Hyperthyroidism is a dangerous disease of the thyroid gland, which manifests itself in its excessive function, that is, it is caused by increased production of hormones. It provokes the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. The risk group includes mainly women aged 30-50 years, since they have a closer relationship between the nervous and endocrine systems of the body. Hyperthyroidism according to ICD 10 has code E 05.0. Negative emotions, constant experiences, stress, and mental trauma have a special influence on the occurrence of the disease.
Classification of violation
The disease hyperthyroidism is divided into several forms:
- subclinical;
- manifest;
- complicated.
The subclinical form is characterized by an increased concentration of hormones in the blood. It is quite difficult to determine such a disease, since it has no clinical manifestations. Basically, such a pathology is detected during laboratory tests. Subclinical hyperthyroidism is common in older women who have been suffering from multinodular disease for a long time.goiter. Sometimes this form occurs in people who have been treated for thyrotoxicosis. In this case, there are no signs, but changes in the hormonal background persist. Against the background of the course of the disease, there is a violation of the work of the heart muscle and nervous system. In addition, liver pathologies may occur, which can be eliminated with proper treatment.

An autoimmune type of disorder is an inflammation of the thyroid gland. It occurs as a result of violations in the immune system, which often happens against the background of oncology. Thyrotoxicosis is a condition triggered by a constant increase in the level of thyroid hormones. A similar condition can also occur during pregnancy.
Medication-induced hyperthyroidism occurs as a result of taking hormonal drugs that stimulate the thyroid gland. In addition, doctors distinguish several stages of hyperthyroidism, each of which has its own specific clinical manifestations and features of the course.
Causes of occurrence
There are a variety of causes of hyperthyroidism, but often the disease occurs against the background of other diseases of the thyroid gland. Among the most common factors are the following:
- diffuse toxic goiter;
- viral and inflammatory lesions of the thyroid gland;
- uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs.
The causes of hyperthyroidism include the presence of nodular goiter. Local seals of the thyroid gland affect the increase in its activity and the production of hormones. The disease can also occur due to the presence of variousneoplasms, as well as toxic adenomas. The risk group includes women who have cases of thyroid disease in their family.
Main symptoms
With hyperthyroidism, the symptoms largely depend on how long the disease has been going on and which organs it has affected. The most striking sign is the acceleration of metabolic processes and weight loss with a normal appetite. All this is accompanied by:
- disruption of the intestines and stomach;
- frequent diarrhea;
- enlarged liver.

Be sure to treat if the symptoms of hyperthyroidism become more pronounced and affect the cardiovascular system. In addition, there may be signs associated with a violation of the nervous system and psyche. In particular, they include:
- anxiety;
- excessive overstimulation;
- irritability;
- tendency to panic;
- fatigue.
Sometimes, against this background, diabetes can develop, heat transfer is disturbed and a complete heat intolerance develops. Against the background of the course of the disease, the skin becomes drier, hair and nails become thin and brittle, shortness of breath appears. Muscle atrophy can be observed, bones become brittle, weakness and aches occur throughout the body, and the patient quickly gets tired. Women may experience problems with menstruation, infertility. Men suffer from potency problems. There may also be blurred vision, headache, fainting, swelling of the legs.
The diagnosis of "hyperthyroidism" is established on the basis of the patient's history and complaints. In addition, a number of laboratory tests may be required, such as:
- determining the level of hormones;
- antibody count;
- radioactive gland scan;
- tomography.

Based on this, you can make the correct diagnosis and choose the most adequate complex treatment that will help get rid of the existing symptoms.
Features of treatment
Treatment of hyperthyroidism involves the use of several different means and techniques, among which are the following:
- conservative;
- surgical;
- radioiodine therapy.
Depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the age of the patient, intolerance to drugs, as well as the presence of other diseases, the tactics of therapy are selected. With the help of conservative treatment, it is possible to achieve inhibition of hormone production. In addition, symptomatic therapy associated with damage to other organs is additionally required.
Medicated treatment
Various medications are used to treat hyperthyroidism. They are mainly used for mild illness. In advanced and very difficult cases, medications are prescribed to prepare the body for surgery.
With the help of drugs, you can reduce the activity of the thyroid gland and the amount of hormones produced. Endocrinologists often prescribe antithyroid drugs, which help to reduce the production of thyroid hormones. These drugs include Tyrozol, Methylthiouracil, Timazol.
Medications should be taken until the functioning of the thyroid gland becomes normal. Regular monitoring is carried out with a blood test to determine the level of hormones. If there are no complications, then after the use of a high dosage of drugs aimed at normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland, an improvement in well-being is observed after 4-5 weeks.

Treatment should be continued for approximately 1 year. After that, many patients report a state of remission. To prolong this condition for a long time, Levothyroxine is prescribed along with antithyroid drugs. In some patients, side effects may occur: the level of platelets and leukocytes decreases, and allergies occur.
To eliminate severe manifestations of the disease, you may need to take the drug "Carbimazole". It is a long-acting drug, so it is often used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. In addition, it stimulates the conversion of hormones, which is why it has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.
The use of radioactive iodine
Hyperthyroidism is treated with radioactive iodine. Patients take it 1 time per day in the form of a special solution or capsule. When released into the blood, it immediately penetrates into the cellsthyroid gland, remains there and destroys excess hormones. Radioactive iodine is prescribed along with the main medications that help eliminate the problem. One of the advantages of such therapy is the possibility of achieving a stable remission.
Treatment with radioactive iodine is based on its destructive effect on thyrocytes. The drug most effectively affects the most active cells of the thyroid gland. The effect of therapy lasts up to 4 weeks. As a result of its use, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the size of this organ and the normalization of hormone production. It is worth noting that, despite the high effectiveness of the use of this remedy, it is possible to achieve complete recovery only in exceptional cases. Often there is a need for additional courses of therapy.
Oriental medicine
In the East, it is believed that hyperthyroidism occurs as a result of leading an unhe althy lifestyle. The pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism is largely associated with malnutrition, stress, frequent exposure to the cold, and a sedentary lifestyle. Oriental medicine offers therapy without the use of medications.
Initially, the doctor determines the cause of the pathological condition, determines the characteristics of the patient's body, his temperament and character. Based on the information received, the required phytopreparations and procedures are selected. Phytotherapy is based on the use of decoctions and infusions of herbs. The purpose of the use of such funds is to restore the metabolic processes of the body, reduce inflammation, as well asblood purification. With the help of herbal medicine, an excess of mucus, which is formed in the tissues, can be removed from the body.
Thanks to the stimulation of individual points located on the patient's body, it is possible to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. A similar method of therapy was used in the East many thousands of years ago and contributed to the treatment of many diseases. It not only positively affects the functioning of this organ, but also normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Among the main medical procedures, the following can be distinguished:
- heating with stones;
- rubbing;
- oriental massage;
- acupuncture;
- hirudotherapy;
- diet therapy.
Thanks to the complex of all these procedures, it is possible to restore the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and many other body systems.
Surgical treatment
Surgical treatment of the thyroid gland is prescribed for:
- large goiter;
- recurrence after conservative therapy;
- individual intolerance to certain drugs.

The choice of surgical treatment largely depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease. During the operation, a part of this organ or in full can be removed. After that, there may be a lack of thyroid hormones in the body, which is why hormone replacement therapy is required.
Be sure to understand that it is impossibleuse with hyperthyroidism to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Nutrition is very important, so you should eat in small portions. You should try not to skip meals, as this will only increase fatigue and weakness.
Vitamins are required for hyperthyroidism, and you also need to provide the body's need for energy, so the food consumed should be high-calorie, especially in case of strong weight loss. Be sure to include fruits and vegetables in your regular diet. Additionally, multivitamin complexes are required. This is important not only to compensate for vitamin deficiencies, but also to prevent the occurrence of disorders in the heart muscle, liver, and skeletal system, which may be the result of an excess of hormones.

The body has a great need for the intake of minerals. You need to get enough calcium with food to prevent the development of osteoporosis. Be sure to constantly monitor the endocrinologist, who can adjust the diet and choose the right treatment to prevent the risk of complications.
Forecast and consequences
In mild cases, with properly selected replacement therapy, the prognosis in adults is mostly positive for life and performance. In the presence of complications, the prognosis is largely determined by the nature and severity of the consequences. The prognosis largely depends on the timeliness of treatment, if therapy was carried out late, thenthere may be a serious mental disorder.
When a hypothyroid coma occurs, the prognosis is often unfavorable. Among the main causes of death of the patient is mainly cardiovascular and respiratory failure. Efficiency largely depends on the severity of the course of the disease. With a mild form of hyperthyroidism, patients can perform absolutely any work that requires minimal physical and mental stress.
Patients with a severe form of the disease are disabled. Hyperthyroidism can lead to disruption of metabolic processes, which can cause a malfunction in almost all organs and systems, since thyroid hormones are required by absolutely all cells, organs and tissues. Very often it can disguise itself as other diseases.
Possible Complications
Each patient must understand the dangers of hyperthyroidism, and what complications can be with improper or untimely treatment. The main complications include heart disease or thyrotoxic crisis. They manifest themselves very acutely against the background of elevated hormone levels, atrial fibrillation, the progression of the course of chronic diseases, and high blood pressure.
The development of the crisis is facilitated by excessive physical activity, severe stress, acute infectious diseases. The symptoms of the crisis increase gradually, since at the initial stage there is fever and confusion, gradually this leads to a state of coma and death of the patient. The dangerous consequences of hyperthyroidism are characteristic mainly of women.
This disease can adversely affect the course of metabolic processes, causing disruption of the functioning of various organs and systems, since all tissues and cells of organisms are dependent on thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism can trigger a variety of disorders, from chronic fatigue to infertility.
Prevention of hyperthyroidism is quite simple. It is important to systematically undergo an examination, harden the body, avoid exposure to sunlight, and also eat right. If the patient is at risk of endocrine diseases, it is necessary to conduct a dynamic examination of this organ using ultrasound, as well as take tests to determine the level of hormones.
Doctors recommend paying attention to the work of the immune system, as frequent colds and various infections provoke the occurrence of pathological autoimmune processes. Timely and high-quality correction of hyperthyroidism gives a fairly favorable prognosis for recovery and helps to reduce the frequency of relapses. Be sure to ensure proper nutrition by consuming foods with sufficient iodine content. In addition, it is important to play sports and temper.
Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy
Hyperthyroidism during childbearing can be transient. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the course of pregnancy and passes no later than the 16th week. Among the main signs of such a condition are the following:
- changeable mood;
- smalltemperature increase;
- heat intolerance;
- slight weight loss;
- heartbeat increase.

All these signs are very difficult to distinguish from the normal course of pregnancy. That is why, if a woman loses weight in the first weeks of pregnancy, she is usually prescribed a blood test for thyroid hormones. No special treatment is required, but the woman must be constantly monitored so as not to miss signs of toxic goiter.