What to do if you are allergic to a midge sting?

What to do if you are allergic to a midge sting?
What to do if you are allergic to a midge sting?

Don't underestimate the danger that common midges are fraught with: their bites can cause a serious allergic reaction. The situation is complicated by the fact that they can damage not only the skin, but also penetrate the respiratory tract, ears and even eyes.

Allergy to mosquito bite
Allergy to mosquito bite

An allergy to a midge bite can occur due to the fact that during contact it injects a special poison. It is because of its toxic effect that redness, itching occurs and a reaction of varying severity can develop. It is not uncommon for a bite to cause hives, swelling, high blood pressure, or even swelling of the airways, resulting in suffocation.

If you have ever had an allergy to a midge bite, then for the rest of your life you better carry effective antihistamines with you. It is simply impossible to prevent contact with these insects, so it is much better if you are prepared and able to help your body even before the reaction occurs. So, immediately after you realize that some midge has bitten you, take an anti-allergic remedy.

But even if you have no problems, and how doesan allergy to a midge bite, you don’t know, it’s better to ask what needs to be done if this unpleasant contact with an insect has occurred. So, at the site of the bite, there is usually a small wound that will hurt and itch. The main thing is not to comb it, but immediately disinfect it: for these purposes, you can use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, vodka, or, in extreme cases, even perfume. This will disinfect the surface of the skin and prevent infection. In addition, try not to scratch the problem area: a soda compress (to do this, add a little water to it until you get gruel) or lemon wedges will help to cope with itching.

Allergy to midge stings
Allergy to midge stings

Usually, the wound heals no more than 2-3 days, if this process is delayed, then it is better to go to the hospital. It is possible that you still have an allergy to midge bites, it just shows up poorly. The doctor will help assess the situation and choose the right antihistamine. Do not underestimate the problem, if at the first contact with an insect you just had a bite to heal for a long time, then a more severe allergic reaction may develop next time. In addition, there is no need to delay a visit to the hospital if you have swelling of the throat, nose, eyes, joints near the injury, there are signs of intoxication, or the reaction has become slow.

Allergy to bites photo
Allergy to bites photo

Whether you are allergic to a midge bite or not, before going out of town to the country or just for a walk in the forest, it is better to treat yourself with mosquito repellents. They are able to protect againstmost types of insects. After all, the principle of action of repellents is based on the fact that the chemicals used in sprays, ointments and lotions repel midges, mosquitoes, etc. If you think that there can be no serious problems from small insects, then look at how an allergy to bites manifests itself: photos that clearly show all skin lesions, swelling, are widely represented in the medical literature.
