Sage officinalis has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for many diseases and ailments. The herb is used in the treatment of mental disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
Due to its aroma, the plant has been used in cooking - mainly as a seasoning for meat dishes. The properties of the herb are also used in cosmetology, it is often a component of cosmetics for mature skin.
The name of the plant comes from the Latin word salvus, which means "saved, alive." The beneficial properties of the herb were known to ancient physicians. In Greek mythology, sage was a symbol of he alth and longevity.
Salvia officinalis, the photo of which is presented in the article, comes from the Mediterranean Sea. Currently grown in many countries of the world, in particular in Russia.

This is a branched shrub reaching a height of 50-70 cm. The whole plant is slightly covered with down. The leaves are green-silver, soft to the touch, longitudinally oval or lanceolate, arrangedopposite to each other. The flowers are two-lipped, blue-violet, collected 4-8 pieces in peak inflorescences.
The plant emits a characteristic aroma, slightly reminiscent of the smell of camphor. Herbal medicine uses, first of all, the leaf of sage officinalis, less often - the root and flowers.
The leaves of the plant contain the following substances:
- essential oil (which includes camphor, penene, thujone);
- tannins;
- glycosides;
- flavonoids;
- vitamin A and C;
- B vitamins;
- calcium;
- magnesium;
- potassium;
- iron;
- sodium;
- zinc.
Due to the rich composition of the herb, it is used in the production of cosmetics, as a seasoning to improve the taste of dishes, and, above all, in treatment. Infusions, tinctures, lotions for gargling the throat and mouth are made from the leaves of the plant, and decoctions are prepared from the roots. The widespread use of sage officinalis in folk and traditional medicine is due to its antibacterial, analgesic, soothing, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, stimulating digestion and antioxidant effects.
Sage for painful periods, menopause and cessation of lactation

Phytoestrogens found in grass are valuable plant compounds that act like estrogen hormones. Also, the tannins and essential oil in the plant have a diastolic and anti-inflammatory effect. They help regulateprofuse menstruation and reduce the accompanying ailments.
The beneficial properties of sage officinalis can be used during menopause. The herb relieves hot flashes during menopause, reduces the frequency of night sweats, and helps in the fight against insomnia and mood swings.
Sage is recommended for women who have problems with excess milk after stopping breastfeeding. If you drink a glass of warm infusion from the leaves of the plant 2 times a day, then in a week lactation will noticeably decrease. This wonderful herb is also very useful for breast inflammation.
Sage improves skin condition
Women should use the beneficial properties of sage officinalis in their daily skin care. The leaves of the plant contain substances with a proven and beneficial effect on the skin. The essential oil and flavonoids help treat eczema, cracked skin, psoriasis, ringworm and relieve acne symptoms. Sage infusion is used to prepare compresses for difficult-to-heal wounds, with varicose veins, as well as bath additives for rheumatic and skin diseases.
The minerals found in the herb have strong antioxidant properties that reduce the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamins and phytohormones contribute to the inhibition of skin aging and the formation of wrinkles.
The use of sage essential oil for massage provides a natural rejuvenation effect and helps to regenerate skin cells faster. Thanks to this, the plant is a valuable component of various cosmetic products.products for mature and problematic skin. Herb extracts are found in face and body gels, creams, lotions and natural deodorants.
Sage for he althy hair

Sage officinalis is a natural cosmetic product that perfectly nourishes and protects the scalp, improves blood circulation and accelerates hair growth. A strong infusion of the leaves of this plant can help fight premature graying, hair loss and dandruff. The herb is often one of the main ingredients in natural hair products.
Sage for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
A large amount of tannins and resins in the plant improves the functioning of the digestive system. Drinking sage tea after meals stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and bile, which facilitates digestion and improves the absorption of food. Counteracts excessive fermentation and prevents the formation of intestinal gases, therefore it is recommended for indigestion and flatulence.
Sage fights infections
The medicinal plant sage is a powerful weapon in the fight against infections. It has an antiseptic and antifungal effect, inhibits the growth of bacteria responsible for the development of many diseases and ailments. An infusion of herbs is recommended for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, tonsillitis, bleeding gums.

Used for drinking and inhalation, sage infusion facilitates the cleansing of the bronchi frommucus residues in them and perfectly relieves sore throats. Tea from the leaves of the plant counteracts diarrhea.
Sage reduces sweating
Tincture from medicinal sage due to the content of a large amount of tannins, limits the development of bacteria. The tool is recommended for people with hyperhidrosis, which occurs due to various diseases, such as thyrotoxicosis or neuroses. Sage infusion is used for excessive night sweats. The remedy works 2-3 hours after taking and is effective for 3 days.
Sage improves memory
Sage tea facilitates concentration and calms the nerves. Provides the body with record amounts of vitamin B1, and one of the symptoms of a deficiency of this compound is short-term memory lapses. The properties of the herb include a calming effect during depression, fatigue and exhaustion.
Sage in cosmetology

Due to their beneficial properties, sage oil and extracts are widely used in the cosmetics industry. In addition to ready-made cosmetics, you can easily prepare homemade natural cosmetics with the addition of herbs. Here are a few:
- Mask for combination skin. Half an apple with the peel should be grated on a fine grater. Add chopped fresh sage leaves and a few drops of olive oil, mix thoroughly. Apply the paste on the skin of the face in places where blackheads and acne form. After 15 minutes, wash off the gruelwarm boiled water.
- Mask for irritated skin. It is necessary to prepare a teaspoon of dried medicinal herbs of sage and chamomile. Everything should be poured with 2-3 tablespoons of boiling water and mixed thoroughly. The prepared gruel should be applied to irritated skin. After 15-30 minutes, rinse off with warm water. In such a mask, you can add the yolk and a tablespoon of cottage cheese.
- Purifying mask. Sage and thyme perfectly cleanse the skin and tighten pores. It is necessary to prepare a slurry of these herbs and a small amount of water and apply to the skin, and wash off after 15 minutes.
- Mask soothing. Sage itself has a calming effect on the skin and the whole body. Combined with other herbs for even better results. Combine 1 teaspoon of sage, 1 teaspoon of thyme and 1 teaspoon of rosemary to soothe the skin. Everything should be poured with 1-2 tablespoons of hot water and mixed vigorously. The prepared gruel must be applied to the entire face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes. After this time, rinse with warm water.
- Sage tincture to smooth frizzy hair. A handful of dried herbs should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 10-15 minutes. Then the infusion should be filtered and used to rinse pre-washed hair. The hair should be combed with a comb, giving it a smooth shape.
Sage: use in herbal medicine

- Baths with sage. Bath treatments with herbs enjoy hugepopular due to the fact that they have a softening effect on the skin and can be used in case of pain in the muscles, bones, joints and neuralgia. Bath preparation: 100 g of sage leaves should be poured with a liter of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, then strain and pour into a bathtub filled up to half with water. Or 5-6 tablespoons of sage must be poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Cook covered for 15 minutes. Strain and pour the infusion into the bath. Used for rheumatic and skin conditions such as eczema, itching, burns.
- Infusion. 1 tablespoon of sage pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for 10 minutes. Drink half a glass 3 times a day. This infusion can be used both internally (disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, with painful periods, menopause and cessation of lactation) and externally (for compresses on the skin, gargling a sore throat).
- Tincture. In case of excessive sweating of the feet, it is recommended to rub a little tincture from the plant into the skin of the feet daily. To prepare it, half a glass of sage leaves should be poured with a quarter glass of vodka. After 2 weeks, the liquid should be strained, poured into a bottle and used as directed.
- Pain relief compress. Few people know that sage is considered an effective remedy for tendon rupture. The plant quickly soothes pain and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues. It is used as a compress on a sore spot. It only takes a couple of minutes to prepare it. A tablespoon of sage leaves should be poured with a glass of hot vinegar. Warm (but not hot) liquid must be moistened with gauze and applied to the patientplace until it gets cool.
Contraindications and side effects
The use of sage should be avoided by people taking anticoagulants. The active compounds in the herb interfere with the action of these drugs. The plant is also not recommended for use in case of acute inflammation of the stomach, and people suffering from epilepsy. The thujone contained in the essential oil of the herb may affect the persistence of seizures in patients. The use of medicines from this plant should be avoided by lactating women, because sage reduces lactation.
Growing sage in the garden

Planting sage officinalis should be carried out in a sunny and wind-protected place. The plant is tolerant of soils that are less fertile. It is worth remembering that in nature it grows in meadows like an ordinary weed. Likes soils that are well permeable, with an admixture of sand or fine gravel. Such a soil drains water well, the excess of which sage does not tolerate. The plant feels best on soils with an admixture of calcium.
Cultivation of sage is possible in several ways. Most often, sage is grown from seeds sown for seedlings in early spring. In warmer regions of the country, it is possible to sow seeds immediately in open ground, however, the plant does not always have time to develop enough to survive the winter without problems.
The second way to grow sage is by dividing adult plants. Sage is very well received in a new place, and, as a rule, with excessive growth of the bush, you can safelysplit its root system. The big advantage of growing by division is the fact that the sage in this case blooms in the first year after planting. Flowering of plants grown from seeds should be expected only in the second year of vegetation.
Since the sage can't stand the cold, you should take care of it in the fall. After harvesting the leaves, the plant should be covered with manure with straw and spruce branches. Thanks to this, the bush will be adequately protected from the cold. Shoots are pruned only in the spring, when it becomes a little warmer. They are cut at a height of 8-10 cm above the ground. By pruning, the plant will create many more flowers and leaves, and will also grow much stronger.
As can be seen from the above text, sage has a very versatile healing effect. It is an inexpensive, natural and safe drug that helps in the fight against many ailments.