The use of sage officinalis originates in antiquity. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt were the first to appreciate its amazing properties, who began to actively use this unusual plant for the treatment of people and animals, for the manufacture of various cosmetics, as well as for embalming. Since then, the use of sage has become more and more popular among different peoples, even more of its beneficial properties have been revealed to people.

Today, this medicinal plant is grown in the USA, Canada, Europe, India, as well as in the south of Ukraine, the North Caucasus, Russia and Moldova. Its leaves contain tannins and proteins, essential oils, nicotinic acid, vitamin P, alkaloids, flavanoids, oleic acid, paradiphenol, uvaol, starch and gum.
The use of sage has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, hemostatic, sedative, expectorant, astringent, diuretic andcholeretic effect. Antimicrobial properties are directly related to the presence of essential oil, antiseptic - with the natural antibiotic salvin. The latter not only delays the reproduction of Staphylococcus bacteria, but also suppresses its dermatonecrotic properties.

The anti-inflammatory properties of sage are due to vitamin P and tannins, which thicken tissues and reduce the permeability of blood vessel walls.
This medicinal plant increases the body's defenses, stimulates the nervous system, normalizes digestion, tones the adrenal glands in patients at the stage of recovery. Due to the presence of essential oils, sage tincture has an antispasmodic effect and increases the secretory activity of the stomach. In addition, it has excellent sedative properties, and therefore it is prescribed in the treatment of depression, dysmenorrhea and various neurotic diseases. In addition, the use of sage is indicated for various diseases of the oral cavity (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis), high blood pressure, bleeding and heavy menstruation.

Decoction of its leaves prevents excessive sweating, reduces the secretion of breast milk, and also effectively helps with severe toothache and bleeding gums.
The unique properties of sage are not limited only to the field of medicine, they are actively used by modern cosmetology. Baths with the leaves of this plant help to maintain tone andskin he alth, normalize the sebaceous glands and relieve inflammation. Ointments and balms based on medicinal sage have excellent antibacterial properties and are very effective for cleansing pores, treating and preventing acne. This is a great tool to permanently get rid of oily sheen on the face. Washing hair with a decoction of sage leaves cleanses the hair well, stimulates its growth, restores its structure and effectively prevents hair loss.