Since ancient times, a unique natural product - propolis - has been known to man, although even today its beneficial properties have not been fully studied. A substance rich in vitamins, microelements, sucrose, people have long considered miraculous, sent to them by the gods. Ointments, tinctures with water, milk, alcohol are prepared from propolis, used in its natural form.
Today we will talk about the healing properties of alcohol tincture of propolis. It is in it that the best properties of this natural substance are most clearly revealed. Is it possible to drink propolis on alcohol? Are there any differences between a pharmacy tincture and a composition prepared at home? How to take a medicinal drug? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

What is propolis?
Propolis (Uza) is a sticky substance that bee workers collect from tree buds and carry to the hive, adding pollen, wax and enrichingits own enzymes. Propolis serves as a reliable building material for the preservation of the hive - the bees cover up the cracks in the walls and ceilings of their house with it to prevent damage by fungal and viral microorganisms.
When an enemy enters the hive, even as large as a mouse or a lizard, it is immediately attacked by bees that bite it mercilessly and then embalm it with propolis. In such a "sarcophagus" the victim can lie for years without decomposing.
A sticky substance of gray, dark green, reddish or brown color turns black during long-term storage, without losing its healing properties. It contains resins and balms, wax, essential oils, pollen, aromatic substances.

Propolis is very useful in the treatment of many diseases, it has a pleasant aroma, which captures the smell of honey, the spice of herbs and the freshness of greens. High-quality propolis dissolves in water for a very long time, sinks in it due to the presence of 55% resin in the composition, and completely dissolves in alcohol.
If bee glue contains more impurities and wax, it floats on the surface and, of course, has mild beneficial properties. Real propolis causes a slight burning sensation in the mouth and even numbness of the tongue. If you do not feel this, you may doubt the quality of the product.
Propolis is used both in its natural form and in the form of suppositories, ointments and oils, water and propolis tinctures in alcohol. The medicinal properties of the drugs are somewhat different, as are the methods of their application.

Healing properties
It is difficult to challenge the statement of folk healers who believe that propolis is a cure for all diseases. Bee glue contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, chromium and iron, nicotinic acid and vanadium, copper and cob alt, B vitamins, iodine and others.
The substance in its natural form, like propolis tincture on alcohol (patient reviews confirm this), has many medicinal properties:
- neutralizes inflammation;
- treats non-healing wounds;
- is a strong antiseptic; inhibits the growth of streptococci and staphylococci, herpes virus, destroys pathogens of tuberculosis and diphtheria, smallpox, influenza and hepatitis, fungi;
- this is the strongest natural anesthetic substance, which is 5 times higher than the similar effect of novocaine;
- glue, according to scientists, is a strong antioxidant that protects the body from aging;
- substances that make up this product protect and make the liver more resistant to the negative effects of toxic substances, successfully treat hepatitis B, restore its cells;
- normalizes metabolism;
- strengthens immunity;
- relieves spasms of blood vessels;
- propolis is known as a unique natural antibiotic that exceeds the action of penicillin several times;
- Through numerous studies, it has been found that none of the known types of microbes is able to resist propolis, and microorganisms cannot adapt to it.
How to insist propolis on alcohol: recipe
Most often, 10%, less often 20% tincture is used for treatment. To prepare a ten percent solution, you will need 10 grams of propolis and 90 ml of 70-degree alcohol and 20 grams and 80 ml, respectively, to prepare a 20% tincture. The tincture can also be made with vodka, but since vodka has 40 degrees, which is not enough to dissolve the bee glue, the process can be delayed. If you decide to use vodka, then the proportion should be different - 50 grams per 50 ml of vodka.

Now step by step instructions:
- Remove the necessary piece of propolis in the refrigerator so that it freezes - it will become more brittle and easier to grind.
- Taking out the propolis from the refrigerator, grate it, although many beekeepers find that this is not very convenient. It is better to wrap it in paper and film and beat it with a hammer on a hard surface.
- To make the propolis crumbs dissolve faster, they can be further crushed with a blender or coffee grinder. This is important when preparing water infusions. If you make tinctures on alcohol, such a procedure is optional. The substance is very sticky, so it should be handled very carefully, because if it gets on the floor, it can only be washed with gasoline.
- Pour the crumbs into a dark glass dish and fill with alcohol.
- Close the jar tightly with a lid and put it in a dark place.
- For two weeks, while the composition is infused, it is necessary several times a dayshake to dissolve propolis better.
- The finished tincture must be filtered.
- The remaining crumbs of bee glue can be left to prepare a secondary tincture, but you need to know that it will be somewhat weaker.
Therapeutic composition should be stored in the refrigerator, in a dark bottle. Medicinal properties are stored for three years. If you do not want to bother with cooking, you can buy propolis for alcohol in a pharmacy.
Indications for use
From ancient times, healers and sorcerers have known what helps propolis on alcohol. Such a remedy can be used for both external and internal use.
External use: skin problems
Due to its antiseptic properties, the tincture can be used instead of iodine. It acts softer, does not dry the skin, quickly heals cuts, burns, wounds, including long-term non-healing, trophic ulcers, which are a complication of diabetes.
Propolis is used to get rid of boils, which must be regularly moistened with tincture. In addition, traditional healers recommend using natural propolis: warm a piece of bee glue in your hands, knead it a little and apply it on gauze to the boil, fixing it with a bandage. Judging by the reviews, a small boil can pass in just a day.

To reduce pain in rheumatism, you can use a composition of honey, 30% tincture, sunflower oil. All ingredients are takenone spoon (tablespoon). The resulting mass on a tissue napkin is applied to the sore spot and secured with a bandage.
Propolis tincture is effective for toothache. To do this, rinse your mouth with propolis tincture diluted in water (1 tsp in half a glass of water). You can attach a piece of propolis to a sick tooth, and very soon the pain will disappear.
Angina, tonsillitis, pharyngitis
At the first sign of an incipient sore throat, it is enough to rinse the throat once with a solution of propolis tincture on alcohol, diluted in water (100 ml - half a teaspoon of tincture), as pain and perspiration stop.
Experienced beekeepers believe that treatment with natural propolis is more effective, which not only easily copes with some kind of disease, but also eliminates it forever. For example, in case of throat problems or a cold, beekeepers recommend drinking at least 10 cups of tea with honey during the day, while chewing a piece of propolis (5 g). In the morning you will wake up he althy.

For gynecological inflammations for baths and douching, solutions are prepared according to one of the recipes below:
- In equal proportions, mix chamomile, yarrow and plantain. Boil three tablespoons (tablespoons) of this mixture over low heat in half a liter of water for a quarter of an hour. Let the composition brew for two hours, strain and add 30 drops of 20% propolis tincture.
- A mixture of propolis and calendula tinctures, dilute one tablespoon (tablespoon) in 500 ml of warmboiled water.
What helps propolis on alcohol when taken orally?
Alcohol tincture is effective in the treatment of many diseases:
- digestion problems (hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastric and intestinal ulcers);
- diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- hemorrhoids;
- thrombosis;
- atherosclerosis;
- pathologies of the respiratory system, including pneumonia, sinusitis, tuberculosis, asthma, etc.;
- fibroids, prostatitis, impotence, cervical erosion, sexually transmitted infections;
- allergies;
- acute and chronic colitis.
And this is not a complete list of those diseases that propolis tincture taken orally can cope with. How to take it? Always use this remedy before meals, dissolving in half a glass of water, milk or warm tea from 20 to 60 drops of tincture. Knowing how to drink propolis on alcohol, do not forget that all bee products are allergens. Therefore, treatment should be started with small doses.
Strengthening immunity
The use of propolis tincture is recommended during the period of illness, when immunity is reduced. How to drink propolis on alcohol for immunity (strengthening the body's defenses)? Drink juice or tea with propolis tincture twice a day at the rate of 20 drops of 10% tincture per 200 ml of liquid one hour before meals.
When rinsing your mouth and taking an aqueous infusion (1 teaspoon of tincture per glass of water) of propolis, you can protect yourself from the flu. To strengthen immunity, you need to know how to drink propolis on alcohol. Ingestion should begin with2-3 drops, which are diluted in a spoonful of water, and gradually increase the dosage to 30 drops per 250 ml of water per day. The course of treatment is a month.

Stomach treatment
Bee glue can help with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Traditional healers can advise how to drink propolis with alcohol for gastritis, dysbacteriosis and flatulence, gastric and duodenal ulcers.
In a cup of warm milk, dissolve 60 drops of 20% propolis tincture in alcohol. Inside, it should be taken 1.5 hours before meals, three times a day, for three weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a week.
Cold diseases
In case of any respiratory viral infections, propolis tincture destroys viruses and bacteria. This helps to quickly cope with the flu, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. The tincture is used three times a day with tea, 30 drops each.
Cough treatment
For colds, bronchitis and pneumonia use propolis on alcohol. From a cough, alcohol tincture helps quite quickly, but for pneumonia and bronchitis, it should be combined with medicines. Adults are prescribed 40 drops of the drug, dissolved in half a glass of water. The action of the tincture in combination with warm milk is very effective. The tincture is taken three times a day for a week, although relief comes earlier.
With respect to young patients, traditional healers and representatives of traditional medicine cannot come to a consensus. Doctors believe that it is possible to give propolis tincture for alcohol to older children.3 years in small doses - 2-3 drops per 100 ml of warm milk.
Pediatricians are against this method of treatment, although they do not deny the healing properties of bee glue. They believe that tincture of propolis in alcohol in the treatment of coughs can be used for rubbing.
Rubbing is one of the most effective ways to treat a cough. A light massage of the chest, as well as the upper back, warms up the skin, projecting heat to the internal organs, improves blood circulation and absorption of the therapeutic agent. To prepare the composition for rubbing, you will need interior goose or badger fat. A mixture of 20 g of crushed propolis and 100 g of fat is placed in a water bath until a homogeneous mass appears.
Rub it with gentle movements with slight pressure on the chest and back (upper part) 2-3 times a day until completely absorbed. After the procedure is completed, the patient should be warmly dressed or covered.
Propolis is also effective in the vapor state, in the form of inhalations. Pairs of bee glue dilute the thick secret of the respiratory tract and ensure its speedy removal from the body. Propolis inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic microflora. For this procedure, a home nebulizer, a 20% alcohol tincture of propolis, and a dilution liquid are used. Sodium chloride solution (saline) is usually used as a liquid. The liquid for inhalation should be in proportion: 5 drops of tincture per 3 ml of sodium chloride. Non-carbonated mineral water can be used as a solvent for propolis. Inhalations start with1-2 minutes. Gradually, the duration of the procedure increases to 5-7 minutes.
Cardiovascular system
Thinning the blood, propolis helps with blood pressure disorders. Bee glue strengthens blood vessels, renews cells, promotes the regeneration of heart muscle tissue. In case of heart problems, after consultation with a cardiologist, propolis is taken regularly, alternating the month of admission with the month of the break. The heart will get stronger, become more resilient, the fragility of blood vessels will decrease, their patency will improve.
How to drink propolis on alcohol to strengthen the heart and blood vessels? It is considered the most useful combination of propolis on alcohol with honey and garlic. Grind 200 grams of garlic, fill it with 200 grams of vodka or alcohol. The mixture should be infused for two weeks in a cool and dark place. Then the composition is filtered and 50 grams of honey are added, as well as 10% alcohol tincture of propolis (30 mg). Mix everything thoroughly. Take the drug before meals, three times a day, for a month, 25 drops. Then you need to take a break for five months. The course of treatment can be repeated.
Traditional healers are sure, and endocrinologists support them, that propolis tincture for alcohol in type 1 and type 2 diabetes is an indispensable tool.
Judging by the reviews, in 80% of cases, bee glue helps to forget about the disease for a long time, in 20% of cases it avoids complications. Several times a day, you need to chew a small piece of propolis for half an hour before meals.
How to take propolis tincturefrom diabetes? Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:
- 1st day - 1 drop of tincture diluted in a tablespoon of milk. This dose is taken 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.
- 2nd and subsequent days - the dosage is increased daily by 1 drop and brought to 15 drops.
- Then the countdown begins - the dosage decreases by 1 drop.
According to this scheme, the drug should be taken for at least 4-6 months. This is followed by a break for three months, after which the treatment can be repeated.
Eye diseases
Possessing regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, propolis can be used in the treatment of certain eye diseases. For the treatment of the eyes, it is used in two forms - in the form of an alcohol tincture taken orally, and in the form of drops.
Alcohol tincture is taken three times a day, half an hour before meals, 20 drops. Eye drops are prepared as follows: dissolve propolis in water in a ratio of 1:10, heat on fire, then strain, cool and instill 2-3 drops in each eye.
Bee glue will improve blood flow, cleanse blood vessels, and activate cell regeneration. This will help get rid of inflammation and conjunctivitis. But before using this remedy, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Propolis tincture for hair
For any person, and especially for beautiful ladies, it is important that their hair be a beautiful face frame, and not look like a colorless and lifeless tow. If this question is for yourelevant, check out the effects of propolis on alcohol on hair.
Bee glue strengthens hair follicles, prevents hair loss, heals curls damaged by dyes. To make your hair delight you with density, shine and a he althy look, mix 10% propolis tincture (1 tablespoon) with egg yolk, add burdock oil (1 tablespoon). Apply the resulting mixture to your hair thirty minutes before shampooing.

By doing this simple procedure twice a week, after a month you will notice that the hair has become silky and elastic. You can simply rub a 10% tincture into the scalp twice a week on clean and dried or slightly damp hair. This treatment will stop hair loss and get rid of dandruff.
Despite the obvious advantages of propolis on alcohol, it also has contraindications. There are few of them, but they should be considered before starting treatment. This remedy is contraindicated in people who have alcohol intolerance.
But for all other people, treatment with tincture in most cases should not exceed a month. A tincture prepared with vodka can be used for treatment for two to three months. In addition, propolis can cause allergies in people prone to this disease.
Patient testimonials
According to people who have experienced the full power of this natural remedy, it is important not only to know how to drink propolis in alcohol. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and duration of treatment indicated in the prescriptions. Only in this case you will get the desired result. Propolis does work wonders in the fight against many diseases, but treatment should not be left to chance. The reactions of the body to this bee product should be monitored by a doctor.