Candidiasis in women: causes and treatment

Candidiasis in women: causes and treatment
Candidiasis in women: causes and treatment

The female reproductive system is an intimate issue that requires a very delicate approach. The fact is that a fairly large number of girls experience unpleasant feelings when examined by a gynecologist, so many postpone going to the doctor even if they have any symptoms.

One of the causes of itching and discharge should be called candidiasis. In women, this disease is common. Therefore, let's talk about the causes, symptoms and methods of treatment.

Embarrassment with a man
Embarrassment with a man

What is candidiasis?

Candidiasis is a disease caused by yeast. As a rule, they are normally found in all women in the intestinal mucosa, vagina and oral cavity. The development of the disease is completely due to the fact that, due to an external cause, a sharp increase in the amount of fungus in the body begins. This often occurs against the background of a decrease in immunity.

PoAccording to official statistics, this disease is most common in women. However, it should be noted that many girls cope with thrush (the second name for this problem) on their own, so there are many more cases of this disease.

It should be noted that candidiasis is transmitted from mother to child while the child is still in the womb. Therefore, in order to completely protect your baby, you need to get rid of the disease or carry out prevention at the planning stage of pregnancy.

Thrush is called this disease because of the characteristic symptom. We are talking about curdled discharge from the vagina. They have a white tint.

It should be noted that not only in women candidiasis is a common problem. Men can also suffer from it. As a rule, those who have diabetes, obesity, or had contact with an infected woman are at risk. The male form of this disease is called balanoposthitis.


How to treat candida depends entirely on the cause.

The main among them should be called problems with the thyroid gland, especially when it comes to diabetes. In addition, the presence of HIV (it can be both congenital and acquired), dysbacteriosis, weakened immunity after operations, long-term treatment with drugs such as antibiotics, cytostatics, and so on, nervous shocks that lead the body into a stressful situation. It should also highlight the improper conduct of douching, chemical, mechanicalor thermal injury, which, unfortunately, causes problems with the mucous membrane, hormonal changes during pregnancy, deficiency of certain vitamins, poor hygiene, some types of therapy in the presence of oncology, abortion. Sometimes the cause of candidiasis in women is the wearing of synthetic underwear, especially if they are tight.

I have a stomachache
I have a stomachache

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis

Signs of vaginal candidiasis include discomfort or any pain during sex, genital itching, problems with urination, and vaginal discharge that resembles cottage cheese. As a rule, in the early stages, this type of candidiasis can be easily cured without consequences for oneself. The main thing is to see a doctor in time.

Candidiasis in the mouth: symptoms

If we talk about the spread of candida fungi in women in the mouth, then the symptoms in this case will be the presence of white plaque, swelling of the cheek or tongue, as well as small red spots. This type of disease is treated quite easily, again, if you consult a doctor as quickly as possible. The photo below shows what plaque looks like when this disease develops.

White coating on the tongue
White coating on the tongue

Candidiasis in the digestive system: symptoms

If we are talking about damage to the esophagus, then among the symptoms we should highlight the lack of appetite, heartburn, diarrhea, discomfort when eating, nausea and vomiting, body temperature, which rises sharply, severe pain in the upper stomach, as well as pain sensations inchest. It should be noted that esophageal candidiasis is quite difficult to determine, since these symptoms are characteristic of a large number of other diseases. Approximately 30% of patients do not even suspect that they have thrush.

If we are talking about the spread of Candida fungus in a woman's intestines, then the presence of diarrhea, bloating, flatulence should be highlighted, and there will be blood streaks in the feces.

Varieties of candidiasis

Currently, there are several varieties of candidiasis.

The most common is the sexual form. It is divided into three types.

  • vaginal candidiasis that affects the vagina;
  • vulvitis - it develops on the organs of the external reproductive system;
  • vulvovaginitis - combines the signs of the above forms.

These three types of disease are quite similar to each other, so it is almost impossible to independently distinguish which candidiasis a woman has. Seek medical attention immediately if any symptoms occur.

According to the principle of prevalence, the disease is divided into several types:

  • Superficial thrush - this disease has a mild course, localized only in one place.
  • Systemic candidiasis. As a rule, it is formed against the background of the surface. It differs in that the internal organs are affected. The cause is often severe stress, as well as other psychological problems. This candidiasis has a complex course, secondary signs may develop.
  • Sepsis. Here it comesabout a fungal infection that first enters the bloodstream. It then spreads throughout the body. This form is the most severe, and often ends in death if left untreated. Therefore, if a woman has symptoms of candidiasis, you should immediately consult a doctor.

According to the nature of the course, the disease is divided into three types:

  • Candidiasis is a condition in which a person does not know that he has thrush. There are no complaints and symptoms, however, when conducting laboratory tests, fungi can be found on the mucous membrane of the mouth, vagina, esophagus, and also on the skin. Almost 20% of non-pregnant women are carriers of this form. Among those who carry a child in the womb, this figure rises to 30%.
  • The second form is acute. It differs in that the duration of its manifestation does not exceed 60 days.
  • Chronic candidiasis. The patient practically does not complain, he has mild symptoms. Signs do not appear for more than 2 months. Unfortunately, in the treatment of this form of candidiasis in women, drugs have little therapeutic effect. The fact is that in the presence of a chronic disease, the fungus constantly mutates. Because of this, it is necessary to periodically change antifungal drugs.

Chronic thrush should be conditionally divided into persistent and recurrent. As for the first, during its course a person constantly feels any symptoms, the degree of their severity changes. With relapse, there is an alternation of remission with rare relapses.

In addition to the above classification, thrush is also divided by localization. There is candidiasis that affects the palms, skin folds. There may be problems with the lips, tongue, oral mucosa. Sometimes there is a development of the disease, which covers the entire oral cavity. If we talk about the disease of internal organs, then, as a rule, visceral candidiasis occurs.

For reasons of development, the disease is divided into two types - it is congenital and acquired.


Traditional Therapy

As mentioned above, if a woman has symptoms of candidiasis, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. If we are talking about the treatment of a mild form, then the use of local medications is enough. In the presence of an advanced or severe form of the disease, systemic treatment of the disease is used.

Topical preparations

Such funds are used to treat uncomplicated candidiasis. These include suppositories, ointments and creams. As for the last two drugs, they are used to treat vaginitis and cutaneous candidiasis. The fact is that these funds are able to have a local effect on the tissues that are lubricated. Their advantages include excellent tolerance, absence of itching and burning, directed action. Also, ointments and creams do not have any effect on other organs. The most common drugs prescribed by doctors are Nystatin, Pimafucin, and Ketoconazole. The cheapest among them is Nystatin. It sells for less than 100 rubles.

Iftalking about candles for candidiasis for women, it should be noted that they are the most effective in the treatment of common thrush. They should be inserted into the vagina. Due to this, they affect the entire mucous membrane. The most commonly prescribed are Clotrimazole, Livarol, Zalain. Clotrimazole is considered a cheap remedy, which can be bought for 50 rubles.

Laboratory tests
Laboratory tests

Systemic (complex) treatment

In the treatment of candidiasis in women as part of complex therapy, as a rule, antimycotics are prescribed. They act on the cause of the disease. However, such treatment is quite difficult for the body, so side effects appear after it. The drugs are available in the form of capsules, tablets, ampoule solutions. The latter should be injected into the body with a syringe. Systemic therapy should only be prescribed by a doctor and carried out under his direct supervision, especially if the patient has visceral candidiasis, an acute or chronic form of the disease.

The cheapest drug for the treatment of candidiasis in women is "Fluconazole". It costs less than 100 rubles. The second popular remedy that doctors prescribe is Itraconazole. It can be purchased for 400 rubles.

Traditional treatment

Sometimes, if there are symptoms of candidiasis in women, the photos of which are presented in the article, you can be cured with folk remedies.

The most common way is oregano oil. It can be applied topically, orally, or intervaginally. This oil shoulduse if there is a mild degree of the disease. In this case, you need to pay attention only to the essential agent in which carvacrol is added in the range from 50 to 85%.

Carrot juice helps a lot. It is necessary to drink two glasses of freshly squeezed drink before meals. The course should be applied until the symptoms of candidiasis are completely eliminated.

An excellent remedy is herbal collection of calendula, sage, chamomile and yarrow. One tablespoon should be poured with 500 ml of water. It is necessary to insist on collecting for several hours, and then once a day they irrigate the vagina. Treatment should not be continued for more than 3 days.

The cheapest remedy for candidiasis should be called ordinary soap. You can use both tar and household. It is necessary to make special soap baths during daily procedures. After half an hour, you need to re-wash with clean water. The course should be carried out until the symptoms disappear.

You can also use kefir. It is necessary to make a mixture of 200 ml of a dairy product. It should be heated to 37 degrees. This product should be irrigated in the vagina in the morning and evening. This should be done no more than a week.

causes of candidiasis in women
causes of candidiasis in women

Disease prevention

It is necessary to highlight the fact that it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis against candidiasis in women. You need to follow only simple rules that will prevent the development of the disease.

Synthetic underwear should be stopped. The point is that whensweat and normal secretions appear, this material creates the effect of a greenhouse. Because of this, harmful bacteria begin to spread. Instead of synthetics, use natural materials such as cotton.

In order to avoid the development of fungi and other diseases, it is necessary to give up a lot of sugar and food that consists of carbohydrates.

Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene. You need to wash yourself every day (during the evening and morning procedures). This should be done from front to back, then the bacteria will not penetrate from the intestines into the vagina.

It is strictly forbidden to take antibiotics randomly. They should only be taken as directed by a doctor. If treatment is unavoidable, then you need to ask the doctor to prescribe drugs that restore the microflora in the intestines and directly into the vagina.

Constant disinfectant douching should be avoided. Because of this, the body's natural defenses may be disrupted, and fungi will develop accordingly.

Medicines for candidiasis
Medicines for candidiasis


The article describes the symptoms and treatment of candidiasis in women. After reviewing them, the fairer sex should understand that thrush is a problem that any girl can face. The main thing is to remember that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later, spending money, time and effort.
