Instructions for use, reviews, price, analogues of "Panangin" - such information is of interest to a person whom the doctor recommended to take this medication. Potassium and magnesium aspartate, produced under the trade name "Panangin", is indicated for a wide range of pathological conditions, and is also actively used by athletes to keep the body in shape. Consider how this composition works, what are its features, what are the contraindications and indications.
"Panangin": solution
There are two forms of release on sale: a solution for infusion infusion and tablets for oral use. First, consider the features of the solution.
The instructions for the use of Panangin accompanying the drug indicate that each ampoule contains 103.3 mg of potassium ions in the form of potassium aspartate, as well as 33.7 mg of magnesium ions in the form of magnesium aspartate. In addition, purified water is included by the manufacturer.
The preparation should be transparent, colorless or have a greenish tint. With visually noticeable deviations from the norm, the product cannot be used.

Oral version
In the instructions for use of Panangin tablets, the manufacturer indicates the presence in each instance of potassium aspartate in the amount of 158 mg and magnesium aspartate - 140 mg. Additionally, auxiliary components were used to ensure the duration of storage and simplify the administration of the drug. The manufacturer used starch and talc, cellulose and povidone. A complete list of the auxiliary components used is given in the documentation accompanying the tablets. It is especially important to read it carefully if the patient has an allergic reaction or intolerance to any compound used in the pharmaceutical industry.
The release variant described is not the only one intended for oral administration. There is also Panangin Forte, which is distinguished by positive reviews from cardiologists, on sale. The instructions for use of the drug indicate that the number of active compounds in each dose is doubled relative to the standard version of Panangin. However, doctors note that this format of the product is not suitable for every patient, since it has a strong enough effect on the balance of electrolytes in the body, and therefore, the functioning of the cardiac system.
Does it work?
Why are cardiologists positive about the effect of the drug? In the instructions forWhen using Panangin, the manufacturer similarly explains why the remedy is effective and shows a pronounced effect when used correctly: along with the medicinal composition, potassium and magnesium ions enter the human body, that is, electrolytes that are indispensable for the life of the body and the work of many internal systems.
The effectiveness of the agent under consideration is also confirmed by the responses shared by those who took the pills, who completed the course of introducing a face solution. In reviews of Panangin, analogues (instructions for use indicate that the active components are magnesium, potassium aspartate), many mention that the remedy was prescribed as an element of maintenance therapy and helped to stabilize the work of the heart. Feedback on the effectiveness of the composition is also positive from the athletes who used Panangin under the supervision of a coach. But unauthorized use can cause side effects and unpleasant impressions, which is warned by both the reviews of cardiologists and the instructions for using Panangin (the price of the drug is from one hundred rubles per pack).

Why does this work?
Researchers have found that potassium ions are responsible for maintaining the potential of the membranes of neurons, myocytes, and some elements of the heart muscle. If the content of potassium inside the cell and outside it is balanced, the heart system works normally. If this balance is disturbed, the ability of the muscle to contract decreases, rhythm and heart rate malfunctions occur, and cardiac glycosides become moretoxic.
In the instructions for use of "Panangin" (tablets, solution), the manufacturer also indicates the importance of magnesium for the human body. This electrolyte is a cofactor for several hundred reactions involving enzymes. These include the reactions of metabolism, energy, the production of essential acids, protein structures. Magnesium is necessary for cardiac functioning, as it increases the contractility of the heart and stabilizes the rhythm of the process, reduces the need for cells in oxygen. A decrease in myocyte contractility leads to vasodilation, activation of coronary blood flow. Magnesium ions are an important tool in preventing ischemia of cardiac muscle tissues.
Efficiency nuances
The manufacturer tells about the reasons for the positive effect of the drug on a person (and, as a result, reviews) in the instructions for use of Panangin (tablets and solution), explaining the effectiveness of the combination of electrolytes. The simultaneous intake of both magnesium and potassium structures into the body with the drug is justified, which has been proven by many years of testing. It was found that the lack of magnesium in the predominant percentage of cases is accompanied by a lack of potassium, which means that it is necessary to correct the content of both electrolytes in organic tissues.
Instructions for use, reviews of cardiologists about "Panangin Forte" and "Panangin" mention that the simultaneous intake of electrolytes into the body allows you to achieve an additive effect. At the same time, the poisoning ability of cardiac glycosides decreases without suppressing their inotropic effect.

About the nuances
If the doctor prescribed the drug, before using it, you must carefully read the instructions for use. Reviews of "Panangin", the price of which is quite affordable (from 100 rubles), indicate that the remedy rarely provokes undesirable effects, however, it is important to comply with all established restrictions. Currently, there is no final and detailed information on the kinetics of compounds entering the patient's body when the drug is administered. This imposes certain restrictions, creates some risks. According to reviews, the instructions for using Panangin (the price of the drug is indicated earlier) are easy to follow, so you should take your he alth responsibly.
When will it help?
According to the reviews, in the instructions for the use of Panangin, the manufacturer gives a description of cases in which the medication is effective that is quite understandable for a person who does not have a special education. The manufacturer indicates that the remedy is intended to correct the lack of magnesium, potassium in the human body. It is taken for cardiac ischemia as an additional element of the therapeutic course. Shown "Panangin" in acute heart attack.
The instructions for use of "Panangin" indicate that the remedy helps with a chronic form of heart failure. You can take the composition for violations of the rhythm of the heartbeat. "Panangin" helps to correct various arrhythmic conditions, including those provoked by an excess of glycosideshearts.
Can it or not?
Before you start taking the drug, it is important to consult a doctor, find out the opinions of cardiologists about Panangin. Instructions for use, the cost of non-compliance with which is an increased likelihood of side effects, indicates that the remedy has certain contraindications. When prescribing a drug to a client, the doctor will definitely take into account all these nuances, but self-prescribing a remedy for oneself can lead to he alth problems.
Among the absolute contraindications is hypersensitivity to the components contained in the product. This applies not only to the main compounds, but also to auxiliary substances. Also, the instructions for use of "Panangin" indicate the impossibility of using tablets in chronic or acute form of kidney failure, atrioventricular blockade and Addison's disease, with cardiogenic shock. You can not take the medication with an excess content of potassium or magnesium in the body, while carrying a child and breastfeeding. "Panangin" is prohibited until the age of majority, since the effectiveness and safety of the drug in this group of patients have not been established. You can not use the composition for dehydration and insufficiency of the adrenal cortex.

You can, but carefully
There are a number of conditions in which the likelihood of side effects is increased, which is noted by both reviews and instructions for using "Panangin Forte" (the price of the remedy is from 300 rubles), "Panangin"(the price of the drug is from 100 rubles). These include first-degree atrioventricular block and significant impairment of renal function, acidosis, increased likelihood of edema.
In the presence of renal disorders, it is especially important to carefully use the remedy if it is not possible to regularly check the content of magnesium components in the blood plasma. There is a risk of a cumulative effect and reaching magnesium concentrations in which the electrolyte becomes toxic to humans. In the instructions for use of Panangin Forte, Panangin, the manufacturer indicates the need for careful use of the composition for cardiogenic shock, if the systolic pressure is less than 90 units, with diathesis, due to metabolic problems involving calcium, magnesium, ammonium phosphate. Also, patients with hypophosphatemia require special care.
Side effects
As follows from the instructions for the use of Panangin, the price of incorrect and incorrect use of the drug is an increased likelihood of a negative response of the body. Among other cases, the most common ailments associated with improper administration of the solution. If the procedure goes too fast, there is a risk of a sharp increase in the concentration of potassium in the body above normal values, with effects manifesting themselves in the form of increased fatigue, confusion and heart rhythm disturbances. There is a danger of myasthenia, paresthesia. Too rapid administration of the solution can cause cardiac arrest. Improper use of "Panangin" cancause heart block, arrhythmia, bradycardia.
Incorrect and incorrect use of "Panangin" can provoke an increased content of magnesium in the body. In the instructions for use of Panangin, the manufacturer indicates that such a condition indicates itself by vomiting and lethargy, a weakening of neuromuscular activity, and a decrease in pressure. There are cases of phlebitis, heart block, a paradoxical response of the body, in which the number of extrasystoles increases significantly.
A lot or a little?
Due to the instructions for use and the price of Panangin, which are understandable to the layman, due to which the remedy is available to the general population, the drug is very popular. Significant experience has been accumulated in its use by different groups of patients, while it was not possible to record cases of overdose. It is known that excessive use of the composition can cause symptoms of accumulation of potassium and magnesium in the body.
It is possible to suspect that "Panangin" was used in excessive quantities, if the patient gets tired quickly, the mind is confused, the work of the heart is disturbed. Overdose may indicate paresthesia, myasthenia gravis.

If the use of "Panangin" provoked an excess of magnesium in the body, nervous and muscular excitability is inhibited, the patient vomits, pressure decreases, lethargy is possible. With a sharp increase in the concentration of magnesium ions in the circulatory system, there is a risk of paralysis of the respiratory system, inhibition of tendon reflexes andcoma.
What to do?
The manufacturer in the instructions indicates the need to urgently stop using the drug if the above symptoms of excess magnesium, potassium appear. Under the supervision of a doctor, a course of symptomatic therapy is necessary. As a rule, calcium chloride is injected into a vein - 100 g per minute. If the condition is severe enough, blood dialysis is indicated.
Is it possible to replace something: analogues of "Panangin"
The instructions for use indicate that the main components of the drug are magnesium and potassium aspartates. Medicines are based on the same compounds:
- Asparkam.
- Asparkam L.

On sale is "Potassium and Magnesium Aspartate". It is important not only to study the instructions for use for "Panangin" and analogues, choosing an alternative to the composition prescribed by the doctor, but also to consult with a specialist. Unauthorized replacement of the drug can cause a negative response of the body or insufficiently high effectiveness of the course.
How to use correctly?
According to the instructions, "Panangin" in the form of a solution can be used strictly for injection into a vein. One or two ampoules (no more) are diluted in 50-100 ml of a 5% glucose solution. The procedure for introducing into a vein - drops, at a speed of no more than 20 per minute. If it becomes necessary to repeat the event, you can use Panangin again after an average of five hours (deviation up and down - an hour).
Accompanying pills"Panangin" instructions for use by the method of application indicate the following: the drug must be taken orally after a meal, two capsules at a time. The frequency of use is three times daily. As a preventive measure and to maintain the patient's condition, Panangin is used one tablet three times a day. The duration of the course is four weeks. May be repeated if the patient's condition requires it.
Mutual influence
Tests have shown that "Panangin" is able to activate the bathmotropic, dromotropic effect of drugs intended to combat arrhythmia. If hypokalemia occurs during the use of glucocorticoids, the described drug helps to correct the patient's condition. Since the drug contains magnesium, when it enters the body simultaneously with neomycin, tetracycline, streptomycin drugs and polymyxin B, their effectiveness is reduced. The likelihood of an increased content of potassium in the body is growing against the background of a combination of the agent in question and diuretics with the effect of maintaining potassium, ACE inhibitors and heparin, cyclosporine.
When using "Panangin" and anesthetics at the same time, you need to remember to increase the inhibitory effect of magnesium on the central nervous system. There is a risk of nervous, muscular blockade due to muscle relaxants. If the patient is forced to use calcitriol and Panangin, it is necessary to control the magnesium content in the blood, since the concentration of this electrolyte can rise significantly above the norm. Under the influence of calcium preparations, the effectiveness of magnesium is reduced.
Manufacturer inaccompanying documentation for the drug in any form of release indicates that Panangin in clinical trials has shown compatibility with cardiac glycosides in the form of solutions. This combination therapy reduces the risk of side effects and improves glycoside tolerance.

Important nuances
When using "Panangin", it should be remembered that too rapid injection of the solution into a vein can cause reddening of the skin.
If a patient has pathological conditions in which the potassium content in the blood is increased, Panangin is used as carefully as possible, regularly checking the blood plasma for electrolyte concentration.