The life of a modern person is full of stressful situations, when outside help in the form of special medications becomes a necessity. One of these drugs is Afobazol tablets. Instructions for use, reviews about them are discussed below.
Pharmacological form of the drug
According to the instructions for use, "Afobazol" can be purchased in a network of pharmacies in the form of tablets. Each unit of the drug has a rounded flat shape, chamfered along the edges. The color of the tablets is white, may have a slightly creamy tint. One pack contains 60 tablets, packed in individual 20-packs in plastic foil-coated cells.
Pharmacological group
Specialists have developed a division of medicines depending on their pharmaceutical affiliation. The division into pharmacological groups of drugs is carried out in accordance with their purpose, that is, the action exerted on the human body. Instructions for use for "Afobazole" indicates that it belongs to the pharmacological group of tranquilizers asanxiolytic.

What works in the drug?
Drugs that help normalize the mental state, relieving anxiety, irritability, have been used since ancient times, probably since the birth of medicine as a science and practice. Pharmacists are developing many drugs that are based on different substances, but have a similar end result in the form of a successful fight against stress and anxiety.
This is exactly what Afobazol tablets have. Instructions for use indicate that they contain the active substance fabomotizol. It was obtained at the beginning of the 21st century at the Research Institute of Pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Its synthesis was the result of a long-term search for a substance that has an anti-anxiety effect, but does not have side effects, as a benzodiazepine widely used in the treatment of anxiety conditions. Currently, this substance is part of the drug, which is produced in Russia under the name "Afobazol".
In the instructions for the use of contraindications, the side effects of this remedy are described by the manufacturer of PJSC "OTCPharm". But given that no randomized controlled trials have been conducted for fabomotizole, this drug is not the drug of first choice. The ability of the active substance to interact with certain components of the human body was investigated by the French company CEREP using a radioligandanalysis.
For the patient and the specialist, all the necessary information will be described in sufficient detail about the drug "Afobazol" instructions for use. Contraindications to this drug must be considered when choosing therapy. The active component of fabomotizole is contained in one tablet of 10 mg. In addition, the manufacturer included:
- collidon 25;
- potato starch;
- magnesium stearate;
- microcrystalline cellulose;
- lactose monohydrate;
- polyvinylpyrrolidone medium molecular weight medical.
All these substances have no therapeutic value, but are used as form-building components.

How does the active substance work?
In recent years, very often, many of those who turn to medical professionals for help are prescribed Afobazol as an anti-anxiety drug. The instructions for use, enclosed by the manufacturer in each pack of tablets, indicate that fabomotizol, the substance of the latest generation of anxiolytics, works in it. According to radioligand studies, it contributes to functional inhibition:
- sigma-1 receptor;
- MT-1 receptor (melatonin type 1 receptor);
- MT-3 receptor (melatonin receptor type 3).
Also, fabomotizol inhibits MAO-A. It should be noted that the official action of the drug as an inhibitor of monoamine oxidase - the substance of nerve endings - and MT-3 receptors is notconfirmed. This action of the active substance is due to its chemical structure S and antagonistic ability to type 1 and type 3 melatonin receptors, as well as the ability to stabilize the membranes of nerve cells, this makes them more sensitive to special substances - inhibition mediators, which ensures the restoration of the emotional state. Taking the drug does not affect muscle tone and cognitive functions of the human body, does not cause drowsiness.

What is the path of the drug in the body?
Getting into the body through the gastrointestinal tract, the drug "Afobazol" is quickly absorbed into the systemic circulation, starting its work. Without negatively affecting cellular structures, it is quickly excreted, the half-life of the drug is less than an hour. Due to good absorption in the systemic circulation, this substance easily penetrates into vascularized organs, that is, having a wide circulatory network of vessels and capillaries, quickly moving from blood plasma to nerve receptors. Instructions for use of Afobazole tablets stipulate that the active substance is engaged in a kind of "repair" of nerve cell receptors, activating their sensitivity to inhibitory mediators.
In the human body, fabomotizol passes through the liver twice. In the first circle, the substance partially undergoes metabolic decay, resulting in processeshydroxylation at the aromatic ring of the benzimidazole ring and oxidation at the morpholine fragment. The drug is excreted mainly with feces and urine in the form of metabolites and partially unchanged.
When is the drug prescribed?
Tells all the necessary information about the drug "Afobazol" instructions for use. Analogues of this drug must also have the necessary explanations from the manufacturer and belong to the same pharmacological group - anxiolytics. These drugs are used to suppress the severity of anxiety, fear, anxiety, emotional stress in psychiatric and psychological practices. The drug "Afobazol" does not belong to the preferred drugs of this group. But given that it is allowed to be dispensed from the pharmacy network without a specialist prescription, in many cases it is recommended for use for cupping:
- anxiety;
- depressive mood;
- nervous tension;
- nervousness;
- irritability;
- anxiety.
The manufacturer especially notes the importance of the drug for people with a labile psyche, suspicious and touchy, vulnerable and insecure. The drug "Afobazol" can help to cope with such manifestations of emotional distress as sweating, dry mouth, dizziness, insomnia and fear. It helps to normalize concentration and memory, reduce somatic problems in the form of respiratory, motor, muscle, cardiovascular, gastrointestinalintestinal, sensory disorders.

Are there any contraindications?
As with any other drug, all the necessary information that is important for the patient and for the specialist is contained in the instructions for use for Afobazol tablets. Contraindications are also described by the manufacturer in the insert for the drug:
- lactase deficiency;
- glucose-galactose malabsorption;
- galactose intolerance;
- sensitivity to the active ingredient or other substances that make up the tablets.
Due to insufficient knowledge of the actions of fabomotizole on the human body, in childhood, in particular, it is forbidden to take it to children under 18 years of age. For the same reason, and also due to good penetration into vascularized organs, the drug should not be taken by pregnant women. You should refrain from using Afobazol for young mothers who are breastfeeding.
How to take medicine correctly?
Recently, quite often, to help in stressful and anxious situations, people are recommended to use the medicine "Afobazole". Instructions for use clearly describe the treatment regimen: the drug is taken 1 tablet of 10 mg from 1 to 3 times a day. Therapy should be a course, since the first significant improvements in the patient's condition are observed after 5-8 days from the start of treatment. The duration of the course can be 3 months, but its durationmust be agreed with the doctor. The drug should be taken immediately after meals with plenty of water.

In case of overdose
Some people find that by taking more pills or by increasing the single dose of the drug, they can hasten the onset of the desired therapeutic effect. But that's not the case at all. Violation of the dosage of Afobazole treatment (more than 3 tablets of 10 mg per day) can lead to the following consequences:
- strong sedation;
- excessive sleepiness.
Unlike some other sedatives, with an overdose of "Afobazole" does not appear muscle weakness and impaired motor activity. If an overdose did occur accidentally or intentionally, it is recommended to inject the patient subcutaneously 20% solution of caffeine sodium benzoate in the amount of 1 ml per 1 injection 2-4 times a day. If necessary, the patient should be placed in a medical facility under the supervision of medical professionals.
Possible negative consequences
Both for the doctor and for the patient, it is important that the instructions for use be studied before starting the course of therapy with Afobazol. Side effects of the medication should be considered during treatment. Allergic reactions may appear as a negative effect of the drug, in extremely rare cases, patients noted the development of a headache that went away on its own or withhelp with painkillers.
As noted in the annotation to the tablets "Afobazol", the drug does not interact with ethyl alcohol and sodium thiopental (a substance used for ultrashort anesthesia). This anti-stress agent activates the anticonvulsant activity of carbamazepine, as well as the anxiolytic effect of diazepam.

How to buy and store medicine?
A feature of the drug "Afobazol" is that it belongs to the group of anxiolytics. But unlike similar drugs, which have as their active components mainly substances from the group of benzodiazepines that can cause addiction to the patient, fabomotizole does not cause addiction, although its action, declared by the manufacturer, is classified by the World He alth Organization in the classifier of drugs under the code N05BX04, that is, it belonging to the group of other anxiolytics officially confirmed.
Thanks to its active ingredient, the drug "Afobazol" can be purchased at pharmacies without a specialist prescription. Tablets should be stored in the package in which they were purchased, at a temperature not exceeding 250C, so that children cannot get them. The shelf life of this medicine is only 2 years from the date of manufacture. After its expiration, the tablets must be disposed of as household waste, they must not be taken!

What do patients say about the drug?
Allmedicinal products must have an annotation from the manufacturer. Informative instructions for the use of the drug "Afobazol". Contraindications, side effects, pill regimen - all this is described in the package insert of the medicine. Since the drug is in demand among over-the-counter sedatives, people leave a lot of reviews about it.
Those patients who used it in the treatment of anxiety, anxiety, almost always note that "side effects" occur extremely rarely, making this a big plus for this medicine. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say that this medicine has mostly only positive responses. Many of those who decide to cope with stress with the help of "Afobazole" consider it ineffective. Some do not like the fact that tablets do not have an instant effect, since the first results of drug therapy appear only on the 5-8th day after the start of its use. Among the positive aspects, those who helped the drug to cope with negative emotions and conditions note that the drug is quite economical - a pack of 60 tablets costs about 300-350 rubles.
Expert Opinion
All the information necessary for the patient tells about the anti-stress drug "Afobazol" instructions for use and reviews of doctors. Contraindications are considered the main point on which the drug is not suitable for many patients, many experts say so. In addition, it is effective only in mild forms of anxiety,nervousness, increased excitability. If the patient is suffering from major depression, these pills will not help him.
Are there any analogues?
Tells about the main active ingredient of the drug "Afobazol" instructions for use. Analogue tablets should contain fabomotizol as a working substance, but there are no such drugs in pharmacies, except for the specified drug. There are drugs that have a similar effect and are also sold without a doctor's prescription. These include Tenoten, NovoPassit, Persen. If a doctor prescribes tranquilizer drugs for use, in which any derivative of the diazepine series enters the active ingredient, then a prescription for strict accounting is required to purchase it. These are drugs such as Adaptol, Sibazon, Relanium and many others.

One of the modern non-prescription drugs that help people normalize their condition in a stressful situation, increased nervousness, are Afobazol tablets. Instructions for use indicate that they contain a substance such as fabomotizol. Unfortunately, no randomized controlled trials have been conducted for this drug, and therefore the evidence base for its effectiveness is insufficient to consider it fully effective for prescribing as a drug of first choice.