Nasal congestion during pregnancy: causes and treatment

Nasal congestion during pregnancy: causes and treatment
Nasal congestion during pregnancy: causes and treatment

The period of pregnancy for each woman is different, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. However, there are problems that most expectant mothers are exposed to. One of the most common unpleasant situations is nasal congestion. During pregnancy, many women complain of constant sniffing and swelling of the nose. It is worth noting that these symptoms do not always indicate a cold. During the period of gestation, a woman may have nasal problems most of the time, this does not mean that she has a cold all this time. There can be quite a few reasons for a runny nose and nasal congestion during pregnancy, it is necessary to identify the main one in order to undergo adequate treatment.

Causes of congestion

Why does the nose swell? Probably the most common response is a cold or an infection. Even an ordinary person cannot always protect himself from such pathogens, not to mention women in a position. In addition, weakened immunity during pregnancy can also causecongestion. Rhinitis and sinusitis are quite common in expectant mothers.

nasal congestion
nasal congestion

When talking about the causes of nasal congestion during pregnancy, one cannot help but recall allergic reactions. This is true if the patient has a dry manifestation of the disease. Allergic rhinitis can appear during pregnancy. Therefore, if nothing like this has been noticed before, this does not guarantee complete protection against the disease.

Severe nasal congestion is often accompanied by other symptoms: fever, wet cough, sore throat, weakness of the body.

Effects of swelling of the nose in the early stages

Pregnancy is a very difficult period in the life of every woman. As already noted, quite often future mothers do not breathe their nose, swelling occurs, etc. If a runny nose is observed intermittently in the first two months and passes without complications, then there is no cause for concern. However, if rhinitis begins to bother you a lot, then this is a reason to see a doctor. It is best to get an appointment with an otorhinolaryngologist and a gynecologist. After the examination, they will tell you what to do next for the patient.

Nasal congestion during early pregnancy is often caused by infection in the body. During this period, it is precisely in the child that the internal organs begin to form, and any external pathogen is fraught with danger. Taking any medication without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited. Medicines can lead to uterine tone, which will provoke a miscarriage. The infection is cleared withdrinking plenty of water, saline for irrigation of the nasal mucosa and taking harmless pills. A specific course of treatment will be prepared by a qualified specialist, and the patient must strictly follow this regimen.

Consequences of late congestion

Often there are situations when rhinitis is observed both at the beginning of the term and at the end of pregnancy. In this case, the methods of therapy will differ significantly, so you do not need to be treated according to the old course in order to avoid negative consequences.

poor he alth in pregnant women
poor he alth in pregnant women

Nasal congestion during late pregnancy appears mainly due to hormonal changes. Further actions will be indicated by the attending physician. In the last trimester, the fetus is already formed, and a full-fledged baby lives in the womb. The risk of damage to the child in this case is markedly reduced, but it cannot be said that it does not exist at all. Harm can be done at this stage if you self-medicate.

Another significant problem is the difficulty in breathing in expectant mothers. If sufficient oxygen is not supplied to the lungs, expect oxygen starvation. In such a situation, all efforts should be directed to the treatment of rhinitis, so as not to damage the internal organs of the fetus. Nasal congestion can also be caused by physiology, then after the expiration of the period, all symptoms will disappear, no medication should be taken.

allergic rhinitis
allergic rhinitis

When should I see a doctor?

If nasal congestion during pregnancy torments the patient for more than three days, thisthe first call to contact a specialist. Everything related to he alth, it is better not to postpone indefinitely. By making an appointment with a therapist or an otorhinolaryngologist, you will protect yourself from unnecessary complications.

How to treat nasal congestion during pregnancy? It depends on the causes of the runny nose:

  • if allergic rhinitis is observed, then it is necessary to eliminate the allergen. To achieve this, you should take drugs that create a certain barrier;
  • with viral rhinitis, blood vessels should be narrowed, and for this doctor usually prescribe drops that are not prohibited for women in position;
  • bacterial rhinitis is treated with antiseptics. If there is a severe form, it is recommended to use antibiotic therapy that does not harm expectant mothers.

Should I treat pregnancy rhinitis?

It would seem that this is a stupid question, and the answer is clear. Everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Above, we considered situations where nasal congestion during pregnancy was caused by a number of external factors. Such a runny nose needs to be treated, and the sooner you start, the better.

nasal spray
nasal spray

However, in medicine there is such a thing as rhinitis of girls in position. This is the case when they talk about nasal congestion without a runny nose during pregnancy. The disease is observed for a long period, and then immediately disappears after childbirth. This type of congestion does not require separate therapy, the expectant mother only needs to be patient. But not all women inposition are able to show patience, most are still looking for a way to treat. In order not to damage anything, you can moisten the nasal passages with a special spray, and the problem is solved.

How to treat nasal congestion during pregnancy?

Of course, at the first manifestations of a cold, not a single pregnant woman will run to the doctor. And this is understandable, because the swelling of the nose can be removed at home. However, no doctor recommends this tactic.

You still need to contact a specialist, but until this happens, expectant mothers can alleviate their suffering with the help of the following tools:

  • the air should be humid, this is achieved with a special device and wet towels;
  • the room needs coolness, no more than 20 degrees, while you need to constantly ventilate;
  • drink plenty of water, preferably plain warm water;
  • every possible avoidance of contact with the allergen;
  • constant rinsing of the nose (we'll talk about how to do it right below).

The most effective congestion remedy

According to most qualified specialists, the most common and at the same time effective remedy for problems with the nose are drops. It is worth noting that the choice of these medicines is of great importance. After all, some nasal drops during pregnancy are used in the fight against SARS, others - with allergies, etc. We will consider these two types in more detail.

swelling of the nose
swelling of the nose

So, if congestion is caused by SARS, doctors recommenduse the following drops:

  1. "Pinosol". This spray, like all the others in our selection, does not pose any danger to pregnant women. It contains only natural ingredients, they soften the nasal mucosa, thereby increasing local immunity.
  2. "Grippferon". Probably one of the most popular remedies for SARS, it is prescribed for expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy.

Drops used for allergies

If swelling of the nose is caused by allergies, then first you need to deal with this manifestation of the disease. The following remedies will help eliminate the signs of nasal congestion:

  1. "Flixonase". This drug is a spray that has a positive effect on the body during allergic reactions. It is not recommended for pregnant women to use it, doctors prescribe the drug only as a last resort, when there is a real risk to the fetus.
  2. "Vibrocil". This is an example of good nasal drops during pregnancy. Of course, you can not use the drug yourself, you need to consult a specialist. Doctors are not very fond of prescribing such drops, but their effectiveness makes doctors opt for this medication.

How to get rid of nasal congestion during pregnancy? If you do not want to use different drops, you can use saline, which is sold in every pharmacy.

Folk Therapy

Where without them? Traditional medicine is good, but fans of folk remedies have come up withtheir methods, which are quite effective. Among them stand out:

  • breathing exercises. Alternately, you should pinch one or the other nostril and inhale and exhale. Then you can inhale and exhale through your mouth;
  • warming up the feet. The fastest way to achieve this is to put mustard powder in your socks. Treatment of nasal congestion during pregnancy should be carried out according to all the rules in order to avoid unpleasant consequences;
  • horseradish with apple and sugar. Horseradish has long been considered the best way to deal with the common cold. For pregnant women, it is recommended to mix it with apple and sugar and eat this mixture slowly over several days. In addition to the fact that congestion will pass, plus immunity will increase.

How to rinse your nose?

To cope with nasal congestion during pregnancy, you need to rinse it properly. The sequence of actions is extremely important, because otherwise you will not get a positive result. Rinsing clears the nasal cavity of bacteria, viruses, relieves swelling, etc.

elevated body temperature during pregnancy
elevated body temperature during pregnancy

To perform this action qualitatively, you must use any saline solution like Aquamaris or Aqualor. So, the algorithm is as follows:

  • to start, tilt your head to the side so that it is parallel to the floor;
  • then hold your breath;
  • pour a small amount of saline into one nostril;
  • if you did everything right, the liquid will flow from the other nostril.

It is worth noting that this method should be used only with an even partition. If you have otitis media or a deviated septum, flushing with this method is contraindicated.

Consequences of nasal congestion during pregnancy

Contrary to popular belief, a simple runny nose during pregnancy can lead to unpleasant results. First of all, we are talking about the he alth of the child, and of the future mother, too, respectively. Nasal congestion, if no action is taken against the disease, will cause oxygen starvation. This is known to slow down the development of the baby.

If we talk about irreversible consequences, then it is worth noting a complete stop in the development of the fetus and then a miscarriage. Therefore, even with the slightest manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, girls in position should immediately contact a specialist.


In order for the expectant mother to feel good during pregnancy and not suffer from nasal congestion, it is necessary to follow preventive measures. Here are some of the rules:

  • drink plenty of ordinary water without gas, you need to consume about two liters a day;
  • moisturize the air at work and at home. Now this is easy to do, since there are special devices - air humidifiers;
  • avoid various smells, especially perfume, powder, smoke, etc.;
  • you should dress warmly, do not let the cold attack the body;
  • Regular physical activity is necessary, it has a positive effect on he alth.
nasal congestion symptoms
nasal congestion symptoms

Following these simplerecommendations, a girl in position will be able to protect herself from the problem of nasal congestion. In addition, the chance of having a he althy baby increases, and this is the most important thing.
