drug is produced in the form of oval biconvex film-coated tablets with side risks and V marking on one surface. The color depends on the content of the active substance. Yellow indicates the presence of 40 or 160 mg of valsartan, and pink corresponds to 80 mg of the active ingredient.

The auxiliary components include lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, povidone K29-32, talc and silicon dioxidecolloidal.
Pharmacological group
The drug "Valz" refers to peripheral vasodilators, that is, by expanding the blood vessels, it leads to a decrease in blood pressure. This effect is due to the active substance - valsartan, which is a specific blocker of AT1 angiotensin II receptors, which does not inhibit ACE, does not affect the amount of total blood cholesterol, glucose, uric acid and triglyceride levels.
The primary effect appears 2 hours after the use of the drug, reaching a maximum effect after 4-6 hours. The therapeutic effect can last more than 24 hours. Regular intake of tablets leads to the most persistent decrease in blood pressure after 2-4 weeks. If it becomes necessary to abruptly stop taking the drug, there is no withdrawal syndrome.
Mechanism of action
After oral administration, rapid absorption of the active substance occurs against the background of varying degrees of absorption. The indicator of absolute bioavailability is on average at the level of 23%. After oral administration, it binds to plasma proteins by almost 97%. Being an angiotensin II antagonist, the active substance causes the expansion of the walls of the vessels of the bloodstream, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure in it. The drug is processed using a specific enzyme system for 9 hours, after which it is excreted 70% through the intestinal tube and 30% through the urinary system in a slightly modified form.
A single daily dose results in veryslight accumulation of the active substance in the body.
Indications for use
The drug "Valz N", analogues of which are prescribed for similar pathologies, is used:
• for high blood pressure;
• in chronic heart failure as a component of complex treatment;
• after acute myocardial infarction (appointed between 12 hours and 10 days), complicated by the occurrence of left ventricular failure, systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle against the background of a stable level of hemodynamics.

Analogues of the drug "Valz", like himself, are not used:
- with hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or excipients;
- with violations in the liver (especially with the development of cholestasis or biliary cirrhosis);
- with various kinds of deviations in the functioning of the kidneys;
- at different stages of pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
- in children under 18;
- galactosemia due to malabsorption of galactose and lactose intolerance.
Lower blood pressure, low levels of potassium and sodium in the body, bilateral renal artery stenosis, aortic and mitral stenosis, cardiomyopathy and primary hyperaldosteronism require careful use of Valz. Russian analogues also have application features, which require specialist advice to prescribe safe treatment.
Side effect
Like any systemic remedy, Valz can cause a number of negative effects from various organs:
- abnormalities in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels can manifest as orthostatic hypotension, vasculitis rarely develops, sometimes bleeding occurs;
- quite infrequently, there are disorders in the respiratory system that cause a cough reflex;
- may occasionally experience diarrhea and abdominal pain;
- negative effects on the nervous system can manifest as postural dizziness, fainting, insomnia, sometimes neuralgia or headaches;
- neutropenia and sometimes thrombocytopenia;
- development of allergic reactions;
- back pain or muscle cramps, as well as arthritis and myalgia;
- quite often the drug helps to weaken the body's defenses, which makes it prone to viral infections (sinusitis, pharyngitis, conjunctivitis);
- quite rarely there is a feeling of chronic fatigue, asthenia, edema develops.
The manifestation of such effects may require a consultation with a doctor in order to select an analogue of the drug "Valz".

Dosage and regimen
Take the tablets by mouth with a sufficient amount of liquid, regardless of the meal. The dosage depends on the reason for the use, since the drug "Valz N", analogues of "Valsakor", "Valsartan", "Valz" and others can be used not only for arterial hypertension.
To lower blood pressure, tablets are prescribed at a dose of 80mg (single and daily at the same time). The therapeutic effect at the same time gradually increases during the first two weeks, reaching the greatest manifestation after a monthly course. If this dose does not help, you can increase it to 160 mg per day, supplementing the treatment with diuretics for greater effectiveness. The analogue of "Valza" - the drug "Valz N" - does not require such a combination, since it already contains, in addition to the active component of valsartan, the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide.
With the development of chronic heart failure (CHF), therapy begins with a dose of 40 mg, prescribing it 2 times a day. If the desired effect is not observed, the patient is transferred to "Valz 80" - an analogue of the drug "Valz 40", also with a double daily intake (maximum dose - up to 320 mg in two doses). It can also be combined with other remedies designed to overcome chronic heart failure.
With a history of myocardial infarction with a stable level of blood flow, valsartan therapy can be started within 12 hours after the relief of an acute condition. At the same time, half the Valz 40 tablet is prescribed in the morning and evening, gradually increasing (over several weeks) to a dose of 160 mg twice a day, passing through dosages of 40 and 80 mg, respectively. At the same time, they are guided by the patient's condition, the level of tolerability of the drug. The transition to a dosage of 80 mg is made by the end of the second week of treatment, reaching a dose of 160 mg of the active substance at the end of the third month of therapy.
Patients suffering from impaired renal function, but with CC more than 10ml / min, dose adjustment is not performed. For patients with mild and moderate liver dysfunction (without cholestasis, in the presence of which the drug "Valz", Russian analogues, as well as foreign ones, are not prescribed), the allowable daily dose of this drug is used up to 80 mg of the active ingredient.
Application features
Since this substance has enough contraindications and side effects, it should be used with caution, following all the doctor's recommendations and strictly adhering to the prescribed dosage, especially if there are deviations in the work of other organs and body systems.
If the patient has a pronounced sodium deficiency, combined with a decrease in BCC (which may occur due to the intake of a large amount of diuretics), treatment with Valz N (analogue of Valz) can lead to a pronounced drop in blood pressure already at the very beginning of therapy, which will negatively affect the patient's well-being. To avoid this effect in the presence of a similar problem, it is necessary to restore the level of electrolytes and their ratio in the body before using these products.
With increased pressure of the renovascular type, regular measurement of the level of urea and creatinine is mandatory.
The co-administration of drugs containing potassium or its s alts, as well as drugs related to potassium-sparing diuretics, requires constant monitoring of plasma potassium levels.
The use of the drug "Valz 160", analogues of which are not prescribed for this disease, for the treatment of patients with CHF, maycause a drop in blood pressure, which requires monitoring of its indicators.

For patients suffering from unilateral or bilateral renal artery stenosis, regular measurement of serum urea nitrogen and creatinine should be established.
During treatment with this medicine, you need to be careful about driving vehicles and other activities that involve increased concentration and speed of reactions.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
The use of Valz tablets while carrying or breastfeeding is absolutely contraindicated. This is due to the fact that studies on the effect of valsartan on the fetus have not been conducted. However, there are suggestions that due to the peculiarities of fetal renal perfusion, which depends on the formation of the renin-angiotensin system, which begins to function only by the last trimester of pregnancy, the entry of a substance into the bloodstream of the embryo is accompanied by a negative effect on it, especially during the second and third trimester. Therefore, the establishment of the fact of pregnancy is an indication for the abolition of treatment with Valz. Analogues, reviews of the treatment of which are positive, should be selected exclusively by a doctor for women who are at different gestation periods. Adequate therapy will allow, without harming the fetus, to help the patient overcome the trouble that has arisen.
Studies on the penetration of the active ingredient into breast milk have also not been conducted, therefore, in situations requiring prescriptiondrugs that lower blood pressure during lactation, a choice will need to be made between stopping treatment and stopping breastfeeding.
Exceeding the maximum allowable doses or misuse of various kinds of drugs together can lead to an overdose of this substance. This condition is manifested by a pronounced decrease in blood pressure, up to loss of consciousness and collapse.
Treatment consists of gastric lavage, taking a sufficient amount of activated charcoal tablets, or intravenous administration of 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

Interaction with other drugs
The use of the drug "Valz", analogues of which have similar mechanisms of action, requires careful attention while prescribing drugs of other pharmacological groups.
Substances from the group of potassium-sparing diuretics, as well as potassium preparations, its s alts, agents that increase the level of this trace element in the blood plasma (for example, Heparin) can provoke hyperkalemia.
Co-administration of other antihypertensive drugs or diuretics enhances the lowering effect of Valz. Its analogues also have a similar interaction.
Prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may weaken the antihypertensive effect.
The co-administration of ACE inhibitors and drugs containing lithium can cause a reversible increase in the concentration of this trace element in the blood plasma, up todevelopment of the toxic process.
Analogues for the main component
Tell you what active ingredient is in the composition of the drug "Valz", instructions for use. Its analogues according to this criterion, which have a similar effect on the body - Valsafors (Germany), Valaar, Valsakor (Slovenia), Valsartan (Switzerland), Diovan (Switzerland), Tareg (Switzerland) tablets), Nortivan (Hungary), Valsartan Zentiva (Czech Republic), Tantordio (India). The object of influence of these drugs is the renin-angiotensin system.

Drug "Valz": an analogue of tablets in the pharmacological group
This remedy belongs to angiotensin II receptor blockers, based on which you can choose drugs with the most similar mechanism of action and effect. To date, a significant number of analogues of this drug are produced, mainly by foreign companies.
A large number of drugs are produced on the basis of the substance losartan, sometimes in combination with the diuretic hypothiazide. These are Cozaar, Gizaar, Lorista, Lozap Plus, Vazotenz and Prozartan preparations.
The drug "Valz" is an analogue of the tablets "Diovan", "Co-Diovan", "Exforge", "Valsakor" in terms of the active ingredient valsartan.
The active ingredient eprosartan is part of the preparations "Teveten" and "Teveten plus".
The telmisartan component is contained in Micardis and Micardis Plus.
The component irbersartan is part of the drug "Aprovel", which is of international importance.
PraparatValz N: Russian counterparts
Among domestic drugs belonging to this pharmacological group, one can distinguish the antihypertensive drug "Angiakand", containing candesartan as an active ingredient. This drug is produced in Moscow by the Canonpharma company. You can buy it at a price of 400 to 700 rubles, depending on the content of the active ingredient and the number of tablets in the package.
Another representative of the Russian pharmaceutical market is Bloktran, based on the action of the substance losartan. Produced by Pharmstandard in Kursk. In pharmacies, it can be purchased within 150-200 rubles per pack.
This remedy (analogous to "Valz") and all others similar to it have a similar effect and high efficiency, which allows us to recommend their use to reduce blood pressure. The price of the drug "Bloktran" may seem attractive, but you can not base your choice solely on the cost, you need to take into account the effectiveness of the drug, the presence of side effects and many other factors, so the choice should be entrusted exclusively to a specialist.

Thus, this pharmacological group of vasodilators has shown good efficacy in lowering blood pressure against the background of a fairly low percentage of side effects. The advantages of the drug "Valz" and its analogues also include the absence of a withdrawal syndrome, the possibility of taking tablets only once a day (preferably at the same time), the absence of a pronounced cumulativeaction.