Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women

Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women
Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women

Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women should be gentle. Because some procedures may cause slight scarring or deformity of the cervix, which may compromise the elasticity required during childbirth.

Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous
Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous

It happens that the treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women is not carried out, because it is congenital. In this case, doctors do not remove this pathology, most often it stops itself. But if after puberty, pregnancy and childbirth it does not disappear, a special treatment is prescribed.

Why does erosion occur in women

  • Most often due to chronic inflammation of the vagina. This is due to infections such as herpes, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, thrush and bacterial vaginosis.
  • Childbirth and abortion.
  • Frequent change of partners.
  • Any injury to the mucous surface of the cervix, caused, for example, by spirals, objects, chemicals.

How it is diagnosed

In order to identify erosion, it is necessary to carry out a procedure such ascolposcopy, sometimes a biopsy if necessary.

Methods for the treatment of cervical erosion
Methods for the treatment of cervical erosion

Using a speculum, a doctor examines the tissues of a woman's genital organs for abnormalities.

A biopsy is needed for a more complete study, it is done by collecting material from the affected area.

Methods of treating cervical erosion in nulliparous

Cryodestruction. This method implies the treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women and those who have already become a mother. By exposure to liquid nitrogen on the affected area of the mucosa, poor-quality cells are frozen. It is completely painless, since during the procedure all nerve endings are switched off instantly. Cryodestruction is done quickly, without anesthesia, and during its implementation, both before the procedure and after it, there is no blood loss, it does not leave scars. After it, you must definitely see a doctor to prevent any complications.

Radio wave method. It is also completely painless, lasting less than a minute. Its effect lies in the effect of radio waves on erosion, thus the affected tissues are evaporated. After the procedure, no additional actions are required on the remote site, there are no burns and scars. This method is also convenient for collecting material for histological examination.

Suppositories for cervical erosion

At the earliest stages, the doctor often prescribes them, and only later the above methods are applied. When treating cervical erosion in nulliparous and other women, doctors use the followingcandles:

  1. "Depantol" - has good wound healing properties.
  2. "Hexicon" - destroys harmful flora that provokes the formation of erosion.
  3. "Suporon" - stimulates the appearance of normal cells instead of those that are on the surface of the affected area.
  4. Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil - have antiseptic, wound healing properties.
Candles for cervical erosion
Candles for cervical erosion

How to make candles from erosion at home

In order to make candles at home, there are many recipes based on sea buckthorn oil, honey or propolis, cocoa, mummy, etc. Here is one of the most popular: you need to take natural honey - 5 tablespoons spoons, propolis tincture - 5 grams and good butter without preservatives - 150 grams. Melt all these components in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency is formed. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, the fire is turned off and it is cooled. When the temperature becomes tolerable for the hands, candles are molded from it, and then they are placed in a refrigerator for storage. They are administered once a day, preferably at bedtime, the entire course lasts a week.

Any treatment of gynecological diseases in women must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. You can not run this pathology, as this can lead to malignant formation.
