List of drugs to strengthen bones and joints

List of drugs to strengthen bones and joints
List of drugs to strengthen bones and joints

Vitamin deficiency, malnutrition, as well as unhe althy lifestyle and addictions ultimately make a person very susceptible to various ailments, stress, and injuries. Such signs are especially dangerous for the skeletal system - parts of the skeleton become weak, easily destroyed. And if for young people fractures are not such a critical condition, then at retirement age they can knock a person out of their usual way of life for a long time. What drugs to take to strengthen bones?

To improve the condition of the skeleton, a huge number of drugs are used, but first of all, you need to adjust your diet and give up bad habits. So, smoking leads to the fact that the fragility of bones increases, they become very fragile, and the abuse of fatty foods and canned food leads to a decrease in the content of vitamins useful for strengthening bones.

bone strengthening supplements in the elderly
bone strengthening supplements in the elderly


Vitamin-mineral complexes for bones and joints are important. Deficiency of active trace elements causes most diseases, for example:

  1. Arthritis (a collective term for any joint disease).
  2. Arthrosis (a complex degenerative disease that is associated with the destruction of cartilage tissue inside the joints).
  3. Osteoporosis (a chronically progressive systemic metabolic skeletal disease or clinical syndrome associated with other diseases characterized by decreased bone density).

The lack of necessary components worsens the skeletal system, exposing it to constant injury. Weakened parts of the skeleton and joints become susceptible to fractures and sprains.

To prevent serious injuries, the level of useful trace elements in the body should be replenished.

Drugs to strengthen bones and joints

Vitamin complexes provide significant support to the human skeleton, as well as normalize the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and increase its endurance against mechanical factors.

To avoid future fractures out of the blue, doctors recommend leading a he althy lifestyle and eating right. Food rich in minerals and vitamins is the guarantor of the strength of the musculoskeletal system. For normal operation, the human body needs the following useful components:

  1. Retinol.
  2. Ascorbic acid.
  3. Tocopherol.
  4. Calciferol.
  5. Pyridoxine.
  6. Niacin.
  7. Selenium.
  8. Vitamin K.
  9. Silicon.
  10. Manganese.
  11. Sulfur.
  12. Glucosamine.
  13. Chondroitin.
  14. Collagen.
  15. Methylsulfonylmethane.

The action of retinol is aimed at normalizing the development of the musculoskeletal system and the formation of cartilage. Vitamin A deficiency increases the risk of osteoporosis and other spinal diseases. Without retinol, the entire body weakens, which is dangerous due to a decrease in its defense system and the ingress of infectious agents.

Characteristics of useful substances

Ascorbic acid supports the normal functioning of the articular tissue. Its deficiency increases the likelihood of inflammation.

Tocopherol is very beneficial for cartilage fluid. In case of damage, it helps to quickly regenerate articular tissues. Compensation for the lack of vitamin E protects the joints from early wear and aging.

Calciferol is responsible for the proper development of the musculoskeletal system. Effective place with calcium. With a deficiency of vitamin D in the child's body, there is a high probability of developing rickets. Adult patients with a lack of calciferol face arthritis, as well as a decrease in bone density and frequent fractures.

Pyridoxine helps strengthen fibrils. Promotes better absorption of magnesium. Niacin is responsible for the mobility of joints and ligaments. Phylloquinone, responsible for tissue density, reduces the risk of serious damage to the main elements of the musculoskeletal system. Calcium is the guarantor of the proper development of the skeleton,joints and cartilage. The strength of bones and their resistance to mechanical factors depend on its concentration in the body.

Selenium accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues. Considered a natural pain reliever, it helps to cope with severe pain when injured or bruised. Silicon improves fibrillar protein structures and increases tissue elasticity. Collagen provides strength to the skeletal system. Found in tendons, bones and cartilage. What preparations for strengthening bones and joints can be used?

The human body constantly needs to replenish its reserves of useful trace elements for bones and joints. That is why doctors recommend to normalize the daily diet. If the lack of nutrients is at a high level, it is more correct to use special complexes.

Vitamin and mineral preparations for the restoration of bones and joints

The modern pharmacological industry offers a huge amount of vitamins for bone growth, as well as the restoration of joints and ligaments. Calcium preparations for strengthening bones help the skeleton to actively develop. Before purchasing any medicines and biological supplements, it is necessary to clarify the names of the medicines with the doctor. The most famous and effective drugs will be presented and described in detail below:

  1. "Complivit Calcium D3".
  2. "K altsinova".
  3. "Calcemin".
  4. Triovit".
  5. "Artron Complex".
  6. "Antioxypax".
  7. "Arthritis".
  8. "Collagen Ultra".
  9. "Doppelherz active with glucosamine".
  10. "Pentovit".
  11. "Unicap".
  12. "Duovit".

You can safely use these drugs to strengthen bones after a fracture, they will help the patient recover faster.

bone strengthening drugs
bone strengthening drugs

K altsinova

Complex remedy that contains vitamins and minerals. The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral use. Calcinova comes in four flavors:

  • pineapple;
  • blueberries;
  • raspberries;
  • kiwi.

Pills are rounded. Vitamins are distributed in blisters of nine pieces, there are three of them in the package.

The drug is a complex remedy, the structure of which includes vitamins and minerals. They are the main elements of metabolic processes. Calcium is involved in the formation of bone tissue, as well as in the contraction of smooth and skeletal muscles, improves the passage of nerve impulses and blood clotting, and leads to a stable state of the functioning of the heart. Phosphorus, together with calcium, is involved in the development of teeth and bones, and is also considered an important component of metabolic decay processes. "Calcinova" is an excellent drug for strengthening bones in old age.

Vitamin D3 provides good mineralization of bones and teeth, as well as the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the organs of the gastrointestinal tracttract and their proper assimilation in dental and bone tissues.

Retinol is involved in the formation of various components and ensures the full functioning of the visual organ, as well as skin and mucous cavities.

Pyridoxine affects the process of hematopoiesis, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system and helps maintain the structures and functions of the gums, teeth, bones. Ascorbic acid takes part in the oxidation of some biologically active components, activates the connection of steroid hormones. The substance also regulates carbohydrate metabolism, connective tissue metabolism, blood clotting and tissue renewal, and normalizes vascular permeability. Vitamin C improves body defenses and resistance to infectious diseases, and reduces inflammation.

preparations for strengthening bones after a fracture
preparations for strengthening bones after a fracture


Combined drug that affects the phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body. It is produced in the form of tablets, which are film-coated. The capsules are white, biconvex oval in shape, with a notch on one side. "Calcemin" is produced in high-density polyethylene bottles. In total, the package may contain thirty, sixty or one hundred and twenty tablets. Suitable drug for strengthening bones in osteoporosis.

What are the effects of Calcemin?

The action of the drug is due to the properties of its constituent substances. Calcium helps strengthen joints and bones and preventsdiseases of the musculoskeletal system. The substance has the following effects on the body:

  • ensures the absorption of calcium even in conditions of disruption of the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • regulates the level of parathyroid hormone, thereby improving the regulation of calcium homeostasis;
  • suppresses the destruction of bone tissue.

In addition, the drug does not increase the concentration of calcium and oxalate in urine and does not block the absorption of iron.

preparations for strengthening bones and joints
preparations for strengthening bones and joints

Collagen Ultra

A dietary supplement that is used for treatment and prophylactic purposes to prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The drug is produced in three dosage forms:

  1. Oral powder.
  2. Gel for external application.
  3. Cream with glucosamine for external use.

As a rule, vitamins are prescribed to improve the functional state of the musculoskeletal system, especially in dystrophic diseases, traumatic disorders and osteoporosis. You can take a drug to strengthen bones and joints after 50 years.

calcium supplements to strengthen teeth and bones
calcium supplements to strengthen teeth and bones


The drug is produced in the form of dragees, which are of two types, of which red contains eleven vitamins, blue - eight minerals. There are ten tablets in one blister, for a total of forty pieces in a package.

Due to riboflavin colorurine may acquire a yellow tint, this is safe and should not frighten a person. Patients suffering from diabetes should take into account that the concentration of sugar in one dragee is 0.8 grams, in a daily dosage - 1.6 grams. You can use the drug to strengthen bones in fractures.

What reactions does Duovit cause?

E110 and E124 dyes can cause hypersensitivity with an asthmatic component, people with hypersensitivity to Aspirin should be used with extreme caution.

The recommended daily dosage is not recommended to be exceeded, in case of accidental use of a dragee in an increased concentration, immediately contact a medical specialist. The drug should not be taken with other medicines that contain vitamins and minerals.

preparations for strengthening bones and cartilage
preparations for strengthening bones and cartilage


The drug is a multivitamin. The drug is produced in the form of capsules, each of which contains seventy-five milligrams of ascorbic acid, fifteen milligrams of tocopherol and six milligrams of betacarotene. The drug is a complex of vitamins and minerals, which determine the effect of "Antioxypax".

The direct effect of vitamin C also affects the metabolism of iron and folic acid, the connection of catecholamines and steroid hormones. Retinol, which is part of the structure of the vitamin complex, has an antioxidant effect. Its main property isparticipation in the formation of elastic and collagen fibers, as well as the intercellular component. The concentration of beta-carotene in the drug explains the regulatory effect of "Antioxycaps" on the defense system, its ability to activate the process of realization of B- and T-lymphocytes, as well as the ability to deprive free radicals of their activity at low oxygen pressure.

Reviews about the drug confirm the possibility of allergic reactions when using the medication.

preparations for strengthening bones and joints after 50
preparations for strengthening bones and joints after 50

Complivit Calcium D3

The drug is considered a complex tool, the effect of which is due to the components that make up the composition. The drug affects the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, helps to increase bone density, fights calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency in the body, promotes calcium absorption from the intestines and reverse absorption of phosphorus in the kidneys, thereby increasing bone mineralization. An excellent drug for strengthening bones and teeth.

Calcium takes part in the formation of bone tissue, blood coagulation systems, in the work of the cardiovascular system, as well as in the passage of an impulse through nerve endings.
