Black berries of the sabal palm in North America were treated by Indian tribes. They ate its fruits. Official medicine has successfully used the healing properties of this plant for about two centuries. In total, there are 16 species of these palms, all belong to the palm family, a genus of monocot plants. They are both tall trees growing up to 30 meters in height, and stunted trees with an underground trunk.
Sabal is a popular ornamental plant in many countries, used in indoor floriculture. Sabal palm extract is a component of many homeopathic remedies intended for the treatment of prostatitis and normalization of the prostate gland.
Description of the plant
Tall palm trees of this family grow up to 30 meters and have a trunk with a diameter of more than 60 cm, undersized representatives of the genus have an underground trunk that grows at an angle down and then rises above the ground.

Fan-shapedevergreen leaves of the sabal palm tree are split into feathers (segments) almost to the base of the plate. The segments have bipartite ends. Often they are grooved, with long white threads located in the corners. Smooth, without thorns, grooved leaf petiole, with a short axis and triangular edges, directed upwards. The stem of the leaves in the form of a rod continues in the leaf plate. Sometimes it reaches the top, bending the plate, and forms a median ridge.
Sabal palm forms paniculate inflorescences up to 60 cm long, with small (up to 5 mm in diameter) bisexual flowers with a pleasant aroma. The perianth consists of six petals with three sepals and three petals. The calyx is goblet-shaped, the corolla is tubular at the base.

Sabal palm fruits are black or dark blue spherical drupes with fleshy pericarp. Seeds are round and shiny, slightly squashed.
Sabal palm is widespread in the southeastern United States (Arkansas, Florida, Texas). Prefers pine forests or coasts. Much less often, members of the family are found on the islands of the Caribbean Sea and the Yucatan Peninsula. The life expectancy of this species exceeds 700 years. The plant is resistant to fire, drought, insect attack.
Chemical composition
Creeping Saw Palmetto (sabal palm) is rich in phytosterols, polysaccharides, fatty acids. In addition, it contains essential oils, sitosterol, enzymes, plant sterols, tannins, carotene, starch, etc.
Bthe composition of the oil obtained from the drupes of sabal includes laurel, myristic and oleic acids. Caprylic, caproic and palmitic acids are represented in small quantities. The oil emits a characteristic odor due to the presence of ethyl esters in the composition of the fruit.

Today, sabal palm fruit extract has been well studied. The benefits and harms of this substance will be explained by its composition, including:
- ethyl, methyl esters;
- fatty acids;
- campesterol;
- stigmasterin;
- carotenoids;
- lupeol;
- flavonoids;
- cycloartenol.
This drug is harmful to children and pregnant women, with caution can be used by people suffering from stomach ulcers and gastritis. At high doses, it can cause vomiting, nausea, dizziness, indigestion, diarrhea. Rarely causes allergic reactions.
The water extract of sabal palm fruit contains polysaccharide fractions that have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.

Indications for use
Sabal fruits have sedative, anti-inflammatory, tonic, antiseptic properties. The extract is prescribed as an aid in the treatment of a number of diseases:
- difficulty urinating;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- impotence;
- prostate adenomas;
- prostatitis;
- endocrine system;
- bladder;
- uterine inflammation;
- polycystic ovaries;
- inflammation of the lungs and bronchi;
- abnormal body hair growth;
- colds.
Useful properties of sabal palm for men
The fruits of this variety of the family are a powerful aphrodisiac, which is still of interest to physicians today. During the experiments, it was proved that the active components of sabal reduce the symptoms of prostate enlargement. The fruit extract of this variety of palm blocks the receptors of DGP (dihydrotestosterone), as a result, there is a slowdown in the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which is responsible for prostate enlargement.

According to the results of clinical studies conducted in Germany, England and the USA, sabal palm extract eliminates the manifestations of BPH in almost 90% of recorded cases. In addition, the anti-inflammatory property of the plant, the ability to reduce swelling of prostate tissues and improve the permeability of blood vessels has been confirmed. It is important that no changes in hormonal levels were noted when taking preparations based on saw palmetto.
Palm fruits are actively used in many countries of the world for the manufacture of medicines: ProstOptima, Prostamol Uno, Prostasabal, Prostagut. They help men solve the following problems:
- prostate prostate and adenoma treatment;
- genitourinary system;
- impotence;
- reduce frequent urge to urinate;
- development of prostatitis after forty years;
- baldness prevention.

Useful properties of palm for the female body
Sabal palm has a beneficial effect on the function of the endocrine system. For women, the use of drugs based on it for polycystic ovaries is justified. It has been scientifically proven that the use of serenoea creeping allows you to block estrogen hormone receptors. In this case, the hormonal background is not disturbed. Sabal palm extract can solve many problems in the female body:
- inflammatory processes in the uterus;
- increased lactation;
- polycystic ovaries;
- excess body hair growth;
- urinary incontinence.
Use in cosmetology
Extract and extracts from this palm tree are widely used in cosmetology due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties. Sabal-based preparations are effective in the treatment of acne and acne, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, after which the skin becomes less oily, puffiness disappears, pores noticeably narrow.
Sabal palm extract has another important quality for women - it activates the production of collagen, thereby increasing skin elasticity, eliminating dryness, gives elasticity, moisturizing the skin. Using the extract, you can reduce the risk of pigmentation, including age.
Palm fruit extract is able to absorb ultraviolet rays, so it is used in the manufacture of natural sunscreens.

Hair treatment
The extract is successfully used in solving the problem of baldness. Two methods are applied. In the first case, the composition interferes with the formation of dihydrotestosterone, as it inhibits the production of an enzyme that promotes the conversion of testosterone to DHT.
In the second case, DHT uptake by hair follicles is halved. Usually a two-month course of treatment with palm extract is enough to restore hair growth.
Sabal palm extract perfectly copes with the problem that worries many women - stretch marks on the skin. Scientists from the German pharmaceutical company BASF have proven that the extract synthesizes elastin and collagen in the affected areas.