Inflammatory processes in the joints have recently been diagnosed more and more often. They disrupt the normal life of a person, as they cause a lot of pain and discomfort, limit mobility and ability to work. Moreover, the disease affects not only the hands, but also the legs. Arthritis of the toe develops with gout, as well as a reactive form of the disease.
What is a disease

Arthritis of the big toe joint is an inflammatory process that spreads to the small joints of the foot. It is more common in the elderly, but is no exception in young people. Not only bone elements are affected, but also cartilage tissue, synovial bag. Subsequently, the pathological process affects the muscles and ligaments.
At the slightest manifestation of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to begin treatment. The prognosis will be favorable if the therapy was carried out at the initial stages of the development of arthritis of the toe. If this time is missed, then the cartilage tissue will be completely destroyed, and pathological changes will become irreversible.
Reason for development
This joint disease can occur for various reasons. Among them, the following are the most common:
- Decrease in the body's defenses due to a recent respiratory illness.
- Poisoning with low-quality products (this reason is typical for pathology that occurs in children under 7 years old).
- STDs, tuberculosis.
- Disruption of metabolic processes, due to which uric acid s alts are deposited in the joints.
- Autoimmune processes in which the destruction of bone and cartilage tissues by the body itself begins.
- Joint injury.
- Problems with the functionality of the endocrine and hormonal system.
- Hereditary factor.
- History of surgery.
- Excessive body weight, as well as inadequate stress on the joints.
- Staphylococcal infection, which leads to the development of a purulent process.
- Impaired circulation in the foot.
- Urinary infections.
- Flat feet.
- If the disease was found in a small child, then its cause may be a congenital defect of the skeletal system.
Varieties of pathology
Arthritis of the toe can be classified into the following types:
- Osteoarthritis. It is characterized by intense pain that spreads throughout the foot and intensifies with movement. The limb may swell.
- Rheumatoid arthritis. This is the most severe lesion in which the connective tissuecollapses and the joints are deformed.
- Gouty. Most often, it is the big toe that is affected. It swells up and becomes painful. It is very difficult to step on the foot.
- Psoriatic. He does not tend to be stiff in the morning, but has difficulty bending his fingers.
Depending on the form of arthritis of the toe (photo can be seen in the article), an individual treatment regimen is prescribed for each patient.
Arthritis of the toe takes a long time to develop. At first, it manifests itself slightly, so a person rarely seeks medical help in the early stages of development. In the future, the pathology progresses. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:
- Pain in the affected joint, which is aggravated by movement, at night, and also by changing weather conditions.
- Limited finger movement.
- Stiffness after a long period of no exercise on the legs.
- Local or global increase in temperature.
- Change in skin tone over the affected joint (it turns red).
- Deterioration of the general condition.
- Sleep disturbance.
The symptoms of arthritis of the big toe depend on the degree of its development. The more the disease progresses, the brighter the manifestations will be. For example, pain becomes stronger and disturbs a person even at rest. Over time, the affected joint becomes deformed and the patient begins to limp.
Diagnosis of arthritis

Even ifthe symptoms of arthritis of the toes are quite obvious, you should not make a final diagnosis yourself. First, the patient needs to be examined. Diagnosis should be comprehensive. It includes the following studies:
- Palpation and external examination of the affected area. History taking.
- General and biochemical analysis of blood, urine. Examination of biological fluid for the presence of reactive protein.
- X-ray in direct and lateral projection.
- Study of synovial fluid, which is obtained by puncture. It allows you to determine the nature of the inflammatory process.
- Densitometry. Examination of bones and cartilage in order to determine the degree of their destruction or deformation.
Only a comprehensive diagnosis will determine the severity of the disease and destruction of the joint.
Medicated treatment

Treatment for arthritis of the big toes should be comprehensive. The main principle of therapy is the elimination of the inflammatory process and its symptoms, the prevention of the further development of pathology, the restoration of motor function in full. An important part of the therapeutic regimen is the administration of drugs. The patient is usually prescribed the following drugs:
- Painkillers: "Analgin". But this drug only helps in the early stages of the disease.
- NSAIDs: Diclofenac, Ibuprofen. Such drugs should only be used as prescribed by a doctor, as they can cause serious side effects.effects.
- Glucocorticosteroids.
- Diuretics: "Allopurinol", "Probenecid". These drugs help to reduce the concentration of uric acid in the body.
- Preparations for local use: "Fastum-gel", "Dip-Relief". They allow you to relieve minor pain and inflammation.
- Antibiotics. They are necessary when attaching a bacterial infection. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days. It can be continued only on the recommendation of a doctor, if necessary.
- Chondroprotectors: "Artra", "Don". They contribute to the preservation of cartilage.
- Cytostatics: "Methotrexate". They are necessary if the cause of arthritis is an autoimmune process.
Thanks to drugs, you can quickly get rid of the symptoms, slow down the progression of the pathology. It is important to remember that a person will have to take medication for the rest of his life, since he will not be able to completely get rid of arthritis.
Useful folk recipes

Toe arthritis is an inflammatory disease. Non-traditional methods can also be included in complex therapy. Folk remedies will enhance the effect of drugs, will reduce their number. The following recipes will be useful:
- Infusion of horsetail. It takes 50 g of dried grass to steam with a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist the remedy for 40 minutes. After that, it is filtered and consumed 250 ml in the morning andin the evening. The course of therapy is 14 days.
- Garlic tincture. It is necessary to pour 4 heads of vegetables with 500 ml of vodka. Infuse the remedy for 10 days in a dark nightstand. It should be taken in 1 tsp. three times a day for half an hour before meals. The tincture can be diluted with a small amount of water. The course of treatment lasts until the remedy runs out.
- Compress of heated sand or s alt.
- Ointment of turnip, radish and horseradish leaves. All components are crushed and ground to a gruel state. The affected area is smeared with this composition, and this is done daily until the symptoms disappear.
- Tub of spruce branches.
- Apple cider vinegar. It must be taken internally. Pre-vinegar diluted: 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of water. You need to use this mixture three times a day.
- Alder leaves. They make a compress. The plant is applied to the affected joint and fixed with plastic wrap.
Folk recipes should not be used as monotherapy.
Features of physiotherapy procedures

Since it is necessary to treat arthritis of the toes in a complex way, therapy continues not only during the period of exacerbation, but also during remission. It is during this period that the patient is prescribed physiotherapy procedures:
- Mud applications.
- UHF.
- Medicated electrophoresis.
- Paraffin therapy.
- Magnetotherapy.
Additionally, a person is prescribed physiotherapy exercises. The complex should be selected by a doctor, taking into account the development of pathology and the characteristics of the body. Thanks to physical education, it is possible to improve the range of motion of the fingers, eliminate stiffness, and teach a person to redistribute the load.
A foot massage is helpful, but should only be done when the signs of inflammation have subsided. To reduce the load on the affected area impose orthopedic devices - orthoses. It is important to wear proper and comfortable shoes.
Also during treatment, you must follow a diet. It includes bran bread, rice and buckwheat, low-fat sea fish, jelly, jelly. But smoked and canned food, fast food, muffins, fatty meat are prohibited.
When surgery is needed

It is not advisable to treat arthritis of the big toe in advanced cases with medications alone. This requires surgical intervention. There are such types of surgical interventions as:
- Arthroplasty.
- Arthroplasty.
- Resection.
After the operation, the person will have to undergo rehabilitation. It can last from several months to a year. It all depends on the degree of complexity of the intervention, as well as the regenerative abilities of the body.
Rehabilitation includes massage and exercise therapy. The patient will need to perform exercises such as rolling the foot from heel to toe, rolling a ball or tennis ball with your toes, walking on your toes.
Possible Complications

Treatment of the presented disease must be carried out in the early stages. But it is not always possible to find it quickly. The patient simply does not pay attention to mild symptoms, goes to the doctor late. Running arthritis is fraught with serious complications, which are not always possible to get rid of. These include:
- Polyarthritis. With such a disease, all joints of the ankle are affected and deformed.
- Osteomyelitis.
- Foot deformity.
- Loss of ability to walk and disability.
With all these complications, surgery is required, which does not always provide the desired effect.
Disease prevention
To avoid developing arthritis of the big toe, you must follow the recommendations of doctors:
- Eat rationally. Limit the intake of s alt and spices, introduce fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet, dishes that contain gelatin.
- Give up bad habits.
- Don't neglect physical activity. Every day you should do exercises or a complex of exercise therapy.
- Treat any infections that develop in the body in time.
- Wear comfortable shoes.
- Avoid cold extremities.
- If you have joint problems, you should take preventive treatment courses in sanatoriums every year.
Symptoms and treatment of arthritis of the toes should be known to every person so as not to miss the onset of the disease. It is necessary to pay special attention to this information for those who have geneticprerequisites for the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.