The article deals with vitamins for immunity for adults.
Human immunity is a mechanism that provides its reliable protection from the negative effects of the external environment. The body is negatively affected by viruses, bacteria and other types of pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of various ailments. In order for a person to be he althy and not exposed to diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. There are various ways to do this: take herbal drinks, decoctions and infusions, tablets, harden, and also make intramuscular injections of vitamins. The last method of increasing immune protection is the most effective and the result occurs after two to three weeks of injections. Injections are given to both adults and children.

When to use vitamin injections
Vitamins in injections for immunity have a great advantage over the use of syrups or tablets. Itconsists in the absorption of useful substances into the bloodstream immediately, bypassing the organs of the digestive tract, which implies a positive effect from injections, which occurs almost immediately after the administration of drugs intramuscularly.
Vitamins in ampoules
Vitamins in injections for immunity are prescribed for children and adults to increase the protective functions of the body. However, this requires the following readings:
- Congenital immunodeficiency. The use of vitamins intramuscularly contributes to an effective and rapid increase in immunity.
- Having a tendency to frequent colds. If a person is often sick, then only vitamins that are administered intramuscularly will help strengthen the immune system.
- After surgical operations, in the presence of frequent stress and protracted illnesses.
- With beriberi, neuralgia and neuritis.
- If you have problems with skin, hair and nails.
Vitamins in injectable form are also indicated for use in case of malfunctions in the intestines. When applying them, it is important to understand that the treatment process must be controlled in order to avoid the development of negative reactions.

What vitamins are needed to improve immunity
The question of which vitamins in injections for immunity are needed to quickly strengthen it is one of the most popular, especially during the off-season.
The following vitamins are used to strengthen immunity:
- Vitamin A, whichparticipates in strengthening the immune defense, and also prevents the occurrence of vision problems and disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. With its help, general well-being is normalized, the external condition of the skin is improved. People with acne, nail fungus, and herpes problems should take vitamin A, which is available in a drug called Retinol Acetate, by injection.
- Vitamin C is probably the most popular vitamin, the use of which ensures the resistance of immunity to the influence of pathogenic microflora. It can be found in citrus fruits and is sold in pharmacies under the name Ascorbic Acid.
- Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and also protects the body from environmental influences. With its help, capillaries are strengthened, as well as activation of the resorption of blood clots, inhibition of the aging process and normalization of the condition of the skin and complexion.
- Vitamin P, which is often often used to prevent beriberi, but is prescribed for administration with ascorbic acid at the same time.
- Vitamin B9, which is involved in building barriers against the effects of viruses and bacteria on the bone marrow. The best remedy for hair he alth is vitamin B9, which improves not only their condition, but also helps to strengthen them. Intramuscular administration of this vitamin also improves the condition of tooth enamel and nails. In pharmacies, this vitamin is known under the name "Folic acid".
The use of vitamins in injections for immunity is moremore effective than their oral tablet form. Rapid absorption into the bloodstream promotes positive effects almost immediately.
Thiamin chloride
This medication contains vitamin B1, which is actively involved in regulating the metabolic process in the body, and also has versatile actions:
- activation of a number of enzymes, regulation of the functioning of organs and systems;
- adjusting the processing of fats and proteins;
- optimize the number of carbohydrates;
- Protection of cell membranes from oxidation.

This medication is prescribed for people who have problems with the absorption of food in the intestines, as well as frequent colds. It is useful to use it after prolonged fasting, during pregnancy, if there are problems with alcoholism. Thiamine chloride is prescribed not only for adults, but also for children according to appropriate indications. The dosage for children is calculated based on the following proportions: 1-2 ml of the drug solution is required per 1 kg of weight. Injections must be carried out for two weeks in the case of a child, and for adults, the course of therapy is about 1 month.
After the injection, there is a reaction in the form of itching, as well as a decrease in blood pressure. If the dose is increased, the occurrence of side symptoms is not excluded: heart palpitations, headache and insomnia.
What other vitamins in injections to increase immunity are known?
This medicine is a complex of vitamins B (B1, B6 and B12). In addition to them, this remedy contains lidocaine, which allows you to relieve pain when administering drugs.
"Trigamma" is prescribed to reduce pain symptoms, as well as in the development of diseases of the peripheral parts of the nervous system. The advantage of this drug is the presence of lidocaine in it, which reduces the risk of developing toxic reactions. Vitamins to strengthen the immune system in injections can be purchased at any pharmacy.

This formula contains five vitamins:
- nicotinamide;
- pantothenate;
- thiamine;
- pyridoxine;
- cyanocobalamin.
The drug has a wide range of uses, it is especially useful to use it with reduced immunity. It is prescribed for beriberi, as well as for diseases such as dermatosis, neuralgia, eye pathologies.

This complex of vitamins in injections for immunity is used for various types of anemia, impaired functionality of the nervous system, liver, to enhance the effect of painkillers. Allergic reactions may occur to this medication. Contraindications to its use are:
- menstruation period;
- thrombophlebitis;
- respiratory disease with fever, chills and fever;
- inflammatory reactions at the sites of blood sampling from a vein;
- lactation, pregnancy;
- heart problems.

Many wonder what vitamins to pierce for immunity. A doctor will help you choose.
Retinol acetate
“Retinol acetate” is the same vitamin A that belongs to the fat-soluble types of vitamins. It has a diverse effect on the vital activity of the body, it plays an important role in redox processes (due to the large number of unsaturated bonds). In addition, it is involved in the synthesis of proteins, mucopolysaccharides and lipids. Retinol plays a special role in maintaining the good condition of the skin and mucous membranes, in the processes of photoreception, and increasing immunity. Retinol also takes part in mineral metabolism, the formation of cholesterol, increases the production of trypsin and lipase, enhances myelopoiesis, cell division. The local effect is due to the presence of special retinol-binding receptors on the surface of epithelial cells. Vitamin inhibits the process of keratinization, increases the proliferation of epithelial cells, rejuvenates cells, and has an antitumor effect.
Indications for the use of this vitamin in injections are:
- avitaminosis A and hypovitaminosis;
- eye diseases (hemeralopia, retinitis pigmentosa, xerophthalmia, keratomalacia);
- skin lesions (burns, frostbite, wounds, hyperkeratosis, ichthyosis, psoriasis, eczema);
- complex treatment of rickets, acute respiratory infections, malnutrition, bronchopulmonarydiseases, erosive and inflammatory lesions of the digestive tract, liver cirrhosis;
- leukemias and epithelial tumors;
- mastopathy.

Which specialist prescribes vitamins for immunity?
While adult immunity vitamins are beneficial, they should be used with caution. First of all, you can not inject medicines yourself, without the appointment of a medical specialist, which can be not only harmful, but deadly.
If a person wants to be treated with vitamins to strengthen the immune system, you need to contact an immunologist, who prescribes the necessary medicines for the patient and selects the exact dosage. To determine the drug for therapy, the patient may have to undergo some laboratory tests that will confirm the presence of a particular disorder.
We reviewed vitamins in ampoules for immunity.