Puffiness of the face spoils the impression of appearance, so they try to get rid of such a defect as soon as possible. For this purpose, massage procedures, cosmetic creams are used. No less effective will be folk remedies for swelling under the eyes. Only in this case it is important to ask about the true cause of fluid retention in the tissues.
Bags under the eyes are excess fluid that can be localized anywhere on the body. The skin of the face is the most sensitive, so it reacts first. A single swelling under the eyes is possible due to various reasons, but if this is a constant symptom, it indicates the presence of problems with water and electrolyte metabolism.

Common causes of swelling under the eyes:
- fatigue, stress, physical and nervous strain;
- poor quality restless sleep;
- malnutrition with excess fat, s alt;
- abuse of coffee and alcohol before bedtime;
- immoderate drinking;
- kidney pathology;
- postmenstrual syndrome;
- heart disease;
- endocrine system failure;
- allergic reactions;
- smoking;
- inflammatory processes against the background of a runny nose, meningitis, furunculosis;
- eye infections;
- difficult lymph drainage;
- intracranial pressure;
- obesity;
- chronic illnesses;
- helminth infection;
- use of poor quality cosmetics.
Using folk remedies for swelling under the eyes to solve cosmetic problems, possible pathologies and other serious causes that can affect the condition of the skin of the face should be excluded.
What works against edema
To successfully remove swelling under the eyes with folk remedies, in addition to this, it is recommended to follow a few simple conditions:
- Practice dietary nutrition: eat natural foods, fruits and vegetables, refuse junk food. Simple carbohydrates in foods (flour, sweets) also retain water in the body.
- Pay attention to certain foods rich in trace elements, potassium: raisins, bananas.
- Keep a balanced drinking regime: enough water allows you to remove toxins from the body, but excessive - form puffiness. The recommended volume of water in the absence of thyroid pathologies is up to 2 liters. With a lack of fluid, the body stores it for future use. Water is recommendeddrink still.
- Do not forget about the use of natural diuretics: juices, vegetables;
- Do light morning exercises that make it easier to remove moisture;
- Dinner - at least 3 hours before bedtime.
- Do not overeat, as this impairs the function of the digestive system, disrupts metabolism.
Replacing sugary drinks with he althy and natural ones can significantly reduce bags under the eyes. The treatment of edema with folk remedies provides for the saturation of skin cells with minerals, and also, thanks to the intake of decoctions inside, the improvement of the activity of all systems and a comprehensive recovery.
A cup of green tea, brewed without sugar, is able to remove s alts from the body no worse than diuretics. In the morning, it is recommended to drink freshly brewed loose leaf tea with lemon and milk to enhance the effect.
Chamomile tea brewed in a thermos (100 g of flowers per 0.5 l) will help remove puffiness under the eyes. It is drunk on its own or mixed with green tea.
Ginger Green Tea: Promotes the lymphatic system, which helps to remove fluid from the body and tone the body.
Treatment of swelling under the eyes with folk remedies through fees and herbal teas:
- lingonberry, strawberry, bearberry leaves;
- special collections of diuretic herbs, the so-called pharmacy kidney tea;
- juniper fruit added to ordinary tea when brewing;
- birch buds;
- horsetail, knotweed;
- blue cornflower,adonis;
- orthosiphon sheet.

He althy juices: cranberry; carrot; beetroot; pumpkin with honey.
He althy vegetables: watermelon, melon, viburnum, onion, garlic, cabbage.
Kefir promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body and helps to lose weight. A portion of natural juice will be no less useful. The simplest method is water with lemon.
Best natural remedies, masks
With the help of masks, you can remove swelling from the face, return the face to its former shape. The ingredients for masks are usually always present in any housewife in the kitchen.
How to relieve eye swelling at home:
- Boiled potatoes in uniform. Peel, grind, mix with warm milk using a blender; put on the skin of the face and leave for 20 minutes, for half an hour.
- Raw potatoes. Grate, add a spoonful of flour (buckwheat, rye, wheat), a spoonful of warmed milk; spread the mass over the face and leave for 20 minutes. The effect of potato masks will increase if you add parsley to them. The starch in the mask, as well as B vitamins, will quickly cope with the problem.
- Sauerkraut. Squeeze juice from sauerkraut, combine cabbage with chopped potatoes, apply on swollen skin, for about ten minutes. After the procedure of exposure to folk remedies, eye swelling disappears, the face becomes clean, problem areas are smoothed out.
- Cucumber. Excellent moisturizing, whitening, toning vegetable; saturates the skin with microelements. For oily skin, it is good to add a few drops of lemon juice to the cucumber mass. For dry skin - olive oil. Apply the mask on swollen places for a few minutes; wash with cool water.
- Cucumber and sour cream. Grated cucumber and a teaspoon of parsley mix, add sour cream to create a creamy consistency and leave on the face for 20 minutes. Wash with warm water.
- Apples. The mask contains vitamin C, which improves skin functions; enough exposure for about 15 minutes.
- Nuts. Grind walnuts in the amount of two tablespoons into flour, add a little butter and a couple of drops of lemon juice. The mask is left for 30 minutes; wash away.
- Strawberry. Grind three berries, add a spoonful of olive oil, the same amount of honey. Spread the resulting mass on the skin of the face, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
- Cottage cheese with parsley. Grind the greens, add grated cottage cheese, a teaspoon of milk. Apply the resulting mixture under the eyes, remove after half an hour.
- Buckwheat. Grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder, place the powder in a cloth bag, dip in boiling water for a minute, then squeeze and apply in a warm state to the swollen surface. There is a very fast result.
- Coffee. Mask in the form of coffee grounds or a more complex composition: a spoonful of ground coffee, a spoonful of cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons of yogurt without fillers, mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, put a thin layer on the skin. If the skin is dry - instead of lemon, put honey in the composition, and replace olive oil with a fatter one.
- Honey. Mix a spoonful of flour, honey, add egg white. Apply the mixture to the areas under the eyes. Remove the mask with water or chamomile decoction.

Known folk remedies for swelling under the eyes:
- Flax seed. Boil flax seed (2 tablespoons) in 0.5 liters of water, insist under the lid for about an hour; add juice from half a lemon, drink the resulting product in 100 ml, every two hours; the result is stable.
- Oats. Pour the grass (40 g) with boiling water (1 l), hold on fire for 10 minutes, filter, drink a glass 3 times a day to get rid of swelling, bags under the eyes. At the same time, folk remedies eliminate the external problem by affecting internal processes, including metabolism.
- Quince. Grind fruit (0.5 kg), pour boiling water (1 l); boil for 15 minutes. Decoction take half a glass 3 times a day before meals.
- Honey, pumpkin, cucumber. Mix the components taken in a teaspoon, apply to the skin.
- Mixture of herbs (string, chamomile, sage) and brew in a glass, cool, pour into ice molds, freeze. Wipe the skin around the eyes with ready-made cubes.
To remove swelling under the eyes with folk remedies, it does not take much time and costly expenses, and any "side effects" will only be with positive values if masks are used moderately. Nutrient compositions for the face can be created independently, albeit by trial method. After the procedure, you need to give the skin a rest, and then apply cream, make-up.
Oils fromswelling
Essential oils are useful as folk remedies for swelling under the eyes, which will help in the process of massage or a kind of mask.
Any unrefined vegetable oil is suitable for facial skin massage. According to experts, the best are grape and olive. In order to improve the skin, oils are usually recommended, which can always be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store.

How to relieve eye swelling at home with essential oils:
- mixtures of the following types of oils: black and green tea, coffee, avocado, apricot;
- mixtures of oils: mint, chamomile, linden, sage, birch leaves, dill, horsetail, strawberry;
- blend of wheat germ and apricot oils.
Oils should be applied warm, mixed and applied with fingertips around the eyes. Do not put pressure on the skin. Oil mixtures are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator, hermetically, in glass.
Handy tools
How to remove eye swelling at home in 15 minutes? There are several quick ways:
- If bags under the eyes suddenly form, and there is no time for recovery procedures, you can massage the problem areas of the face with cool silver spoons. If the additional purpose of the massage is to smooth out wrinkles, then the spoons must be warmed up. Five minutes is enough to achieve a visible effect.
- Cosmetic clay. Dilute white clay in warm water until creamy and apply on face for ten minutes; wash awayrunning water.
- Aloe. For this purpose, you can use a plant leaf chilled in the freezer, then leave it in the cold for 5 minutes. Then - apply to the eyelids and hold for 15 minutes.
- S alt. Marine or ordinary, perfectly tones and extracts moisture from tissues.

S alt mask for skin types:
- for normal skin: sour cream, olive oil - a teaspoon each, mix half a teaspoon of fine s alt, spread over the face, leaving for 15 minutes, rinse face with warm water;
- for dry skin: prepare a hot solution of a spoonful of s alt and a glass of water, saturate a soft cloth with it, put on the face until it cools down, apply a nourishing cream;
- for oily skin: mix a spoonful of s alt with a spoonful of chopped cabbage leaves, spread over the face, massage, rinse, complete the procedure by massaging the skin with an ice cube.
If you have time to take a bath, you can dilute 1 kg of s alt in warm water, then be sure to take a shower, apply a nourishing lotion. For aromatic s alt, a smaller amount is enough.
Parsley is rich in minerals that penetrate the bloodstream and nourish the cells.
Folk remedies for swelling under the eyes from parsley:
- Lotion. Pour fresh herbs (1 spoon) with boiling water (250 ml), leave for 15 minutes. Filter the mixture, apply a warm compress, wetting cotton pads in the solution. If there is a lot of lotion, the rest can be frozen for future use formorning treatments.
- Mask. Grind a teaspoon of herbs in a mortar, add a spoonful of sour cream, apply on the eyelids, leave for 20 minutes. The mask is suitable for daily use.
- Gadgets. Pour parsley (50 g) with water (0.5 l), boil, leave on fire for 10 minutes, filter. Apply cotton pads to the eyelids, repeat about 4 times a day. Wash, apply nourishing cream.
- Decoction. Pour a spoonful of parsley with a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, filter, add half a glass of lemon juice to the resulting mass. Take medicine twice a day for a third of a glass.
Parsley in salads has an effective diuretic effect, which is also observed with a s alt-free diet.
Chamomile has a large list of properties and copes well with swelling. A spoonful of grass should be brewed in 120 ml of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes. In the resulting infusion, moisten a cotton swab, soak the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Treat eye swelling at home with chamomile:
- Drink. To prepare a drink - mix a teaspoon of chamomile herbs and tea. Then repeat the procedure described in the first option.
- Compress. Place chamomile inflorescences in gauze, dip in boiling water for 5 minutes. Take out the bag, cool, apply to the eyes. You can use ready-made bags with chamomile flowers. Daily use will relieve not only swelling, but also early wrinkles.
- Cubes. Prepare an infusionfrom chamomile (2 tablespoons of flowers pour a glass of boiling water), leave for half an hour, filter, pour into molds, place in the freezer. When waking up in the morning, wipe your face with a cube of chamomile decoction. Facial care with chamomile-based products will relieve natural edema and those resulting from allergies.
Herbs and fees
Folk remedies for swelling under the eyes in the form of herbs and their fees:
- Kupyr forest. The leaves and roots of the plant will strengthen the blood vessels, effectively remove excess fluid from the body. The herb is favorable and is indicated in cases where the cause of the swelling is unknown. Decoction: brew a spoonful of dry root with a glass of boiling water, leave for about half an hour, filter, take a spoonful 3 times a day before meals. Leaves - good to add to salads, soups, brew as a tea.
- Collection: horsetail, immortelle, leuzea - 1 teaspoon each, oats - 3 teaspoons, pour 2 cups boiling water, leave for a couple of hours. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.
- Collection: rose hips, oats - 1 spoon each, flax seed, chicory root - 1 teaspoon each, put in a thermos in crushed form, leave for 6 hours; take 3 times a third of a glass before meals. The collection is useful in heart failure.
- Collection: plantain, dried calendula, calamus (root) - take in equal parts of each remedy, boil for 5 minutes. Moisten napkins in the prepared broth and apply morning and evening to problem areas.

There are alternative measures such as:
- lymphatic drainage - to improveoutflow of venous blood, restoration of skin elasticity;
- mud therapy - to restore metabolic processes;
- microcurrent therapy - to activate the production of elastin and collagen.
Pharmacy cosmetics
Varicose and hemorrhoidal creams do an excellent job with puffiness, as they constrict blood vessels, and excess fluid does not accumulate in the tissues. After applying the creams, the venous network will disappear from the skin, if it was previously visible.
But before using medicines with side effects, everyone will be interested in how to relieve swelling with folk remedies, and the latter are used as auxiliary or - infrequently.
Pharmacy preparations for vasoconstriction:
- "Heparin ointment".
- "Lyoton".
- "Troxevasin".
Drugs in the form of tablets must first be crushed. The powder is dissolved in water and applied to the skin with gruel. At the same time, it is important not to damage the cornea of the eye with chemical exposure, and there is no mention of their hypoallergenicity.
Pharmacy diuretics:
- "Furosemide" - used in emergency cases: swelling of the lungs, brain. The first couple of days, its effectiveness is especially high, and then decreases. Permissible dose per day - 40 mg. Side effects - nausea, low blood pressure, dizziness. Requires potassium intake with Furomeside.
- "Hypothiazide" - accelerates the excretion of calcium in the urine. The action lasts 12 hours. Dosage: 50-100 mg per day. Side effects:weakness, impaired cardiac activity.
- "Cyclomethiazide" - removes chlorine and sodium, reduces pressure; the permissible dose is 4 tablets per day. Side effects: dyspeptic disorders.
- "Triamteren" - a diuretic that acts with the preservation of potassium in the body; dose - 0.05 g, up to three times a day, up to 20 days; provokes weakness.
- "Diakarb" - one tablet every other day; may cause drowsiness.
- "Spironolactone" - the action increases slowly, manifests itself completely from the second day of use; does not reduce blood pressure, does not remove potassium from the body (2 tablets up to 4 times a day).
- "Mannitol" - indicated for renal failure; appointed by a doctor.
With the help of a specialist who professionally selects the product and procedure for the face, you can solve the most serious cosmetic problems. Do not forget about an integrated approach: identify hidden diseases and not neglect treatment.