Mammography: reviews, description of the procedure, features, specialists

Mammography: reviews, description of the procedure, features, specialists
Mammography: reviews, description of the procedure, features, specialists

How and why do mammogaffia? Reviews of doctors indicate that mammography is an accurate, informative method for examining the mammary glands. Thanks to such manipulation, it is possible to identify a pathological change in the tissue structure of the mammary gland, to determine the nature and location of neoplasms. This type of study allows you to identify the tumor at the initial stage of development - before the onset of symptoms of the disease. Doctors recommend regularly visiting a mammologist and taking all the necessary tests - this will help prevent the occurrence of breast cancer. With a timely visit to the doctor, it is possible to cure the pathologies of the mammary glands as soon as possible.

Basic Mammography Techniques

doctor and patient
doctor and patient

What are the main methods of mammography? Feedback from medical professionals suggests that there are several methods for conducting a mammographic examination, namely:

  1. With the help of X-ray diagnostics, the presence of a tumor and other neoplasms can be accurately detected. Method accuracyover 91%.
  2. Magnetic resonance is one of the most modern methods, which is carried out without X-ray exposure using a contrast agent.
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, doctors recommend an ultrasound examination, as this diagnostic method is the safest. In particular cases, it is recommended to take additional tests and implement other research methods, since ultrasound has a relatively low accuracy rate.
  4. The digital version of the diagnostics allows you to accurately assess the condition of the mammary glands.

Why is it important to get a mammogram on time?

Mammologist's consultation
Mammologist's consultation

Why do you need a mammogram? Reviews of recovered patients indicate that with timely access to a doctor, the treatment of many diseases is carried out much faster and more efficiently. Under such conditions, neoplasms do not acquire a malignant form. In addition, you can achieve the following results:

  • reduce duration of treatment;
  • avoid surgery;
  • prevent complications;
  • avoid the need for chemotherapy.

Specialists recommend that women over 35 have a mammogram once every six months. As medical practice shows, systematic diagnosis of the mammary glands reduces the percentage of deaths from breast tumors by 32%.

Indications for the procedure

Diseasesthyroid gland
Diseasesthyroid gland

How often do you get a mammogram? Reviews of doctors indicate that this type of diagnosis must be carried out regularly. Doctors recommend performing mammography once or twice a year in order to prevent the development of a tumor and other pathologies of the mammary glands. It is mandatory to pass the study at:

  • mastopathy;
  • having problems conceiving;
  • overweight problem;
  • thyroid disorders;
  • pathologies of the pancreas;
  • suit;
  • cystic neoplasms;
  • oncological disease;
  • genetic predisposition to breast tumors;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • prone to fibroadenoma and other tumors.

The presence of breast cancer in a close relative should be a reason for undergoing regular medical examinations, since such patients are at increased risk of developing the disease. Thanks to a timely visit to the doctor, it is possible to identify the disease at the initial stage of development.

Signs of breast cancer

Soreness in the chest
Soreness in the chest

How to detect breast cancer without a mammogram? Reviews of doctors indicate that the symptoms of the disease are sometimes absent. There are several signs, based on which it is possible to determine the presence of a malignant process in the mammary gland. The following unpleasant symptoms should be cause for concern:

  • pain in the mammary gland;
  • specific highlightsfrom the nipple;
  • chest swelling;
  • changed breast size;
  • nipples reddened;
  • changed the contour of the mammary glands;
  • skin reddened in the chest area;
  • chest hurts a lot during critical days;
  • a seal in the mammary gland was detected.

When one of the signs of a pathological process appears, it is important to immediately visit a doctor and not self-medicate, since such a phenomenon may indicate that a malignant neoplasm is developing. Thanks to timely treatment, you can restore your he alth as soon as possible and prevent surgical manipulation.


Doctors do not recommend mammography during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Pregnant women are recommended to undergo an ultrasound method for diagnosing the breast. It is impossible to examine the chest with the help of such manipulation for girls who are under 34 years old. Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to visit a doctor and inform him about all the unpleasant symptoms that caused discomfort. Depending on the specific clinical picture, the doctor will select the appropriate research method.

Among the main contraindications for mammography:

  • damage to the skin in the area of the mammary glands;
  • traumatic nipple injury;
  • presence of a breast implant;
  • artificial abortion.

Preparatory process

This type of research does not requirespecial preparation, but in order to get the most accurate information after the manipulation, you must follow the doctor's advice, namely:

  • remember the date of the last critical days;
  • on the day of the examination, do not use deodorant, creams and other body cosmetics;
  • metal jewelry must be removed before examination;
  • take a shower without detergent a few hours before visiting the doctor.

In addition, it is recommended to exclude drinks that contain caffeine from your diet, since such a substance increases pain sensitivity and causes an attack of anxiety and anxiety, which is completely undesirable during the diagnosis.

Carrying out the procedure

How is a breast mammogram performed? Reviews of women confirm the fact that during the diagnosis, the patient does not experience severe discomfort and pain. Painful sensations can occur only if the patient did not follow the basic rules of preparation or there is a contraindication to the procedure.

Before performing the manipulation, the mammologist collects an anamnesis, possible complaints, etc. After that, the girl undresses to the waist and stands in front of a special device - a mammograph. Next, the medical worker will set the mammary glands in the desired position. During the diagnostic process, the image of the breast will be recorded on an x-ray photo in various projections.

Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the doctor determines the structural condition of the breast,the presence of neoplasms and other pathological processes. How long does a mammogram take? Feedback from women indicates that the duration of the study is 9-35 minutes. To obtain the most accurate information during the study, it is not recommended for the patient to move, as the picture may turn out to be blurry. At the request of the doctor, it is necessary to temporarily hold your breath.

Patient testimonials

Reviews of women
Reviews of women

Doctors recommend regular mammograms. Reviews of doctors indicate that such a diagnosis will help prevent the development of cancer. Based on the feedback from women who underwent mammography, we can conclude that this diagnostic method is absolutely safe and painless. During the procedure, only slight discomfort may occur - while pressing the breast against the device.

Soreness appears only in those women who have too sensitive breasts. According to patients and doctors, mammography does not require special training, but in order to get accurate results of the study, it is necessary to carefully listen to the doctor and follow all his instructions. Mammography - does it hurt? The girls' testimonials indicate that this is a painless procedure.
