Natural laxative: home recipes, herbal preparations, preparation of decoctions and settings, admission rules, reviews and observations of doctors

Natural laxative: home recipes, herbal preparations, preparation of decoctions and settings, admission rules, reviews and observations of doctors
Natural laxative: home recipes, herbal preparations, preparation of decoctions and settings, admission rules, reviews and observations of doctors

Constipation appears due to a violation of the process of spontaneous bowel cleansing. Ideally, it should occur daily and preferably in the morning. Minor deviations are allowed in the form of a stool delay for 12-15 hours. If cleansing has not occurred within two days, emergency measures should be taken. There are many drugs that can help with constipation. Most people prefer to make do with natural laxatives, which work just as well as over-the-counter drugs.

Causes of constipation


There are several factors that contribute to this unpleasant symptom.

  • No roughage containing fiber. It is recommended to consume as many raw, uncooked foods as possible. These can be vegetable salads, fruits, juices with pulp and fruit desserts.
  • One of the causes of constipation is often dysbacteriosis. It occurs as a result of taking antibiotics, food poisoning, unbalanced nutrition,indulgence in alcoholic beverages or coffee. In order to get rid of this disease, drugs with bifidobacteria are used. And you should also consume as many yogurts or kefir as possible to restore the microflora of the stomach.
  • Due to the lack of physical activity, the muscles noticeably relax and the overall tone of the body weakens. This is especially true of sedentary work. In addition to regular constipation, office workers often develop hemorrhoids and prostatitis.
  • After undergoing surgery on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation also often occurs. It can be both temporary and permanent, depending on the disease.
  • Sometimes it happens that a person eats he althy food, but because he does not chew it well, it harms his stomach and provokes constipation.
  • Dry food and lack of water adversely affect the condition of the intestines. The fact is that by absorbing liquid during the day in the form of drinks, tea or just water, a person stimulates the work of the stomach, forcing the muscles to constantly move and keep themselves in good shape. In addition, dehydration makes feces hard and difficult to pass. Therefore, people who eat sandwiches should consume much more water than lovers of first courses.

Unfortunately, many deliberately delay the process of defecation. Sometimes this is a forced step if a person is on duty or his professional activity does not allow him to leave at the first demand of the intestines. But most often people themselves try to regulate the work of organs. Gastrointestinal tract, disrupting the natural process.

Medication treatment

How to get rid of constipation
How to get rid of constipation

There are many drugs that can help with constipation. Depending on the mechanism of their action, laxatives are divided into the following categories:

  • Drugs that increase the amount of feces. These are osmotic agents: sodium and magnesium sulfates.
  • Medicines such as "Guttalax" and dietary supplement "Senna Leaves" irritate the intestines and cause the urge to defecate. They are usually taken two hours after a meal.
  • Prebiotics are recommended for chronic constipation. They contain beneficial bacteria, which, getting into the large intestine, begin to multiply actively and after a while act on the receptors, stimulating the work of the muscles.
  • There are also drugs whose action is based on the gradual swelling of plant substances with their subsequent withdrawal along with toxins accumulated in the rectum.
  • If you want to soften the stool and provide them with a free exit, you will need preparations based on vegetable oil. For example, castor or flaxseed oil have proven themselves in the fight against constipation. They are taken based on the calculation of body weight. For example, if a person weighs 80 kilograms, then he will need 80 ml of castor oil or four tablespoons. With a weight of 90 kilograms, you should take 5 spoons.

Many of the drugs in this category have their contraindications. For example, people with ulcersthe stomach is not recommended to use such funds in any form. Patients with cholecystitis or gallstones should not use oil-based laxatives.

Extremely careful should be when treating children and pregnant women in the first and last trimester. Therefore, the best natural fast-acting laxative for them will be diet food. Women during pregnancy can be advised to consume as much bran or fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. And also exclude from the diet foods that can provoke constipation.

Herbal decoctions have a lot of contraindications during pregnancy and can adversely affect he alth, so you need to use them after consulting a doctor.

Decoctions of herbs for constipation

senna plant
senna plant

Very many plants stimulate the muscles of the stomach and large intestine. These are the best natural laxatives. For example, senna leaves and stems have been used since ancient times. This pretty weed with yellow flowers is applied as follows. A small amount of dry raw materials is poured with water and white or black raisins are added. Boil for 10 minutes and apply it as soon as it cools down. It is advisable to use a decoction of senna every two hours. The disadvantage of this treatment is that it can cause diarrhea or involuntary bowel movements. It is advisable to carry out treatment on a day off or during vacation.

Boiled beets with vegetable oil

To prepare the remedy you will needwhite or red beets and a small amount of unrefined sunflower oil. The root crop is boiled in a peel, after which it is cleaned and rubbed on a coarse grater. The resulting dish is poured with a large amount of sunflower vegetable oil. Beets are eaten completely. Within an hour, the remedy begins to act actively, causing the urge to defecate. This treatment has a number of benefits. The tool is extremely useful for the body, as beets are a unique source of rare minerals and vitamins. It contains substances that can fight cancer and prevent premature aging. No less useful is unrefined sunflower oil.

This dish with a natural laxative product is recommended not only for constipation, but also to maintain immunity and cleanse the body.

Vegetable and fruit juices

pumpkin juice
pumpkin juice

This is not about store-bought juices, but homemade ones. If there is no juicer, then you can twist the pieces of peeled vegetables or fruits through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice with a gauze cloth. Vegetable drinks work much better than fruit drinks. Vegetables such as pumpkin, beets and carrots stand out in particular. Of the fruits, plums, peaches and pears have the best properties. They can be attributed to natural laxatives for children. They have an amazing effect on the children's body.

A small amount of vegetable oil is added to freshly made juice. It not only gives the juice an additional laxative effect, but also contributes to a betterabsorption of vitamins and minerals. The drink is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

Grape and apple cider vinegar

Apple vinegar
Apple vinegar

This favorite product of the aristocratic nobility was previously used for weight loss and pale skin. It makes an excellent natural laxative for bowel cleansing. It is applied in the following way. Every morning on an empty stomach drink vinegar mixed with a small amount of warm boiled water. As a rule, after half an hour a person has a desire to visit the toilet. Thanks to vinegar, you can cleanse the stomach well, removing the remnants of hard-to-digest food. People who used this remedy noticed that mucus with rather large pieces of food comes out with feces.


Cold whey taken on an empty stomach acts as an excellent natural laxative. It is recommended to consume this product regularly throughout the day. Serum helps to restore the beneficial microflora of the stomach and fights the manifestations of dysbacteriosis. Thus, you can not only cure constipation, but also get rid of the cause of its occurrence. The serum contains calcium, vitamin A and a small amount of vitamin E.

Melon and watermelon

melon for constipation
melon for constipation

This natural laxative for constipation also helps drain bile and cleanse the liver. It is extremely important to use it correctly. Pumpkin is not recommended to be combined with other products or used as a dessert after a meal. This melon culture is necessaryeat only between meals, which should be at least 1 hour apart.

Not bad cleanses the stomach and watermelon. For the best effect, experts advise when eating watermelon not to chew the pulp to the end, but to swallow it in small pieces. Thus, the cleansing effect is noticeably accelerated. The effect that watermelon has is unique. Unlike other laxative products, it does not cause stomach upset or diarrhea in case of overdose. It moderately liquefies the feces and easily removes them from the rectum without causing spasms from sharp muscle contractions.

Radish or radish

Another herbal product that causes defecation when taken internally. It also belongs to natural laxatives. One large radish is peeled and rubbed on a fine grater. Then the juice is filtered through gauze and added to a glass of warm water. In the prepared composition, you need to introduce one spoon of natural honey or aloe juice. Drink should be in small sips and slowly. If after the first time the urge does not appear, then the procedure is repeated again.

Honey and aloe also have laxative properties, so their use as part of this tool is justified. Thanks to these products, it becomes possible to improve the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Indeed, often people suffering from chronic constipation have diseases that affect the mucous membrane of the stomach or rectum. Due to constipation, the walls of the digestive tract often become inflamed. Feces tend to decompose and poison the body with toxins. As a rule, firstturn the organs of the digestive tract suffer.

Tincture of gooseberries or currants

gooseberry fruit
gooseberry fruit

Many people prefer to take tinctures, considering them to be the most effective of all natural laxatives. It is difficult to argue with this, since thanks to alcohol, the active ingredients, indeed, penetrate much better through the walls of the stomach into the blood and then spread throughout the body, providing a therapeutic effect. The tincture is prepared as follows: two glasses of ripe berries are poured over four glasses of diluted alcohol or vodka and left to infuse for two days. After that, the composition is filtered through gauze and stored in a cool place. No more than 20 ml of natural laxative is used for chronic constipation, both before and after meals.

Decoction of pine needles

This composition has a lot of contraindications, so before using it, you should consult your doctor. It is not recommended to use coniferous decoction for diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder. To prepare the medicine, you will need spruce or pine shoots collected in the spring. They are poured with cold water and after 2 hours put on a slow fire. The broth should be boiled for at least 50 minutes. This fast-acting natural laxative is taken in small amounts and no more than three times a day.

Reviews from users and doctors

On the Internet, you can often find various reviews about natural laxatives. Doctors are sympathetic to such treatment and oftenrecommends some ingredients. For example, a decoction of senna grass proved to be excellent. This is a fairly powerful tool that can relieve chronic constipation and normalize the work of the stomach. Most often, you can find advice on nutrition and the use of certain products to normalize the stool.

People also advise using cabbage and prunes. These products are fast-acting natural laxatives. They can be combined in one dish and make a very tasty salad with the addition of raisins and vegetable oil. Raisins, like prunes, quickly free the intestines from feces.

Also, many herbs have a similar effect and are natural laxatives. Doctors remind that, in addition to senna, chamomile, plantain inflorescences, dandelion and buckthorn will help. It is advisable to drink herbal tea before bedtime so that the next morning you start your day with a stomach emptying.
