How to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide: solution proportions, instructions for use

How to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide: solution proportions, instructions for use
How to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide: solution proportions, instructions for use

Hydrogen peroxide is not used very often for washing, like other means similar to this. However, in some situations, this method is quite effective, it helps to speed up recovery in general. People have been familiar with hydrogen peroxide since childhood. Everyone probably remembers how this solution is used for wounds. However, not everyone knows how to rinse the nose with hydrogen peroxide. This is what we will talk about in our article.

Indications for use

Before you rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide, you need to familiarize yourself with the indications for the use of this solution. As a rule, a 3% solution of this substance is used in medical practice. Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. When the solution enters the wound or mucous membrane, itbegins its action, breaking down into atomic oxygen, as well as water.

how to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide
how to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide

Before you rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide, please note that the product is considered a strong antiseptic. If you use this tool externally, then the undoubted advantage lies in the high safety of the solution. That is why rinsing the nose with hydrogen peroxide is carried out. The drug is active against all varieties of microorganisms, it is advisable to use it for the following ailments:

  1. Sinusitis.
  2. Chronic rhinitis.
  3. ORZ.
  4. ARVI.

Thus, we can conclude that the tool is effective in the fight against influenza, as well as various bacterial infections. However, before use, it is imperative to learn how to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide, as well as familiarize yourself with contraindications.

Contraindications for use

If you use hydrogen peroxide externally, then pay attention to the fact that the product is very safe. However, there is a risk of swallowing if you intend to rinse the nose with hydrogen peroxide for an adult and a child. Contraindications for use are as follows:

  1. Serious diseases of any organs.
  2. Allergic reaction to this product.
  3. Under 1 year old.
  4. Children of preschool age without permission from a pediatrician to use the product.
  5. Eardrum perforation.
  6. Pregnancy period.

So, as you already understood, you can rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide. However, please note that only a 3% solution is used for these purposes, no more.

rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide
rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide

With a runny nose

Can I wash my nose with hydrogen peroxide when I have a runny nose? The answer to this question will be positive. To combat rhinitis, nasal lavage is used, as well as nasal drops from this substance.

If you choose to flush your nose, please note that this method is only for adults, as it carries the risk of swallowing the liquid. And this can cause burns on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rinse solution

To rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide, the proportions must also be observed. As a rule, the procedure requires 150 ml of water at room temperature, but boiled in advance. For this amount of liquid, three drops of hydrogen peroxide are taken. Manipulation is carried out 2 times a day, according to the rules described below.

how to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide according to neumyvakin
how to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide according to neumyvakin

Nose drops

If you decide to use nose drops, then this method involves the introduction into each nostril of a solution that is made from one tablespoon of water, as well as 15 drops of peroxide. The finished mixture is divided into two equal parts, which must be introduced into the nasal passages with a pipette.

This technique is more effective thanwashing, for which reason it is often used to combat the common cold. Half a minute after instillation, mucus in the form of foam will begin to actively stand out, which must be blown out without fail.

Be careful

Before performing the procedure with hydrogen peroxide from the common cold, it is imperative to pay attention to the expiration date of the drug. You should also pay attention to the reaction of your body to the prepared solution. To do this, apply a small amount of the solution to the inner bend of the elbow, evaluate the reaction of the skin in half an hour. If you do not notice any changes, such as itching or redness, then the prepared remedy can be used to wash the nasal passages.

The procedure is stopped immediately if you notice excessive watering and sneezing attacks.

nasal lavage
nasal lavage

For kids

And how to rinse the nose with a solution of hydrogen peroxide for children? The proportions in this case will be slightly different. For children aged 1 to 5 years, take one drop of the drug for every spoonful of water. Children who are 5 to 10 years old can use 2-5 drops of hydrogen peroxide for every tablespoon of water. For children aged 10 to 14, 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide can be used for every tablespoon of water.

However, you should pay attention to the fact that it is best to refuse the use of hydrogen peroxide for the treatment of children. Therefore, if you wondered whether it is possible to rinse the nose with peroxidehydrogen with a cold to a child, it is best to use saline or some other saline solution for these purposes.

How is flushing performed?

The washing procedure itself is carried out in exactly the same way as with other means, such as saline. But if you don't know how to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide, reviews say it's best to give preference to a teapot, so you can avoid the introduction of liquid inside under pressure.

Before the procedure, the patient should definitely blow his nose well. Next, bow your head over the sink, press it against your shoulder so that one of your nostrils is higher than the other. Enter a portion of the solution first into the upper nostril, as a result of which the liquid should exit the lower nasal passage. After this manipulation, blow your nose well. Repeat this procedure with the other nostril. Blow your nose thoroughly.

you can rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide
you can rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide

Treatment of sinusitis

It will be effective to rinse the nose with hydrogen peroxide for sinusitis. This disease is often accompanied by pus, which this remedy can excel at.

In case of illness, it would be advisable to pass a solution of hydrogen peroxide through the nasopharynx, and then spit it out with your mouth. To do this, perform the manipulation in the same sequence as described above, but for this you will have to open your mouth, after which, without tilting your head to one side, the liquid is drawn in by the nose. Thus, it should pour out through an open mouth.

After implementationsuch a manipulation from the nasal cavity should leave purulent contents, foam and mucus. Then you should blow your nose well, without fail, one by one, closing one nostril, and also tilting your head to one side.

How to wash your nose with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin?

Dr. Neumyvakin says that hydrogen peroxide, if used correctly, only has a positive effect on the human body. This drug restores the normal functioning of all respiratory organs, and also strengthens the local immune system.

This specialist recommends the solution be injected into the nose if you experience the first signs of illness, such as discharge, nasal congestion. In addition, the tool can be used inside. The specialist explains this by the fact that hydrogen peroxide enhances the body's natural defenses, cleansing it of toxins and toxins. That is why the immune system begins to cope with the causative agents of the common cold much faster.

The remedy should be taken orally 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals. Manipulation is carried out three times a day. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to first dilute one drop of peroxide in 50 ml, and two drops are diluted on the second day, three drops on the third, and so on. The increase in dosage continues up to 10 days.

After that, a 4-day break is made, and the course of therapy is repeated. No more than 5 courses of treatment are allowed.

rinsing the nose with peroxide
rinsing the nose with peroxide

For polyps

In folk medicine youyou can see the recommendation that this drug can be used to combat polyps, which are small outgrowths on the nasal mucosa. As a rule, these growths make it difficult to breathe, and also have a tendency to bleed. That is why every person wants to get rid of such neoplasms.

To prepare an effective remedy, it is necessary to moisten two cotton swabs or hand-rolled cotton pads in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Both tampons are inserted into the nostrils. Swabs are removed from the nose after 3-4 minutes. This manipulation must be repeated twice a day. The duration of treatment is one week.

When bleeding

Hydrogen peroxide can be used as an emergency measure in case of epistaxis (nosebleed). This drug is used for rinsing, irrigation, but it is best to use tamponade. To eliminate the cause of bleeding from the nose, the swab must be moistened with a medicinal solution, which is prepared from 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide, as well as 50 milliliters of water. After that, tampons are placed in the nose, as is the case with polyps. This stops bleeding and prevents infection by pathogenic bacteria.

Please note that washing is carried out in case of chronic bleeding. The solution is prepared in exactly the same way as for the treatment of the common cold.

Side effects

Side effects when using hydrogen peroxide as a nasal drip or sinus washare observed quite rarely. However, some patients experience dryness and irritation in the nose, redness, bitterness and nausea, as well as bouts of coughing and sneezing.

As a rule, side effects manifest themselves in case of individual intolerance, as well as hypersensitivity to this agent. Before the first use, experts recommend to carry out an allergic test, which was discussed above.

rinsing nose with hydrogen peroxide
rinsing nose with hydrogen peroxide


Hydrogen peroxide is a tool that can have a stimulating and hemostatic effect on the human body. This drug is actively used in the case of first aid for nosebleeds. In the field of otorhinolaryngology, it is used for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory forms of the common cold, tonsillitis, runny nose and sinusitis.

Hydrogen peroxide is an ideal nasal spray and rinse. To prepare a medicinal solution, this drug must be mixed with boiled or distilled water.

For young children, as well as women during pregnancy, this drug is recommended to be replaced with the least aggressive analogue. The use of hydrogen peroxide in these cases is possible only when a reduced concentration of this active substance is used in the solution.
