The beneficial properties of sage have been widely known since ancient times. Hippocrates himself called this amazing plant nothing more than "sacred grass".

From the Latin language, the word "sage" literally translates as "he althy". This wild medicinal plant is perennial and has a pronounced, strong aroma. Under natural conditions, you can find four main types of this shrub: nutmeg, meadow, Ethiopian and medicinal. The appearance and beneficial properties of sage of any of these types are quite similar, but each of them has its own characteristic smell that distinguishes it from all the others. Currently, this medicinal plant is most often used in the form of decoctions and tinctures. In addition, tea is made on its basis, a special sage essential oil and various ointments are produced.
The unique chemical composition of this wild shrub makes it a truly valuable tool used both for the prevention of a wide variety ofdiseases and for their treatment.

For example, the beneficial properties of sage are excellent for infections of the respiratory system. To do this, use a special infusion prepared on the basis of the leaves of the plant and has a strong anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. Its regular use does not allow the disease to go into a more severe form. That is why sage is an indispensable component of most chest preparations intended for the treatment of lungs and bronchi. In addition, experts advise taking such an infusion in the presence of kidney disease, gastritis and tonsillitis. The beneficial properties of sage also manifest themselves in the treatment of toothache and infections of the oral cavity. Also, this plant is known as an effective hemostatic and antibacterial agent, indispensable for healing wounds and treating allergic reactions.
Sage tea is also considered very useful, especially for the fairer sex. The latter is explained by the presence of a large number of female phytohormones that have a rejuvenating effect.

If you prepare a concentrated infusion of medicinal sage, you can get an effective remedy for eliminating the problem of female infertility. In addition, this plant helps to quickly get rid of increased nervous excitability during the onset of menopause and facilitate its course. Also, medicinal sage has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens memory and enhancesmental possibilities. The most important thing is that when taking infusions and teas prepared on the basis of sage, remember that they are medicinal, which means that their use must be completely controlled in order to avoid possible poisoning. It is especially worth noting that taking such natural remedies is strictly not recommended for pregnant women due to the presence of estrogen, as well as for people suffering from acute inflammation of the kidneys and hypothyroidism.