Postoperative period after conization of the cervix: features of rehabilitation

Postoperative period after conization of the cervix: features of rehabilitation
Postoperative period after conization of the cervix: features of rehabilitation

A woman's he alth is very fragile. Often, doctors diagnose pathologies of the cervix in women, which are associated with the inflammatory process or act as their consequence - erosion, dysplasia, ectopia, and cancer. Modern medicine offers a unique method of therapy called conization. The essence of this procedure is to remove a cone-shaped area of the surface of the cervical canal or a portion of damaged muscle tissue.

Cervical conization is one of the methods of treating precancerous diseases and preventing oncology. The operation is low-traumatic, does not require inpatient treatment. Often, the procedure is carried out not for treatment, but for the purpose of researching and diagnosing the underlying disease. The well-being of a woman after conization of the cervix is determined by many factors. The recovery period proceeds for each patient strictly individually and directly depends oncomorbidities, immune status, as well as the chosen method of medical intervention.

reviews after conization of the cervix
reviews after conization of the cervix

Procedure description

Suspicion of dysplasia of this organ is a serious situation that requires prompt resolution. After all, dysplastic processes are considered harbingers of cancer. The standard in such cases is conization, which involves the surgical removal of cone-shaped fragments of the mucosa for further histological examination. In addition to diagnostics, excision of pathologically altered tissue solves the therapeutic problem.


The main ban on such a procedure is the presence of infectious pathologies of the genitourinary system in patients. If any are found, doctors first prescribe a course of treatment, and then, after completely getting rid of the disease, they perform an intervention.

Post-operative period

After conization of the cervix, patients experience no pain other than mild discomfort. Rehabilitation is outpatient. In the event that the operation was performed with a laser or using a radio wave method, then the likelihood of complications is minimal. In the presence of acute pain, as well as against the background of severe uterine bleeding or high fever, you should immediately seek medical help.

It takes about a month for the final healing of the organ. What are the contraindications after conization of the cervix you need to know? It is required to observe a break in sexual life, canceling at the same time trips to the bath,pools and sauna. Another rule of rehabilitation is the restriction of any physical activity.

After colonization

What does the cervix look like after conization? Organ recovery is characterized by the following moments:

  1. A deep wound is formed in the area of the removed tissue site, accompanied by bleeding on the first day after conization.
  2. Slowly, as it heals, the wound is usually covered with a scab in the event that the operation was performed by radio wave, laser method.
  3. Immediately under the scab there is active healing. Further, at a certain point in time, it can separate from the cervix and come out naturally. A similar process is often accompanied by the resumption of bleeding. As a rule, separation is carried out in ten to fourteen days. But this period is individual and is determined by the size of the removed lobe of the cervix after conization. The photo shows a diagram of such a manipulation.
  4. cervix after conization photo
    cervix after conization photo

Features of rehabilitation

Any surgical intervention in the anatomy of this organ entails a long recovery period. Basically, recovery after conization of the cervix depends on the behavior of the patient: taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor along with hygiene, avoiding sexual contact, observing the exercise regime, and so on. The stages of therapy include conservative treatment aimed at accelerating the healing process, as well as preventing recurrence of the disease.

The operation is carried out only withusing sterile instruments, but the risk of infection after it still remains. To minimize this likelihood (attachment of infection), the doctor may prescribe a course of therapy with antiseptic suppositories. It is in order to prevent infectious penetration into the wound that women must observe absolute sexual rest, avoiding baths and visiting pools. The postoperative period does not imply the processing of the damaged surface. Douching on your own is not allowed. It is required to ensure absolute physical rest of the damaged area.

Radio wave, laser technique, as well as diathermoconization allows the formation of a scab. Its release may be accompanied by an increase in blood secretions. After completely clearing the area of the operation, the selection will soon be reduced.

The patient should be disturbed by factors in the form of an increase in the abundance of discharge of an uncharacteristic type (the presence of a curdled consistency and yellow color), a sharp unpleasant odor. Such signs may indicate the emergence of a bacterial flora. Doctors consider a slight feeling of pain, which is similar to premenstrual syndrome, to be acceptable. Doctors in the postoperative period, as a rule, prescribe to women the use of light painkillers. So, below we will tell you what medications you can take after conization of the cervix.

What medications are used during the recovery period?

Since the conization operation involves the removal of an area of affected tissue, the regenerative process may take longer thanoriginally expected. To speed up healing, drugs like Panthenol, Methyluracil, Levomekol and other drugs are used.

In the event that the patient has itching or burning, this may be a symptom of the attachment of a particular infection. Discomfort can be accompanied by an increase in temperature, and, at the same time, an increase in secretions. Prophylactic therapy in the postoperative period of time may include the following antimicrobial suppositories, for example, Hexicon along with Terzhinan and Rumizol.

after conization of the cervix
after conization of the cervix

Negative moments in the postoperative period

Any surgical intervention and treatment of cervical diseases can lead to serious consequences. Complications, as a rule, arise in conditions of a poorly performed operation, due to the complexity of the initial disease of a woman, and also due to her non-compliance with the proposed recommendations. The main negative aspects of conization within the postoperative period are represented by the following factors:

  1. The occurrence of bleeding (about five percent of operations have these consequences).
  2. Development of the infectious and inflammatory process.
  3. The appearance of pain syndrome.
  4. Presence of scarring and stenosis.
  5. The occurrence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI) during pregnancy, provoking spontaneous miscarriages or premature birth. It should be noted that CCI after conization does not always develop in patients. Considering that herthe cause is hormonal imbalance, along with a congenital disorder in the ratio of the connective tissue and muscle components, the operation may not affect the gestation process.

It is not always possible to feel good after conization of the cervix. Sometimes there are complications.

What to do if the uterus is bleeding?

Many women complain that the uterus bleeds after conization of the cervix. Such a complication within the postoperative period is usually associated with damage to the organ's vascular system. Against the background of a violation of the coagulation process, blood clots form. In addition, due to the discharge of a large scab, profuse bleeding may occur, which will require a visit to a doctor. The occurrence of insignificant discharges during the recovery process is a completely acceptable manifestation. This is due to a failure of the integrity of the walls of the organ. The discharge has a bloody character at the initial stage, and then becomes sanious.

Dysplasia after cervical conization

Often the reason for a doctor to prescribe conization of the cervix is the discovery of dysplasia. The goal is to study the obtained biological material for the presence of malignant processes and to remove the pathology as such. In some situations, the removal of a section of the mucosa that has been affected by dysplastic processes is quite enough for treatment.

conization of the cervix after surgery
conization of the cervix after surgery

Cervical dysplasia in patients is characterized by atypical cells on the organ. The goal of treating this diseaseinvolves the maximum reduction in the risk of the transition of the disease to the stage of cancer. The main cause of dysplasia in women is infection with the papillomavirus. Therapy largely depends on the degree of the disease, the age of the patient and her reproductive plans. Without treatment, the transformation of dysplasia into oncology is likely. In some cases, recurrence of dysplasia is found after conization.


In addition to various complications that are associated with the development of inflammatory processes in the area of the operation, many women are concerned about the possible violation of menstruation after conization of the cervix. Often, such problems appear in the first three months after surgery.

When a patient begins to menstruate after conization of the cervix, she will certainly turn her attention to their excessive profusion. This is directly related to the restructuring of the hormonal system and the local hemostatic reactions of the body. After the rejection of the scab for three months, the patients undergo a process of epithelialization against the background of excision of the neck. The length of the recovery period actually determines the duration of irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

At the remote stage, difficulties with menstruation can occur if the cervix is sharply reduced in diameter as a result of postoperative spasms. Menstrual blood in this case does not receive sufficient exit from the organ cavity, which can lead to the development of inflammatory processes. In order to prevent such a complication, specialists resort to the procedurebougienage of the cervical canal. According to the latest medical statistics, problems with menstruation after cervical conization surgery are recorded by physicians in twenty percent of patients. It emphasizes that such disorders are usually only temporary.

menstruation after conization of the cervix
menstruation after conization of the cervix

Histology after cervical conization

Such a study is an analysis that is associated with the study of cells. It makes it possible to study the structure of any tissue on the basis of a thin section of the material from the examined organ, or due to a smear. The main task pursued when prescribing a histology of the uterine cavity is the early detection of a malignant neoplasm for timely treatment. Uterine histology is done in combination with other types of studies (blood test, ultrasound testing) in case of severe symptoms, for example:

  1. Against the background of prolonged bleeding.
  2. When a woman is worried about pain in the lower abdomen for no apparent reason.
  3. In the event that irregularities on the uterine surface or leukoplakia are detected.
  4. When tumor-like formations are found on or inside the uterus.

To perform the histology of the uterus, the doctor, under local anesthesia exclusively under sterile conditions, directly takes a small piece of a pathological neoplasm from the organ, which is then sent to the laboratory for analysis. In the event that material is taken from the organ cavity, it will be requiredcervical extension.

dysplasia after conization of the cervix
dysplasia after conization of the cervix

Deciphering histology is the prerogative of the doctor. According to the results of the study, the analysis of the uterus can demonstrate the presence of atypical cells, as well as erosion, warts, dysplasia and other diseases. As a rule, a simple person without a medical education will not be able to interpret the result of the test. Usually what patients should not know is written in Latin. You should not try to decipher the result yourself, as this often leads to unnecessary stress and anxiety. Let the attending doctor do it.


On the Internet among women there is a heated discussion of such an operation. One is prescribed to combat adhesions that disrupt the patency of the cervical canal, others to eliminate polyps, various cystic formations, as well as scar tissue formed after an abortion or due to complicated childbirth.

As patients say in reviews after conization of the cervix, regeneration of the mucous membranes, as a rule, takes a period of time from one and a half to two months. At the same time, according to women, during the first three weeks, many experience some pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. It is noted that their dynamics is enhanced as a result of physical activity, and therefore they should be avoided.

conization of the cervix reviews after surgery
conization of the cervix reviews after surgery

According to reviews, after cervical conization surgery, the recovery period is usually significant, for many it is from three to sixmonths. At the stage of rehabilitation, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the attending physician.

Among other things, it is reported that absolute recovery in some may occur even earlier, for example, after four months. During this postoperative period, the doctor prescribes several control preventive examinations. The first visit to the doctor should occur within a couple of weeks after conization of the cervix. According to reviews, quite often it will be necessary to take a sample of biological material for histology along with additional tests.

If cancer cells are found in the removed tissue as a result of a histological examination, women are prescribed radiation and chemotherapy, and in addition, additional, even more radical surgical treatment.
