How to check immunity: symptoms and signs of poor immunity, testing and restoration of immunity

How to check immunity: symptoms and signs of poor immunity, testing and restoration of immunity
How to check immunity: symptoms and signs of poor immunity, testing and restoration of immunity

The body, thanks to its immunity to the action of harmful infections, can resist pathogenic organisms and thus protect a person from various diseases. However, the level of resistance can decrease, thus reducing the level of he alth protection. That is why you need to know how to check immunity.

blood cells
blood cells

Immunity - what is it?

In order to determine if the level of immunity has decreased, you first need to figure out what it is. Immunity is the ability of the human body to resist the effects of various bacteria, viruses and other dangerous microorganisms. If this ability is weakened, then the body is susceptible to the influence of harmful organisms from the external environment and is unable to protect itself from the occurrence of diseases. To avoid such a situation, you should understand what tests to take to check immunity.

Types of immunodeficiency

Decreased immunity, which is the causedisease state of a person and requires an answer to the question of how to check immunity, what tests are needed in adults and children, has a specific name - immunodeficiency. It comes in two types.

Primary immunodeficiency

It includes congenital pathologies of immunity, which are inextricably linked with genetics. Determine the presence of such diseases immediately after birth. Children with congenital immunodeficiency are very weak, their average life expectancy does not exceed 7 years.

Secondary immunodeficiency

Manifested as a result of a malfunction in the immune system. One of the common causes is an inadequate or unbalanced diet.

immunity tests
immunity tests

Signs that the level of protection of the body is reduced

When the level of immunity decreases, the human body gives its owner signals to understand that there is a problem. Such signs are very easy to recognize if you know what to look for. To do this, you need to monitor how many times a year there are signs of colds, if not more than 4 times in 12 months, then everything is fine, and if more often, then this is already a wake-up call. In addition, with reduced immunity, there may be diseases such as:

  • angina;
  • furunculosis;
  • herpes and others.

In addition, signs of a lowered protective bar can be individual symptoms and the general condition of a person. Having found at least one of the signs, one can judge the need for measures aimed at increasing immunity. To such signscan be attributed to:

  • high fatigue and feeling weak;
  • decrease in performance;
  • feeling pain in bones and muscle fibers;
  • frequent pain in the head;
  • frequent and prolonged colds, often with complications;
  • frequent intestinal disturbances;
  • unsatisfactory condition of hair, nails and reduced attractiveness;
  • slow healing of wounds, they often become inflamed;
  • pale skin;
  • slow recovery of the body after illness.

If even one of the above symptoms is present, you should consult a doctor to get tested and check your immunity in order to receive adequate treatment.

at the doctor
at the doctor

For what reasons can immunity decrease

There are a number of reasons for a decrease in the level of immunity, which are very easy to find even without testing. And finding such symptoms, you do not need to wonder how to check the immunity.

The answer will already be known if the doctor found:

  • human immunodeficiency virus;
  • pregnancy;
  • Skin and venereal diseases;
  • allergy.

It is necessary to take tests if a specialist suspects:

  • pathologies of an autoimmune nature (for example, chickenpox);
  • hepatitis;
  • AIDS;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • cancer disease;
  • inflammation that lasts a long time;
  • fever;
  • violations inthe work of the endocrine system;
  • frequent SARS;
  • pneumonia;
  • autoimmune disorders.

In addition, the test is also required in case of elective surgery and before giving a child a polio vaccination, if there is an indication for this.

blood test for immunity
blood test for immunity

How to find out the level of immunity

An adult often asks how to check immunity. In order to find out what is the status of the body's main protective barrier against the harmful effects of viruses and bacteria, you must first consult a doctor. This is done by a therapist for adults and a pediatrician for children.

This procedure is as follows. First, the doctor takes a history and takes blood pressure measurements and counts of heart beats. Then, based on the results of the interview, he appoints a number of laboratory tests: urinalysis, clinical and biochemical blood tests. And only after receiving all the data, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the patient's state of he alth.

If an additional examination is necessary, that is, the presence of a threat of immunodeficiency, they give a referral to an immunologist who conducts another study - an immunogram.

What is an immunogram

Immunogram is the most accurate answer to the question of how to test immunity. In general, this is a specialized, narrowly focused blood test, which examines in detail the indicators of the immune system. The components of the immune system are phagocytes, leukocytes and other uniform elements. It is their numberratio and activity determine the quality of immunity and are checked by an immunogram.

test tubes with blood
test tubes with blood

How an immunogram is done

With this type of comprehensive study, venous blood is taken to determine the cause that provokes a decrease in the level of protection.

Immunogram is given in 3 steps:

  1. Clinical blood sampling that shows how big the deviation from the normal level is, as well as what is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
  2. Venous blood sampling, which measures how much antibodies are contained in the blood, in fact, an immunogram.
  3. Analysis of tissue particles, spinal cells and tear fluid.

To test biological materials for immunity testing, the following tests must be performed:

  • ELISA (studies of enzyme composition);
  • RIA (studying the status of the isotope method).

How to determine the level of immunity at home

The above is how to check immunity with the help of tests, but how to do it at home? This question was answered by German experts who developed the test, by answering all its questions and counting the points received, you can approximately assess the state of your immune system.

And if you get an unsatisfactory result, you should immediately consult a doctor for an outpatient study.

running in nature
running in nature

Measures to enhance the level of protection of the body

First of all forto increase the efficiency of the immune system, the following conditions must be met:

  • Normalize your diet, balance and supplement the missing elements.
  • Do sports and give up bad habits.
  • Keep a daily routine with enough sleep.
  • Do not overload the body with unnecessary stress in work and sports.

In addition, regular walks in the air, hardening, going to the bath will positively affect the state of immunity. You can also take vitamins and immunomodulators.

Having found one or more signs that indicate a violation of the immune system, you should immediately consult a doctor for an examination. The specialist will tell you how to check the immunity. This is important because the immune system is the body's most reliable natural defense against pathogens and keeps you he althy.
