In some cases, it is almost impossible to diagnose diseases if a swab for the flora is not taken. The norm, or the correct quantitative ratio of microorganisms, indicates that nothing threatens human he alth at the moment. But if the analysis revealed the presence of pathogenic or excessive growth of opportunistic microbial agents, then this is a very sharp reason to suspect the development of inflammatory infectious diseases. Depending on the nature of the disease, a swab for flora can be taken from the vagina, ureter, pharynx and nose.
Indications for a vaginal smear

This analysis is prescribed only after examination by a gynecologist. Complaints of a woman about a violation of the menstrual cycle or the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen, as well as the condition of the female genital organs, the presence of redness,itching or nonspecific discharge. You also need to know that a smear on the flora from the vagina is mandatory after a long-term use of antibiotics. This is done for preventive purposes in order to diagnose the occurrence of candidiasis in time. Deciphering smears for flora should be done exclusively by a doctor. Doing this on your own, and even more so prescribing yourself any medications, based on the result of the analysis, is strictly not recommended. This may contribute to further disruption of the balance of normal microflora and the development of inflammatory processes.
How to prepare for a vaginal smear test?
If a woman systematically notes the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, itching, discharge with an unpleasant odor from the vagina, then she needs to consult a gynecologist and take a smear on the flora. Where to take this analysis is not important, it is much more important to properly prepare for it. For two days, several conditions must be observed to ensure more reliable results.
First of all, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse. It is also forbidden to use various vaginal tablets and suppositories. You can not carry out any douching and even take a bath. A vaginal swab is not taken during menstruation. On the day of visiting the gynecologist, it is necessary to wash only with water, without using detergents, including gels. Do not urinate a few hours before the test.
Vaginal flora smear

If you need to know aboutquantitative and qualitative composition of the normal microflora of the vagina, then it is necessary to pass a smear. This is how the presence of pathogenic, that is, pathogenic, bacteria and fungi on the mucous membranes of the female genital organs is determined. You can also learn about the percentage of groups of microbes and its shift in one direction or another. This is very important, since it is in the imbalance that the main reason for the change in the pH of the vaginal environment lies. Normally, it is acidic, but if disturbed, it can become alkaline, and this is a high risk of infection. In addition, a smear on the flora can give a complete picture of the number of opportunistic microorganisms. The norm of the state of the vaginal mucosa, of course, provides for their presence. But they should be very few. In a he althy woman, as a result of an analysis of the flora, 95% of lactobacilli are detected. The remaining 5% are opportunistic cocci and bacilli. Violation of this balance can cause emotional overstrain, depression, physical overwork, acute inflammation and pregnancy. The development of the disease will be indicated by extraneous microflora and the alkaline or slightly acidic environment of the vagina.
Smear for hidden venereal and urogenital infections
Many diseases, especially venereal diseases, can manifest themselves only in the last stages, so only a smear on the flora can help detect them. The norm of this analysis completely excludes the presence of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, many diseases give a similar clinical picture. To correctly prescribe treatment, it is necessary to establish the pathogen. A vaginal swab for latent infections can giveaccurate results even if the number of pathogens is low. This analysis has a number of advantages. Firstly, it accurately shows the species of the pathogen down to the strain. Secondly, this analysis is done very quickly and painlessly. Thirdly, a smear on latent pathogenic flora can reveal viruses, not antibodies to them.
This research method is sometimes the only one for detecting latent infectious diseases. Thanks to this, many venereal diseases can be diagnosed at an early stage of development, which allows for the most effective treatment.
Deciphering smears for flora should be done by a doctor. If there is any doubt about the accuracy of the analysis, then a second examination is prescribed. It is advisable to take smears in one medical institution. This will make it easier to track the causes of different indicators in the results. It is also better not to change the doctor. Venereal diseases are treated with quite serious drugs, so if you have already started a course of antibiotics, then go through it to the end. The causative agents of genital infections are most often invasive, so it is easy for them to hide their presence in the body. After completing the course of taking the drugs, it will be necessary to undergo a second examination, the resulting transcript of smears for flora will show whether the treatment was effective.
Notation on test forms

Getting the result of the analysis in hand, many cannot resist and appease their curiosity, and try to decipher it themselves. But, as a rule, instead of an understandableresponse they see a lot of unfamiliar abbreviations and letters. So what do they stand for?
So, in order to decipher smears into flora at least a little clearer, you must first understand these abbreviations. Firstly, the places where the analysis was taken from are literally denoted: v-vagina, c-cervical canal and u-urethra. These symbols will stand opposite the numbers that indicate what was found on the mucous membranes in these areas of the body. The letter L indicates leukocytes. They will be found both in normal and pathological conditions, but the difference will be visible in their number.
The abbreviation "Ep" means epithelium, in some cases it can be written "Pl. Ep" (squamous epithelium). The causative agents of gonorrhea and trichomoniasis will be indicated by the letters "Gn" and "Trich", respectively. In addition, mucus can be detected in the analysis, which determines the pH of the vaginal environment. A woman will have mixed flora in a smear. These are both sticks and cocci. Their number can be indicated by numbers or pluses "+". Well, if some kind of microorganisms is not found, then they write the abbreviation "abs". Depending on the amount of a particular microbe, a certain number "+" is put. There are 4 categories in total. The minimum amount of pathogen is indicated by one "+", the maximum, respectively, "++++".
What is coccal flora?
All bacteria are divided by shape into three large groups: spherical, rod-shaped and convoluted. All of them can normally be found in the microflora of the vagina. But spherical bacteria, that is, cocci, include pathogens of inflammatory diseases. These are diplococci, streptococci and staphylococci. To determine their quantitative content, and take a smear on the flora. The norm of analysis allows their presence. But it must be single bacteria. The risk of developing an inflammatory disease caused by opportunistic coccal flora increases with a decrease in the protective immune forces of the body.
Vaginal flora smear during pregnancy

Every woman's vaginal microflora is individual. Its formation is influenced by the state of immunity and previously transferred urogenital and venereal infections. Normally, 95% of lactobacilli are found in women, which form an acidic pH environment in the vagina. The conditionally pathogenic coccobacillary flora in the smear occupies the remaining 5%, it does not cause disease, but quite “peacefully” gets along in the body. But under certain conditions, the pH of the environment can change, and then the risk of infection increases.
Flora can change for various reasons. This is a decrease in immunity, and long-term use of antibiotics, and acute inflammatory diseases, as well as pregnancy. When fertilization occurs, the hormonal background in a woman's body changes dramatically. Estrogens practically cease to be produced, but the level of progesterone increases significantly. This, of course, helps to preserve and support the developing fetus, but can upset the balance of the environment. To prevent the development of such unpleasant diseases in a pregnant woman as gardnerellosis, vaginosis and candidiasis, a swab is prescribed for the flora. The results of this analysis indicate the "purity" of the birth canal. Data activatorsinfections loosen the walls of the vagina. This increases the likelihood of mucosal tears during childbirth.
What should not be in a vaginal smear?
In order for a woman to feel confident, her body must have the right balance of microorganisms. Otherwise, she will constantly experience discomfort, which will certainly affect her life. A smear on the flora in women is taken if there are complaints of itching, burning, pain in the lower abdomen, discharge with an unpleasant odor. All these are symptoms of inflammatory diseases. So, what microorganisms should not be normal in a smear? When receiving the result of the analysis, it is necessary to make sure that the following infectious agents are absent:
- Gardnerella. This is pathogenic rod flora in a smear. In a he althy woman, these microbes can be detected, but only in small quantities. With a decrease in immunity, they begin to actively multiply, bacterial vaginosis develops. The presence of a large number of gardnerella may also indicate vaginal dysbacteriosis.
- Candida. This opportunistic fungus is normally present on the genital mucosa in almost all women. It can quite "peacefully" exist in our body, without showing its presence. But as soon as the reaction of the environment changes to slightly acidic or alkaline, candida begins to multiply. As a result, the disease develops candidiasis, or, in the people - thrush. It is not difficult to diagnose this pathology, it is enough to pass a smear. In the active form of the disease, fungal filaments are found, in the latent form - spores. As a rule, candida increase in number in violation of the hormonal background and a decrease in the body's immune forces.
Opportunistic cocci in a smear

Of course, these are not all microorganisms, the presence of which on the vaginal mucosa of a woman should at least alert the doctor. The coccobacillary flora in the smear deserves special attention. These are primarily pathogenic diplococci, streptococci and staphylococci. You can detect them in a smear extracellularly. Only the causative agents of the venereal disease of gonorrhea parasitize inside the cells of the body.
So, what microorganisms should not be in a smear from a he althy woman? First, it is a gonococcus - a gram-negative spherical bacterium. It belongs to diplococci. The causative agents of gonorrhea are intracellular parasites, they quickly die in the environment in the open air. In the latent form of the disease, it can be difficult to detect them. But only the detection of infection in the early stages guarantees rapid and successful treatment. Otherwise, the disease becomes chronic.
In addition to gonococcus, a woman should not have Staphylococcus aureus in a smear. But, as statistics show, about 20% of the world's population are carriers of this pathogen of purulent-inflammatory diseases. This is both men and women.
In addition, streptococcus can be found on the vaginal mucosa. This globular Gram-positive bacterium lives in the large intestine and upper respiratory tract. But, getting into the vagina, she behaves not so harmlessly. If streptococcus is detected in large quantities in a pregnant woman, then it can provoke a miscarriage, premature birth and fetal death. Therefore, a timely analysis of a smear for flora is so important. Deciphering it can help prevent a number of pathological complications. The presence of enterococcus in the smear may indicate an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. These bacteria are part of the normal intestinal microflora. But in some cases, they penetrate into neighboring systems and cause inflammation. Most often it is the ureter, bladder and female internal genital organs.
Smear on flora in men
A bacteriological smear from the urethra in men is taken for the flora in order to detect latent infections. This analysis helps to detect pathogenic microflora that causes inflammatory diseases. With the help of a smear from the urethra, diseases such as urethritis, prostatitis can be diagnosed. But more often it is used to identify the causative agents of sexually transmitted infections. For this, a swab is also taken from the urethra for flora. The leukocytes found as a result of the analysis are direct evidence indicating the inflammatory process that accompanies gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and ureaplasmosis. Of course, based only on the results of a bacteriological smear, a definitive diagnosis cannot be established. Therefore, additional microbiological studies are often prescribed, including PCR diagnostics. This is the only way to accurately identify developing sexually transmitted diseases in the early stages.
How is a male urethral swab taken?

A smear for flora in men is taken from the urethra. This procedure is carried out using a special probe, which is inserted to a depth of up to 3 centimeters. Of course, taking material in this way causes unpleasant painful sensations. Often there is mild discomfort and burning sensation in the area of the glans penis after the analysis. But after a few hours it completely disappears. In some cases, before taking a smear, the doctor may insist on a massage of the prostate gland or urethra. This is not necessary for everyone, but only for those patients who have an exacerbation of the inflammatory process.
But, regardless of the condition of the man, the purity of the smear on the flora largely depends on the preparation for the analysis. Two days before taking the material for research, you need to refrain from sexual intercourse. Hygiene of the genital organs must be carried out the night before the analysis. In the morning on the day of taking a smear, you do not need to wash the penis. Before inserting the probe, it is advisable not to urinate for at least two hours.
Understanding smear results for men
If a man has complaints of burning, pain and discharge from the urethra, he needs to see a doctor and take a swab for the flora. The norm of leukocytes in case of inflammation will be exceeded several times. These cells of the immune system are a direct indicator of the development of pathology. In men, the presence of leukocytes in the urethra is allowed, but only invery small quantities. Normally, this indicator should range from 0 to 5. If these cells are found several times more, then there is a reason to suspect urethritis or prostatitis.
Another indicator that will be present as a result of the analysis is epithelial cells. They line the inner surface of the urethra and are therefore always present in the smear. Their norm is from 5 to 10. If the number of epithelial cells is increased, then this indicates the development of an infectious disease. Mucus in small quantities is always found in the urethra. An increase in it also indicates inflammation. Of course, when conducting a smear on the microflora, attention is always paid to the presence of opportunistic cocci. Under certain conditions, the disease can cause streptococci, enterococci and staphylococci. If a large number of them are detected, then this indicates bacterial urethritis. Gonococci belong to a separate group. These are exclusively pathogenic microbes. They cause such a sexually transmitted disease as gonorrhea. Normally, they should not be.
Smear on the flora from the nose and pharynx

Nose and throat swabs are standard procedures for suspected infectious diseases such as diphtheria and whooping cough. An analysis from the mucous membrane of the back wall of the throat is also taken with angina. This is necessary in order to determine the sensitivity of the infectious agent to the antibiotic. The result of a bacteriological smear can help to make a final diagnosis and determine not only the naturediseases, but also to establish the latent carriage of a pathogenic microorganism. This is important for timely effective treatment and prevention of further spread of airborne infection among the population.
A swab from the throat and nose should be systematically taken by all medical workers. This is done to identify bacteria carriers of such conditionally pathogenic microorganisms as Staphylococcus aureus. For he althy people, this microbe does not pose a threat, but for "severe" patients and newborns it is extremely dangerous. Identification of carriers of Staphylococcus aureus is especially important among doctors and other he alth care workers who are directly related by the nature of their work with young children. First of all, this concerns the staff of maternity hospitals and perinatal centers. Staphylococcus aureus is spread by airborne droplets. Infection occurs during a conversation, sneezing or coughing. In a suspended state with aerosol droplets, the pathogen may stay in the air for some time.
Staphylococcal infection can manifest itself in different ways. In young children, pustular lesions of the skin and mucous membranes are most often detected. Based on the analysis, it is possible to identify not only staphylococci, opportunistic pneumococci, streptococci are also detected. In addition, this research method is relevant for the determination of diphtheria bacillus in a smear for flora. This analysis, unfortunately, is not fast, but it allows you to determine not only the type of pathogen, but also its strain.