Venous encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Venous encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences
Venous encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

There are a lot of diseases that lead to damage to blood vessels. Almost all of them are accompanied by similar symptoms. In order to correctly diagnose and establish the correct treatment, complex diagnostics are required. Venous encephalopathy of the brain is recognized as a concomitant disease, since it is always the result of other disorders in the body. It occurs most often in old age, but can also be diagnosed in young patients, sometimes even in children.

Characteristics of the disease

Venous encephalopathy is a pathological condition of the vessels of the brain, in which the outflow of venous blood is disturbed. It develops due to the death of cells with a lack of nutrition and oxygen. The disease always develops gradually, but is accompanied by pronounced symptoms that cannot be ignored.attention.

Venous encephalopathy of the brain
Venous encephalopathy of the brain

Based on many years of research on the disease, we can conclude that with timely diagnosis and correct treatment, venous encephalopathy is quite curable. In extreme cases, regular monitoring of the development of pathology can significantly slow down the progression, and also allows the patient to maintain optimal conditions for a normal life.

Causes of disease

The development of the disease is observed under the influence of many external factors. Insufficient nutrition of the brain occurs in patients experiencing severe stressful situations, workers in hazardous industries and with severe intoxication of the body.

Venous encephalopathy can occur in the presence of tumors in the brain of any nature, after serious head injuries, with hereditary predisposition, the presence of chronic pulmonary diseases and blood stasis in the jugular veins, which is always accompanied by an increase in intracranial pressure. An important basis for making such a diagnosis is the presence of atherosclerosis.

Venous encephalopathy treatment
Venous encephalopathy treatment

The risk group also includes people who often eat fatty foods, which contributes to the formation of cholesterol plaques and blockage of blood vessels.

Symptoms of the disease

Venous encephalopathy symptoms vary slightly depending on the course of the disease. The chronic form of pathology can develop in the body for a long time, practically without showing any signs, which greatly complicatesdiagnostics. At this time, patients may experience only a slight decrease in mental activity and rapid fatigue during intellectual activity. The sleep pattern is also disturbed: at night, patients suffer from insomnia, and during the day - drowsiness.

In its acute form, venous encephalopathy is always accompanied by severe bursting headaches. They intensify in the morning due to the long stay of the body in a horizontal position at night and almost completely disappear only in the evening. Insufficient blood circulation in the head leads to swelling of the face, the appearance of a bluish tint to the skin, ringing in the ears and the appearance of flies before the eyes. Patients complain of hot flashes and colds, swelling throughout the body, sweating, cramps and heaviness in the back of the head.

Venous encephalopathy of the brain treatment
Venous encephalopathy of the brain treatment

At the initial stage of the development of pathology, attention should be paid to the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • cognitive disorders;
  • panic attacks;
  • anxiety;
  • emotionality;
  • isolation or hyperexcitability;
  • cough leading to vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia.

Diagnosis of pathology

Since many of the symptoms of the disease are similar to those of other neurological disorders, correct diagnosis plays an important role in the further treatment of cerebral venous encephalopathy. Only an experienced specialist can prescribe the necessary examination and select an effective therapy.

Preliminary diagnosis is alwaysis put after consultation with the doctor, but to confirm it, the doctor must prescribe a number of additional studies. For this, an examination is carried out by specialized specialists and instrumental diagnostics are carried out. The patient must visit an ophthalmologist for a detailed study of the fundus, the state of the retina and measurement of intraocular pressure.

At the doctor
At the doctor

Very often the disease is accompanied by other vascular pathologies or is part of venous dyscirculatory encephalopathy. Only a full examination helps to learn about all the nuances of the course of the disease. It includes MRI, ultrasound of the veins of the brain and neck or phlebography, and, if necessary, rheovasoencephalography.

Medicated treatment

Therapy of the disease is aimed not only at suppressing unpleasant symptoms, but also at eliminating the very cause of the disease. Only an integrated approach can alleviate the patient's condition and return him to his usual life conditions in the future. Treatment of venous encephalopathy is carried out with drugs whose action is aimed at normalizing vascular tone. They are used in the form of injections or suppositories, due to the ability to provide the maximum therapeutic effect in a short time. Most often, experts recommend Detralex, Troxevasin, Phlebodia and Antistax.

A good result is obtained by treatment with medicines, the action of which is to improve the blood supply to the nerve cells of the whole organism. Among these, the most sought after are:

  • Trental;
  • Cavinton;
  • Tanakan.

Intracranial pressure is reduced by additional intake of diuretics. If patients experience panic attacks or other nervous disorders, then their elimination is carried out by taking muscle relaxants. A common symptom of the disease is insomnia. To normalize sleep, sleeping pills are prescribed, for example, Donormil.

Venous dyscirculatory encephalopathy
Venous dyscirculatory encephalopathy

In rare cases, and only if treated in a hospital, patients may be prescribed tranquilizers. Among them are "Phenazepam", "Grandaxin" and others.

Mode of life

Acceleration of the process of treatment of venous encephalopathy of the brain is possible only due to the observance of the daily regimen by the patient, proper nutrition and exercise therapy. Exercises are selected by the doctor individually. Most often this is a simple breathing exercise. During therapy, patients are strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol and smoking.

venous encephalopathy diet
venous encephalopathy diet

Only by eliminating adverse factors from life, you can maintain your he alth and avoid fainting in the future.

Patients are advised not to make sudden movements, changing body position (get out of bed or lie down). You should also protect yourself from psycho-emotional shocks. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe acupuncture.

Folk remedies

You should not give up on folk remedies in the treatment of the disease. Diuretic and sedative herbal preparations can noticeablyimprove the patient's condition, thereby bringing the moment of recovery closer. It is used in a pathological condition and a special diet enriched with vitamins and minerals that help restore the natural forces of the body. It is recommended to eat as many foods high in potassium and magnesium as possible.

Forecasts for the future

The consequences of the disease depend not only on compliance with all doctor's prescriptions, but also on the timeliness of making a correct diagnosis. If the disease was noticed in the initial stages, then competent treatment will definitely give a positive result.

Venous encephalopathy symptoms
Venous encephalopathy symptoms

If the pathology was detected at a late stage, then the disease will lead to irreversible disorders of the nervous system.

Venous encephalopathy is a serious disease that in one way or another affects the patient's future quality of life. In order to avoid serious disorders in the brain and maintain relative performance in the future, one should promptly seek medical help if any signs of pathology are detected. This is the only way to maintain a full life and avoid undesirable consequences.
