Due to the proper functioning of all joints in the body, a person is able to carry out any active actions. However, under the influence of some factors, irreversible consequences can occur that affect life.
Inflammation of the knee joint is a fairly common problem. It is dangerous because many do not go to the doctor when the first symptoms appear. Such actions can end badly for the patient. After all, the disease begins to get worse and cause complications.
Symptoms of arthritis
One of the common inflammations of the knee joint is arthritis. In order to identify the exact cause, you need to pay attention to the symptoms. With such a pathology, the joint swells, the temperature increases, severe pain appears, which intensifies during any action, and the skin also turns red due to the overflow of blood vessels and veins.

It must be remembered that when diagnosing osteoarthritis, the joint is deformed severely, and these changes are irreversible. Heexhausted and begins to cause discomfort. In rheumatoid-type arthritis, a person has an inflammatory process, due to which, if left untreated, cartilage is destroyed. This disease is bilateral, that is, it occurs on two legs at once.
Bursitis is another form of knee inflammation. It is characterized by the fact that exudate accumulates in the bag of the knee. It can be of a different nature, for example, purulent, serous, or some other type. This happens due to tissue compression.

Symptoms of such a disease should be called severe swelling, pain due to the fact that the exudate presses on the nerves, redness of the skin, fever, deterioration of he alth and nausea. The most important symptom of bursitis is pain, as it is quite bright and strong. The sensations are pulsating and disturb the patient even at night. It is during rest that the manifestations of bursitis most often intensify.
Tendinitis is an inflammation of the ligaments of the knee joint. Most often, this disease affects athletes and other people who are actively engaged in physical activity. The danger of pathology is that because of it, the ligaments can lose their integrity. Tendonitis also affects the muscles of the knee.
Symptomatics are manifested in the form of pain (due to severe inflammation or irritation of the nerves), swelling that occurs due to the release of plasma, as well as redness of the skin. Pain can sometimesgive to the thigh or lower leg.
Cartilage problems
Another common pathology of inflammation of the knee joint is associated with cartilage problems. They begin after a person is injured, or in the presence of dystrophic processes. The meniscus is often affected. It is a cartilaginous element that provides a shock-absorbing effect in the body. This pathology most often occurs in athletes.

Symptomatics are associated with clicks, squeaks, and some other sounds that are uncharacteristic of normal walking. There are constant pain sensations of a shooting and aching type. In particular, they appear during knee flexion. Also, the joint is displaced and swells a lot.
Before you figure out what should be the treatment for inflammation of the knee joint, you need to pay attention to the causes of such an ailment. Most often, pathology provokes a huge number of factors. They are divided into groups depending on localization, origin. Also important is whether they are infectious or non-infectious, primary or secondary. In some diseases, a problem occurs with only one knee, while others affect both at once. Acute symptoms appear in the presence of a bacterial or viral infection. This is because microorganisms enter and affect the knee.

More specifically, inflammation canappear due to the bites of various animals or insects. Hypothermia is also a cause. According to statistics, most often it is women who ask themselves how to relieve inflammation of the knee joint. Regular exercise also plays a role. At risk are people with damage to muscle tissue, overweight, disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Also, the older the person, the greater the likelihood of inflammation of the knee joint. Treatment will become less effective with age.
In some diseases, joint problems are a characteristic symptom. They are usually in a chronic form. Such pathologies include rheumatism, Bechterew's disease, osteoarthritis, arthritis, and so on.
First Aid
When inflammation of the ligaments of the knee joint, it is important to immediately provide first aid. This is what will allow you to avoid various complications in the future. Be sure to protect the joint from any movements and loads. It should be fixed in one position. To do this, you need to use an elastic bandage, cut or knee pad. Thanks to this bandage, you can save yourself from unpleasant symptoms. An ice pack should be applied to the affected area. It is advisable to use it for several days. You can drink analgesics if there is a strong pain effect.

Further actions should be taken only by the attending physician. The described procedures are the first medical aid that should be provided upon receipt.injury. You need to understand: for treatment, you will have to take an x-ray to figure out what exactly was affected.
Painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, and muscle relaxants must be used to manage inflammation. The latter are needed to relieve muscle spasm. Corticosteroids are suitable for blockade. Thanks to the injections of these drugs, you can get rid of severe pain that is not eliminated by pills.

Often, in the presence of a severe pathology, antibiotics are prescribed. With inflammation of the knee joint, you should be completely at rest. You need to walk less and sign up for physical therapy. It is also advisable to attend a massage. All doctor's prescriptions should be strictly followed so that the disease does not become chronic.
Folk remedies
To get rid of the symptoms of inflammation of the knee joint, many prefer to use folk remedies. Let's describe the most popular and effective.
- It is necessary to mix iodine and alcohol in equal proportions. The mixture should be placed in a glass dish and removed for a day in a warm place. This tincture needs to lubricate the skin. Bandages cannot be made from this mixture.
- A good method would be a compress made from raw potatoes and kerosene. The first ingredient is needed in the amount of 1 piece, and the second - about 1 tbsp. l. The potatoes should be washed and chopped. No need to peel. Next, fill the vegetable with kerosene,must be applied to the affected area. Keep such a compress is not more than 15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out before sleep.
- Another good method is a beaten egg yolk with vinegar (1 tbsp) and turpentine (1 tsp). This mixture should be rubbed every day. It is advisable to wrap a sore knee.
Before using folk methods, you should consult a doctor. This is the only way to avoid unpleasant consequences from the treatment of inflammation of the knee joint.