Propolis - what is it? Indications, instructions, properties

Propolis - what is it? Indications, instructions, properties
Propolis - what is it? Indications, instructions, properties

Propolis - what is it? This is bee glue, which is a resinous substance of brown or dark green color. It is produced by insects to cover cracks, disinfect honeycomb cells, regulate the passability of the notch, as well as isolate any foreign objects in the hive.

what is propolis
what is propolis

According to experts, even after an hour of boiling, this substance completely retains all its useful properties. Therefore, it is very often used in cases where the drug must be heated or used with hot water.

Now you know what propolis is. However, not all people know exactly what properties this bee glue has.

General information

What is propolis? It has a bitter-bitter taste, initially very mild, but upon prolonged storage thickens and hardens, transforming into a brittle substance resembling rosin.

According to experts, propolis can melt at a temperature of 80-104 degrees, and when cooled below 15 degrees, it can easily crumble.

Propolis in a pharmacy is quite easy to find. Moreover, it is sold not only in solid form, but also in the form of an alcohol tincture or water extract.

Composition,shape, packing

Propolis tincture is not prescribed for children very often, as it is 80% ethanol. In pharmacies, such a drug is sold in vials that are in cardboard boxes.

As for the extract, it contains high quality propolis with artepilin-C, as well as silver ionized and shungated distilled water. This drug is also available in vials.

what is propolis
what is propolis

The effect of the drug on alcohol

What is propolis and what are the properties of the medicine made from it? Such a remedy is used as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and stimulating drug regeneration.

It's no secret that propolis is a useful natural substance. It contains many organic and mineral components, including selenium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins B, A and E, copper, calcium, silicon and aluminum, as well as amino acids, flavonoids and oils.

The use of propolis tincture with alcohol is possible for the treatment of infectious and respiratory diseases, inflammation of the middle ear, tonsillitis and influenza.

This medicine has a vasodilating effect, making it very useful in the treatment of high blood pressure, heart pain and local atherosclerosis.

It should also be noted that the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of this medicine allow it to be used for arthritis, back pain, joint pain, shoulders, spine, legs and arms. Reception of tincture improves blood circulation,reduces inflammation and eliminates fatigue.

propolis tincture for children
propolis tincture for children

Aqueous extract properties

Hey-wee-wee is an aqueous propolis that has antiviral and antimicrobial, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It improves immunity and is an excellent wound healing agent.

It should also be noted that the extract is water-based:

  • has strong antifungal and antiviral activity;
  • has antitoxic and antisclerotic effect;
  • is an epithelizing and wound healing agent;
  • restores liver cells;
  • cleanses the mucosa of the digestive organs;
  • helps improve vision and more.


The use of alcohol tincture is possible in many cases. Most often it is used for otitis media, microtrauma, tonsillitis, superficial lesions, periodontal diseases, sinusitis and pharyngitis.

Also, this drug is used to prepare masks against dandruff, hair loss and to strengthen hair follicles.

propolis in the pharmacy
propolis in the pharmacy

This medicine is very useful for the intestines and gastritis.

Externally, the tincture is used for acne, calluses, atherosclerosis, eczema, fistulas, wounds, bedsores, psoriasis, hemorrhoids and burns.

As for the water extract, it is necessary:

  • for diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • impaired functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • allergies;
  • intoxication;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • in ophthalmic practice;
  • inflammation of the ear, maxillary sinuses, hearing loss and rhinitis;
  • wounds, skin diseases and burns.

How to use

What is propolis and how should it be used? The dry product can be dissolved in the mouth. A tincture from it is taken orally, 20-60 drops and a half glass of water (three times a day for 5-30 days).

Aqueous solution is consumed one dessert spoon three times a day 15 minutes before meals for one month.


The overwhelming majority of reviews of propolis tincture, as well as water extract, are positive. Such natural remedies quite effectively treat various diseases of the respiratory system, as well as increase immunity and promote a speedy recovery.

hey wee propolis water
hey wee propolis water

The advantages of this medicine include the fact that it almost never causes adverse reactions (at higher dosages it can cause a rash). In addition, propolis has no contraindications, and it is quite cheap.

It should also be noted that many consumers not only use such products internally, but also use them for external application. For example, some women with the help of this drug strengthen their hair, give them a he althy shine and beauty. Propolis also helps to eliminate dandruff.
