"Alka-Prim": reviews with a hangover

"Alka-Prim": reviews with a hangover
"Alka-Prim": reviews with a hangover

Sometimes the consequences of a festive feast do not allow you to go to work in the morning or just enjoy the day off. Therefore, it is necessary to use a miracle pill that will relieve the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Among these medicines, Alka-Prim is very popular. Patient reviews, however, are rather contradictory. There are both positive and negative. However, according to experts, it is difficult to create a remedy that would suit all lovers of alcoholic beverages and improve their condition after drinking. In any case, the state of he alth is different for everyone, and some drugs may not be suitable or not accepted by the body at all.

The active composition of the drug

The Alka-Prim medicine has a fairly effective and harmless composition. Reviews of people taking it confirm the beneficial effects of tablets in severe alcohol intoxication. The pills are made on the basis of acetylsalicylicacid, which is the main active ingredient. Also added additional substances:

  • baking soda;
  • glycine;
  • citric acid.

Ingredients are considered effective and are often used in folk medicine to get rid of hangover headaches.

Image "Alka-Prim": how to take
Image "Alka-Prim": how to take

"Alka-Prim" with a hangover: how to take

"Alka-Prim" is an effervescent tablet that should be dissolved in a glass of water before taking. Thanks to the presence of citric acid and soda in the drink, the drink has a soda effect, which contributes to a faster flow of active ingredients into the bloodstream.

In the morning, after a fun evening with alcoholic drinks, it is recommended to take Alka-Prim. Reviews, however, indicate that the medicine will work effectively if you drink it no earlier than 12 hours after taking alcohol. Otherwise, the drug can only increase the effect of ethanol on a weakened body.

Usually, to relieve headaches, nausea and general intoxication, it is recommended to take one or two pills per 150 ml of water. The dosage depends entirely on the intensity of the symptoms. As the reviews show, the result becomes noticeable in just half an hour, but it is not recommended to eat at the same time, because the onset of the drug slows down.

Image "Alka-Prim": description
Image "Alka-Prim": description

How the medicine works

Contains citric acid and Alka-Prim soda. Hangover Testimonialsconfirm that this combination is quite effective and helps to get rid of poor he alth in a short time. In this case, aspirin acts as an anesthetic, so the headache decreases and gradually disappears completely. Glycine is necessary to keep the nervous system in perfect order.

Best effect

Patients note that the positive effect usually occurs after 30 minutes. "Alka-Prim", reviews of this confirmation, is able to act for about six hours, but as clinical studies have shown, it is completely eliminated from the body only after three days. At this time, it is strongly not recommended to drink any alcoholic beverages due to the fact that aspirin has a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which, coupled with ethanol, increases side effects.

Some are concerned about the question of how to take Alka-Prim after a long binge. It is worth noting that the drug is not recommended for long-term use. If the condition is severe, then the tablets are allowed to be drunk, observing an interval of three to four hours, but the daily volume should not exceed four grams. As a result of such therapy, the body is cleansed and the condition improves.

The presence of acetylsalicylic acid in the preparation makes it a powerful analgesic. Judging by the reviews of patients, acute headache is quickly stopped. In addition, the substance relieves inflammation and fever in the body.

Image "Alka-Prim" with a hangover
Image "Alka-Prim" with a hangover


Penetrates into all tissues andorgans of the body "Alka-Prim". Instructions and reviews of doctors show that the use of the drug during childbearing is allowed only when prescribed by a doctor. This is due to the fact that aspirin, by thinning the blood, can cause heavy bleeding and miscarriage. In addition, it is undesirable to drink this medicine while breastfeeding a baby.

The presence of acetylsalicylic acid imposes its own reception characteristics. If the patient has a blood clotting disorder, then the drug must be used with caution.

But the included glycine is able to improve brain function and eliminate the toxic effect of ethanol on the vascular system. Therefore, the drug relieves heartburn, normalizes acidity in the stomach and prevents the harmful effects of aspirin. However, in case of chronic diseases of the stomach or intestines, consultation with a specialist is required.

Image"Alka-Prim": instruction
Image"Alka-Prim": instruction

Possible side effects

Often, aspirin, baking soda, and citric acid are used alone to relieve hangover symptoms. But the therapeutic effect of the combined agent is much higher. In this regard, side effects are also possible:

  • Sometimes patients report nausea, vomiting, stool disturbance and flatulence.
  • With prolonged use of tablets and regular overdose, stomach bleeding, exacerbation of gastritis and ulceration are possible.
  • If you use the medicine in large doses for a long time, then the liver is disrupted. Perhaps herincrease or development of an acute inflammatory process.
  • When taking aspirin, blood thinning occurs, which must be taken into account during the menstrual cycle and problems with hematopoiesis.
  • Some patients in their reviews indicate a severe allergic reaction, manifested by skin rashes.

Due to the fact that the product is a medical product, it is advisable not to use it for a long time or coordinate therapy with a doctor.

Contraindications for taking

According to the instructions, "Alka-Prim" has multiple contraindications. It is necessary to carefully study the annotation before taking. Contraindications include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • Children under 12;
  • bleeding disorder;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • gastric ulcer in the acute stage;
  • last trimester of pregnancy;
  • individual sensitivity to NSAIDs.

Of course, during pregnancy and lactation you should not abuse alcohol. However, if necessary, it is possible to drink an Alka-Prim hangover pill, but only after coordinating your actions with a gynecologist.

"Alka-Prim" with a hangover: reviews of doctors and patients

The medicine has a wide variety of reviews. Experts warn that the drug is quite strong, so it is recommended to adhere to the dosage indicated in the instructions. If occasionallyuse pills to alleviate the condition after drinking alcohol, then nothing terrible will happen. According to doctors, the composition is quite effective and harmless. But care must be taken and contraindications taken into account.

Patients are also satisfied with the drug. It eliminates headaches, quickly copes with intoxication of the body and helps to find normal he alth. However, some notice that nausea only intensifies while taking it, a rash appears on the skin and pain in the stomach. This means that a particular remedy is not suitable for this patient and it is worth choosing a radically different one. But before you look for hangover pills, you need to think about the advisability of excessive drinking. Perhaps with moderate consumption of them, you will not need to take miracle pills in the morning.
