Propolis honey is one of the most common remedies in folk medicine. It will delight all lovers of products produced by bees and fans of he althy eating. Its useful properties are ready to amaze anyone with their variety. In this article we will talk about them, as well as the properties of this product, indications and contraindications for its use.

Propolis honey is a special substance with a pleasant taste and aroma that can be slightly bitter. This is a really tasty and he althy medicine, which is not difficult to prepare on your own. As a rule, it is enough to mix together propolis and the most common honey.
To preserve all the healing properties of this product, it is recommended to store it in a dark glass jar in a cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
This is an antiviral remedy that helps support immunity. It contains about 200 active ingredients.and a dozen classes of organics. As a result, we can conclude that the composition of propolis honey consists of resinous components (there are about half of them in this product), 30 percent of it consists of wax, ten percent of oils, and the rest is occupied by pollen, quinones, amino acids and many other substances.
In the wild it is collected by bees in autumn and summer. However, with the placement of propolis in the bee house, the process of its production does not end. Bees strive to prepare the substance they need by mixing the product with pollen, wax and all kinds of enzymes.
After that, it turns into an ideal material for bee construction. A person can extract future propolis honey with a special scraper. To get the required amount of a spicy product, it is enough to remove the propolis from the walls of the honeycomb.
After that, you can start preparing this honey delicacy. A bitter substance is mixed with viscous fresh honey in a certain proportion. This algorithm allows you to save the maximum number of useful properties of the product, as well as extend its shelf life.

This product is almost identical in color to the sweet content of honeycombs. The fact that honey is propolis can only be determined by its shade, which is more like an extract. It, in turn, depends on which flower the extract was removed from and at what particular time of the year.
This is a really tasty medicine, a fewastringent tongue. It is worth noting that experienced healers advise preparing it from the highest quality honey to make a really effective tart mixture.
This delicacy has a pleasant spicy aroma. When a person begins to constantly take such a remedy, he immediately feels pleasant coniferous notes around him. Moreover, he can feel laurel and even lemon balm in this useful preparation.
After mixing propolis and honey, you will get a viscous and viscous mass. Over time, its consistency will change as it will become brittle due to the honey itself hardening. At a temperature of already 15 degrees, this remedy begins to crumble. It is worth noting that it is better not to allow this, because then propolis becomes not so useful, honey itself loses most of the nutrients. In this state, it is no longer recommended to eat it, but it is better to prepare a new dose.
Useful properties
The mass, composed of propolis and honey, contains a large amount of useful vitamins and substances, especially those related to group B. Moreover, this natural product contains acids and minerals.
Use the beneficial properties of propolis honey for a variety of purposes. It can be a drug that stimulates the immune system, an antiseptic, a disinfectant. Other beneficial properties of propolis honey include antioxidant, disinfectant, antiviral, wound healing.
The components of this substance help to remove cholesterol, cleanse the cell membrane, treat eczema. All this provideshealing properties of propolis honey. To start all these processes in the body, you need to take this medicine regularly.

Preparing the almost perfect medicine is easy.
The optimal way to prepare propolis honey is as follows: just mix 900 g of bee product with 100 g of bitter mass obtained from honeycombs, which must first be melted.
In the same way, you can create other compositions in which there will be a different content of propolis, for example, 5 or 20 percent. It should be emphasized that any mixture in which the propolis content is at least three percent of the total mass is considered useful. This is how propolis honey can be made.

One kilogram of a mixture of propolis and honey, on average, is enough for a month. At this time, it is very important to constantly and regularly take this healing remedy. Initially, the dose may be quite small. For example, one teaspoon three times a day.
This homemade preparation is recommended to be taken before meals. It is noteworthy that the tool is used for external use. Since it is not difficult to prepare propolis honey, it is used to treat ulcers, in the fight against conjunctivitis. In this case, it is necessary to dilute the contents of the glass jar with boiled water in the proportion of one part of honey to three parts of the liquid.
In this case, the medicine is also used as the basis forrinsing or applied with a pipette to the affected areas.

Before starting treatment with propolis honey, it is important to understand all the pros and cons of this remedy. It is important not to include honey and propolis in the diet of children under one year old. These are strong allergens, so they can cause negative reactions in a fragile child's body.
When using propolis honey, a contraindication will be an allergy to this product in a patient. A similar reaction can occur at any age, even if there were no signs before. In this case, treatment should be stopped immediately. Many people suffer from intolerance to bee products, so this item should be treated with increased attention.
Also, this bee composition is contraindicated if there are problems with the biliary tract, liver or bladder disease.
Incorrect storage

Also, problems arise if propolis and honey are not stored properly. In this case, the proportions of nutrients in the body may be disturbed, which can lead to drowsiness or dry mouth. In some situations, the consequences may be more severe. For example, there may be minor redness on the skin, even slight dizziness. If a rash appears, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, and then take a break from using this drug for a period of at least one or two months. If asymptoms reappear after this, treatment should be stopped immediately.
There is a danger when taking propolis honey to overdose. This can take a significant toll on the immune system. Even bronchitis or an allergic rhinitis may appear. In rare cases, a side effect may be bronchial asthma, which can develop due to this remedy. True, this actually occurs infrequently, only with significant overdoses. So it is important to take this medicine in moderation, then you will be able to avoid such problems.
What can be cured?

Knowing the beneficial properties and contraindications of propolis honey, you can easily determine which diseases this drug can help against. In medicine, this drug is widely used for internal and external consumption.
It is applied to the skin to heal wounds and speed up metabolic processes. When taken orally, the patient's immunity immediately increases several times. It is necessary to dwell in more detail on what specific diseases this remedy can be effective for.
For external use, it is advised to use propolis honey if you are concerned:
- furunculosis;
- burns;
- eczema;
- dermatitis;
- stomatitis;
- rashes of various etiologies;
- gynecological diseases;
- conjunctivitis.
Internal use
This tool demonstrates high efficiency andwhen taken orally. Here is an incomplete list of diseases for which it will definitely help you:
- laryngitis;
- bronchitis;
- gastric disorders;
- dysbacteriosis.
It is also used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, diaphoretic, as an immunostimulating drug, as well as for diseases of a viral or bacterial nature.
It is worth emphasizing that this is an incomplete list of diseases in which propolis honey can be effective. Its use in medicine does not end there. The ingredients contained in its composition have the healing power of nature itself.
However, before using this remedy for a particular disease, you should always consult with your doctor. He will be able to suggest in which situation this remedy will be most effective, whether it will suit you in principle, and will also prescribe any additional medications if complex treatment is required.
It is worth noting that, like most traditional medicine, propolis honey is most effective in the early stages of the disease. If the disease has already passed to a late stage or into a chronic form, it makes sense to take this remedy only in combination with more powerful drugs.
In addition, do not forget that propolis honey is often used as a prophylactic agent, and also use its general strengthening effect for the body to protectyourself from potential diseases in the future.
For example, this remedy is used even in the prevention of cancer, in some cases it can help to relieve symptoms in the early stages of the formation of cancerous tumors.
Also, with the help of this mixture, it is possible to effectively eliminate symptoms in the treatment of burns, especially those of a chemical origin, as well as in the healing of any wounds.
Green product
In some cases, when honey and propolis are mixed, a green substance is obtained. And a variety of shades - from light emerald to khaki. Don't be surprised.
The green color comes from the bee glue itself, which is mixed with honey. In some situations, the viscous product contains adhesive elements. In this case, it has a special name - honeydew honey.
This tool is considered even more useful. It turns green when there are no flowering plants and herbs near the hives. Therefore, the bees decide not to collect pollen, but the juice from nearby trees, which contains saccharides in large quantities. Such honey has a particularly bright aroma.