With the onset of cold weather, the risk of various diseases of the respiratory system increases. We will analyze what pneumonia is in children (symptoms, treatment will also be considered). This is an acute inflammatory disease of the lungs of a child caused by an infection, and which is necessarily accompanied by damage to the alveoli involved in gas exchange. The disease is quite serious and poses a direct threat to life.

Occult pneumonia in children is quite rare. Newborn babies, as a rule, suffer from this disease as a result of exposure to bacteria. After two months and up to five years, the lungs of a child are most vulnerable to viruses, but with a bacterial infection, the disease is quite severe.
Pneumonia in children is not immediately recognized. A symptom in the form of a cough is characteristic of many ailments, such as bronchitis, tracheitis, etc. If a high temperature (38 or above) does not decrease for more than three days, shortness of breath is present, this may indicate pneumonia.
Other symptoms
There are other signs that indicate a disease such as pneumonia in children. Symptom - retraction of the skin in the spaces between the ribs (clearly pronouncedon the affected side of the lung). Undress the baby and carefully monitor the breathing rate, as well as how the skin relief changes in the areas described above. If you see this or that sign of this disease, do not hesitate to go to the hospital. Improper treatment, as well as its complete absence, can turn into a tragedy.

How is pneumonia treated in children? Symptom detected, doctor confirmed, what next? If we are talking about a baby under one year old, most likely, he will be hospitalized. This fate awaits older children, in whom the disease has a severe course. Inpatient treatment is also prescribed if the patient does not show a clear improvement in a day or two after the start of therapy.
First of all, bed rest should be strictly observed, nutrition should be comprehensive and complete, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids. In the acute period, it is necessary to take antibiotics, vitamins, cough suppressants, antihistamines, etc.

Decoctions based on expectorant herbs will not be superfluous, for example, marshmallow, coltsfoot, licorice, thyme are suitable. Antipyretic, cardiac, and detoxifying drugs are often prescribed. Immunomodulators, massage with warming compresses and mustard plasters are also prescribed. Aerotherapy and oxygen therapy, electrophoresis together with physiotherapy can be used to eliminate respiratory failure.
Better condition
Please note that with the correctIf antibiotics are given, the child will begin to recover almost immediately. The temperature will decrease, appetite will appear. If there is no positive dynamics, then this indicates an incorrectly selected antibiotic or an accumulation of pus in the lungs.
That's all you need to know about pneumonia in children. There is more than one symptom here, so be careful to recognize the disease in time and take the necessary measures.