Absolutely every person drinks water every day, so the question of its benefits has remained open for many decades. It is known to mankind that in many respects the benefits of water depend on the place of its source. Thus, water enriched with useful substances is sold all over the world, and various he alth complexes, sanatoriums and other institutions operate in areas with mineral waters, but the first resort of its kind in our country was created by Peter I precisely in the place of shungite deposits. They are treated in Marcial Waters to this day, and the benefits of shungite water have long been proven by scientific research and are not considered a miracle.
What is shungite
This mineral looks like coal because it looks like small black pebbles. Of course, they can't get their hands dirty. The basis of shungite is carbon, the content of which in some deposits can reach almost 100%, while in others it is at the level of only 10%. Such indicators give the pebbles the ability to conduct electricity. The age of the mineral is more than two billion years, and thanks toThe main component of shungite is very fragile, therefore it is not found in the form of large stones.

You can meet it only in the form of small stones lying in shungite shale or dolomite. The beneficial properties of shungite have been known for a long time, especially those people who live near its deposits. There, shungite was often called northern anthracite, slate stone, or Kizhi chernozem, since it could easily be added to the soil instead of fertilizers. Under the influence of air and water, the mineral disintegrated.
Mineral selection
The harm of shungite water can be felt if you initially choose the wrong stones for its preparation. The fact is that the benefits depend on the amount of carbon in the mineral, and stones with a low content of it are simply not able to purify water properly. At the same time, other impurities contained in it, which occupy a large part, will freely penetrate into the liquid, and then into the human body.
Shungite water is not able to fully heal the body even if stones are chosen for it, on the contrary, with a high carbon content. Such a mineral necessarily has a glossy surface, which means it is not able to pass liquid through itself.

Since cleansing occurs precisely due to the passage of liquid through the pores of the mineral, you can only get a visible result and benefit from stones with an average carbon content of 30% -40%. Such a mineral is often found on sale and does not look very good.attractive. Externally, the stones are inconspicuous, small, but at the same time they are able to conduct electricity and have a matte surface with pores of the right size.
It's interesting that you can often find various shungite pyramids or rings on sale, which look much more attractive than untreated stones, but you won't be able to get really useful shungite water with them. The fact is that a mineral with the necessary proportion of carbon for purification is very fragile, and it simply cannot be processed properly. For the manufacture of such figures, shungite with a high percentage of carbon is used, and its beneficial properties are questionable, as mentioned above.
You can even feel the energy from a real stone with your own hands. To do this, just bring your palm to the surface of the mineral for a couple of centimeters. Some even feel a slight tingle, but everyone will feel the pleasant warmth emanating from the stones.
A very important nuance when choosing a mineral for the preparation of shungite water is its deposit. A real stone is mined exclusively in Karelia, in the village of the same name Shunga. It is simply impossible to bring it from Tibet, Altai or other regions.
Benefits and harms of shungite water
As mentioned above, the basis of shungite is carbon, which means that the mineral is very porous. It is by passing through these holes that water is saturated with useful minerals found in the pebbles. Of course, if shungite with a low carbon concentration is used for its preparation, then the probability of harmful substances getting into the liquidincreases several times, and such water is not able to bring the body the proper benefit. In addition, harm from shungite water can also be obtained with its uncontrolled use, because everything is good only in moderation. An excess of certain substances in the body, even useful ones, can cause poor he alth and disruption of some systems, therefore, during treatment, one should adhere to the norm of 2-3 glasses a day.
Speaking about the benefits of shungite water, it should be noted that the peasants of Karelia were the first to notice it. Then this mineral was used simply as an additive to the black soil, but the yield increased several times, and the vegetables themselves were larger than even well-fertilized crops in other ways. It was then that Tsar Peter I himself decided to use the unique properties of the mineral to improve the he alth of his soldiers. For this, a resort was built on Lake Onega, which is still operating today.
Scientific proof of the benefits of the mineral was made only in 1985 by a group of foreign chemists who even received the Nobel Prize for their discovery. It was they who discovered that the carbon compounds in the mineral are in a unique state.

Their shape is a hollow polyhedral shell - fullerenes. It is thanks to them that shungite is able to have a beneficial effect on the body at the cellular level:
- increase cell strength;
- speed up metabolism;
- stimulate the production of enzymes;
- promote the rapid removal of toxins from the body.
Stone-based cream
Already after the popularization of shungite water, a special cream based on this mineral was invented for effective external influence on diseased joints. How does the stone penetrate the skin? To do this, it is ground into powder and many other useful components are added to the mixture. So, cream-balm "Shungite" contains essential oils of sandalwood, cypress, lemon, eucalyptus, cinquefoil and camphor. Also, the composition is enriched with panthenol, as well as nettle, hawthorn, hot pepper, St. John's wort and thyme with aqueous extracts. Shungite water, even with all its benefits, is not able to have such a therapeutic effect as a cream. This tool perfectly warms, relieves pain and eliminates the crunch in the joints in just a few weeks of use. According to the reviews, it is even noticeable how the cream is absorbed much faster into the affected areas.
Preparing water
Finding such a product on sale is almost impossible, but preparing it yourself is very simple, especially since the mineral itself is freely sold in pharmacies throughout the country. The most important thing before preparing shungite water is to thoroughly rinse the mineral. This is necessary to clean it from dust and is done under running water until it becomes transparent. After the preparatory procedure, you can place the pebbles in a container and fill with water.

For each liter of liquid you will need to take 100 grams of shungite. It is better to take glassware, but enameled ones can also be used. The water itself can even be tap water, but for the besthealing effect should be taken from the spring.
After 30 minutes, the liquid is enriched with a small amount of minerals and completely freed from unpleasant taste and smell. Such water is very easy to drink, but for maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to leave it to infuse for 2-3 days, depending on the size of the pebbles. The smaller they are, the faster they can pass all the liquid through themselves, which means that it can be drained already on the second day. It is important to pour not all the water into another container. The lowest part should be left in a jar and simply poured out, because it accumulates sediment from heavy impurities and s alts, from which shungite purifies water. Also, the container must not be shaken before draining.
What helps
Reviews of shungite water testify to the veracity of all the prescribed properties. Due to the unique characteristics of the stone, the liquid purified by it can alleviate the course of diseases such as:
- anemia;
- allergy;
- asthma;
- heartburn;
- cold;
- chronic fatigue syndrome;
- compromised immunity;
- cholecystitis;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- diabetes;
- disorders of the digestive system, liver and kidneys;
- gynecological disorders and more.
Shungite water has the same effect on the body both when consumed directly, in its pure form, and when cooking based on it.

Even if such miraculous properties of the mineralI don’t believe it, then there is no doubt in his ability to purify water, because this is no longer guesswork, but a fact proven by many. That is why drinking such water will be useful in any case, because only a pure liquid enriched with useful substances can remove toxins from the body and speed up its cleansing.
Additional properties
Water infused with shungite can not only be drunk to benefit from it. Such a liquid perfectly disinfects if you wash the wounds with it. You can also drink shungite water to animals, because they also need various minerals for good he alth. Such water also shows itself excellently in the garden, where instead of the usual fertilizers it is added to the irrigation liquid. Abundant flowering and a good harvest are ensured by adding only 10 ml of infused water per liter of ordinary water.
In addition, you can gargle with mineral water for colds, wash your face with skin diseases or acne, and even rinse your hair, after which they acquire a he althy shine and strength.
In sanatoriums where shungite water is used in large quantities, visitors are even offered baths filled with this healing liquid.
Recipes for he alth
To get rid of arthritis, varicose veins or arthrosis, or at least alleviate their course, shungite water compresses are often used. For them, you just need to wet the cloth in the prepared liquid and apply it to the sore spot for a couple of hours under polyethylene. Thanks to this procedure, you can relieve the pain of corns, accelerate the healing of burns andran.

To get rid of toothache, gum disease, sore throat, stomatitis or periodontal disease, water should be slightly heated and used for rinsing. With a cold, it can also be used to wash the nasal passages.
With regular washing with shungite water, acne disappears in teenagers, and wrinkles decrease in adults. The skin becomes smooth, elastic and elastic, peeling, redness and inflammation are eliminated. Rinsing hair with such water strengthens not only the hairs themselves, but also their roots, dandruff disappears. The hair becomes thick and shiny.
If you wish, you can even prepare a mineral water bath at home. To do this, place 300 grams of stones in a cloth bag and place under running hot water so that all of it flows through the mineral. After that, the stones are rinsed in the same water - and the bath is ready. Such a procedure is allowed to be carried out in a course of 15 baths, each of which is taken only every other day and for 10-20 minutes. The bath promotes healing of wounds and postoperative sutures, alleviation of fungal diseases, eczema and skin peeling. In addition, the procedure normalizes sleep, relieves nervous tension and calms.
Silver shungite water can be used to enhance any of the above effects.
Using the mineral itself
In addition, the stone itself can be used for the he alth of the body. To do this, it is enough to put it next to a computer monitor so that the mineral absorbs all negative electromagnetic radiation. From him. Stones can be used to massage the back and the whole body, and if desired, you can pour them with a rug and massage your feet.
Stone Care
Pebbles do not lose their properties for a long time, but in order for the water infused on them to have only useful properties, shungite should be properly looked after. The mineral needs regular cleansing, since all negative impurities from the water settle on its surface and can further harm the body. In the natural environment, such cleaning is carried out thanks to bright sunlight and running water of streams.

At home, running distilled water or tap water is suitable, as long as it is not chlorinated. Rinse the pebbles for at least 10 minutes, paying special attention to pores and irregularities. If necessary, a fine brush can be used for effective cleaning (an old toothbrush will do).
After thorough cleaning, shungite should be taken out in the sun and dried for several hours so that the mineral warms up well, but this can be done no more than once every 1.5-2 months.
Every six months, the pebbles should be deep cleaned. To do this, they are completely brushed and washed for a long time under running water. Of course, with regular use of shungite, the timing of its care may be different. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the pebbles and not bring them to the formation of plaque.